Topic: Dear God
iceprincess's photo
Wed 09/24/08 08:14 AM
How I want to hate you
How I want to scream my frustration
You left me with nothing
Bleeding, Broken,Bruised
My world is shattered, lying at my feet
I try to pick up the pieces
Watching as the shards slip through my fingers
Slicing my palms to ribbons
Blood runs freely
My hands now a mirror image of my soul

no photo
Wed 09/24/08 11:37 AM
hang in thereflowerforyou flowerforyou

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 09/24/08 11:40 AM
No matter how bad things get remember you can get through it. Never give up on your dreams withinflowers

iceprincess's photo
Wed 09/24/08 11:42 AM
Thanks' ive gotten through it and decided to share they byproducts' so to speak of my journey.

no photo
Wed 09/24/08 09:32 PM

How I want to hate you
How I want to scream my frustration
You left me with nothing
Bleeding, Broken,Bruised
My world is shattered, lying at my feet
I try to pick up the pieces
Watching as the shards slip through my fingers
Slicing my palms to ribbons
Blood runs freely
My hands now a mirror image of my soul
:wink: Be careful hee, YOU said GOD!

THIS may GET MOVED!:angry: :angry:
Long story,lol.

Nice poem and it NEEDS TO STAY HERE!:wink: :heart: