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Topic: Is it Me ?
SportsNut2007's photo
Tue 09/23/08 12:11 PM
Or is Sarah Palin Hott ?

no photo
Tue 09/23/08 12:13 PM
Just you.

no photo
Tue 09/23/08 12:13 PM
It's youtongue2

no photo
Tue 09/23/08 12:15 PM
yeah you, you must like the extreme whackados. :tongue:

no photo
Tue 09/23/08 12:17 PM
No, I'm not a lesbian, but she does have a certain "je ne sais quo"!! laugh laugh laugh

Winx's photo
Tue 09/23/08 12:23 PM
Edited by Winx on Tue 09/23/08 12:24 PM
She's cute but so are alot of other ladies. And many are on here.:wink:

michiganman3's photo
Tue 09/23/08 12:26 PM
She's got the MILF thing going on. Looks best with her hair down. I hope she keeps the glasses.

michiganman3's photo
Tue 09/23/08 12:26 PM

She's cute but so are alot of other ladies. And many are on here.:wink:

Yes they are!

SkaryKoolAide's photo
Tue 09/23/08 12:27 PM
she is hot

Winx's photo
Tue 09/23/08 12:27 PM

She's cute but so are alot of other ladies. And many are on here.:wink:

Yes they are!
blushing laugh flowers

no photo
Tue 09/23/08 12:28 PM
Helmut says there's no question that she's hot (I regard him as being something of an authority on this matter) and that he would ravish her in a heartbeat--but he would be even happier if it was a threesome between him, Ms. Palin, and Ms. Cindy McCain. xoxo

crm1068's photo
Tue 09/23/08 12:36 PM
She's a hottie

Cinderella75's photo
Tue 09/23/08 12:37 PM
I think she is hot, and i am she must be hot.

Jtevans's photo
Tue 09/23/08 12:39 PM
she's a VPILF!

SportsNut2007's photo
Tue 09/23/08 12:40 PM
She's not some...Latte slurping...toe painting...take me to a $300.00 a plate restaurant type...she can kill it and cook it.

She's every guys dream.

Winx's photo
Tue 09/23/08 12:45 PM

She's not some...Latte slurping...toe painting...take me to a $300.00 a plate restaurant type...she can kill it and cook it.

She's every guys dream.

Does that make you want to vote for her?

michiganman3's photo
Tue 09/23/08 12:49 PM
Not me.

I think McCain goofed, looks like he just pulled some woman's name out of a hat.

"OK, my choice for VP is......................HUH?
Sarah who?? Oh yeah Govn. of Alaska"

SportsNut2007's photo
Tue 09/23/08 12:50 PM

She's not some...Latte slurping...toe painting...take me to a $300.00 a plate restaurant type...she can kill it and cook it.

She's every guys dream.

Does that make you want to vote for her?

Yes....Because she's a Real fact of all the other's....( McCain, Obama, and Biden...she is the only one that's not full of...Sh.t...and you know it !

no photo
Tue 09/23/08 12:56 PM
she's generically pretty, how's that?

Krimsa's photo
Tue 09/23/08 12:56 PM

Or is Sarah Palin Hott ?

I would say she is attractive from a purely physical standpoint. There are also many more appealing liberal, left wing females that's for certain. Shes like an anomaly as far as the conservatives go.Shudder.

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