Topic: Senseless burning questions......... | |
Why is it called a New Moon, when you can't see any moon?
Where is the beginning of a circle?
Which way is up?
Who thought of men rating women, or women rating men, on a scale of only 1 to 10?
why are there soooooooo many people that do not know how to drive....yet, are still driving????
Why are stupid people allowed to breed???
Why are stupid people allowed to breed??? Because they ain`t fixed. Sorry, couldn`t resist. Why are their kids ugly too? |
Why is BRA singular, and panties plural....?
Why is BRA singular, and panties plural....? I`m gonna get in trouble on this one. A bra is seperate. Panties come usually in packs. But at times, they are both hard to get off. That is the nicest answer I can give ya. Why do hot dog buns come in 8 packs and most hot dogs are in a 10 pack? Another of lifes mysteries. |
Why is being a girl so hard...........
Tanzkity, why are you so sexy?
Is stupidity contagious?
Tanzkity, why are you so sexy? Because of you baby thats why.......... |
Cuz you are Mark
How come people don't argue or get in fights over things they agree about?
Are you hot?
Tanzkity, why are you so sexy? Because of you baby thats why.......... Are you hot? You are SMOKIN my dear. |
Are you anal?
Wanna try anal?