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Topic: Question about friendships
thumper95's photo
Tue 09/23/08 06:29 PM
i found out the hard way, but its all good. i dont let anyone as close to me as he got, but i keep on.

120557's photo
Tue 09/23/08 06:29 PM
Learned as a kid that best friends will screw you just as quick as a non-friend. Just kept them as a good aquaintance and no more than that.:pitchfork

ShagnaC's photo
Tue 09/23/08 06:30 PM
Wow thumper that must be rough, I myself just feel betrayed, I gave my all and that still was not good enough. When I wanted to talk to her about it she didnt want to, so I walked away.

thumper95's photo
Tue 09/23/08 06:43 PM
you got to do what you feel is right. i havent spoke more than 5 words to him in 3 years. and if i have my way i wont either. period. hes a backstabbing bastard. im the way i have always been. just a daddy

Troublemaker7's photo
Tue 09/23/08 06:47 PM
My best friend for years and years betrayed my confidence in a huge way. It ended up making my life very difficult for almost a year, and I could never trust her again. We were like sisters before that, but sometimes you have to walk away from people that are not good for you.

zanne46's photo
Tue 09/23/08 06:53 PM
yes I have....and it was the best thing I ever did...

Just did it again..and ex that me and my sons lived with for 6 yrs.....then....

we left within a short period...

2 years ago....I excepted his appology..and talked with him and let him see my sons..

He was just at my Marine sons wedding and time home before his deployment tonight..

I thought something was weird on the wedding day...

this guys young girlfriend told me he was busted in a prostitute sting.....

My son stood against the wall...my step daughter was near...

I told him to leave my sons wedding...and told him to stay away from us forever...then gave him the 2 F*U fingers....

we don't need ppl like this in our lives....noway ohwell :banana:

michiganman3's photo
Tue 09/23/08 06:55 PM
Edited by michiganman3 on Tue 09/23/08 06:59 PM
My best friend of 10 yrs. Had a history of mental illness along with alcohol and drug abuse. That part is cool cuz I met him in recovery. He was a neighbor at one time. My daughters knew him as Neighbor Steve. He got married in my living room. Closest male firend I think I ever had. Started getting in over his head with gambling, started stealing his parents oxycontin. Smoking a little dope, an occasional drink. Then the mental illness kicked back in. He thought he was dieing.
He disintergrated before my eyes.
He stopped making sense about things he spoke about. Lost his car, apt, I don't know what happened to him. Just kinda gone.

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