Topic: question
JDR1976's photo
Wed 09/24/08 05:49 PM
My little 16 year old cousin told me last month that she had sex over her sister house while baby sitting her kids. And when she told me this I told her that I was going to tell and what was she thinking about when she took that boy in her sister room? I went on sayin u liein u did not. And she swron to God that she did and begged me not to tell and I lied to her I wont. But I told I told her sister anyway. Did I do the right thing?

mcattygarnett's photo
Wed 09/24/08 05:53 PM
Yes and no, because now she is not going to trust your word anymore, you should have just told her that you were going to tell the truth and get her on something so that she doesnt get pregnant, I do hope that she used some kind of protection. You did ask that didnt you? I know that you were probably in shock, but she is not old enough to raise a child.

JDR1976's photo
Wed 09/24/08 06:02 PM
Yeah I asked her.

mcattygarnett's photo
Wed 09/24/08 06:09 PM
I know that this is a tough time for all of you, but take the time to make sure that yalls relationship will still be the same as it has always been, and let her know that you did what you thought was best and not trying to get her into trouble.

buttons's photo
Wed 09/24/08 06:33 PM
there must be a reason she told you that? did you find the time to realize why? no its not right to do that....