Topic: weapons of NERVE GAS | |
Do you think Saddam Husayn NERVE GAS
Yes. A dear IRL gfriend of mines son has proudly served 3 tours with the
101st airborne. I was not at all surprised to hear they found canisters, tanks, etc. with anthrax along the side of the roads. Yes I DO. Hussein was a mad man and i am not real sorry he got his karma. It was a real MOTHA F***ER!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
ill smoke that ****
yes i beleive he did . anyone that will kill his own people dont really
care about anything but staying in power. |
At one time Saddam had nerve gas because he used it to kill hundreds if
not thousands of his own people. There is no record of the destruction of his remaining stocks of WMD and this troubles me. If they were destroyed why were no records made of the destruction. If they were not destroyed where did they go? To say that we took a look around Iraq and didn't find them so they never existed does not leave me warm and comfortable and our failure to irrefutably document their destruction may come back to haunt us. |
I don't know if anyone else remembers this but on "The Daily Show"
(comedy central) they had an Iraqi General (AF I think) and when Jon Stewart asked him about the WMDs and why we didn't find them he looked at Mr. Stewart and said "The day before the invasion they were being trucked to Syria, that's why you didn't find them." I'm paraphrasing of course but that was the gist of it. So yes Gardenforge, I agree with you that just because they aren't accounted for doesn't mean they didn't exist, it just means we don't know where they are. ![]() |
You always hit it on the head. |
I put this question up because so many people on here say that Bush lied
about weapons of mass destruction. I think that they thought W.M.D. means he had a nuclear device. Bush never said he had a nuclear device. So before you cry that Buch lied about W.M.D. check out then go to W.M.D. and read about it. |
HERE, HERE Myst. Man,
And they HAVE found WMD. just the kind you're describing. Good man. |
Twisted history!
If he had them he got them from us. We supplied him with the Mustard gas he used that killed the kurds. That everyone talks about. History and the Kurds say they have never been his people. When it happened I was serving and I read reports that the Iranians were attacking North of Bagdad and The Iraqi's used the mustard gas with no training on how to properly use it. The wind was blowing in a direction that carried it over nearby villages, resulting in the deaths you hear about now. We supplied it to them, and have the largest supply of nerve gas in the world. We had plans during the cold war to use them against the Russians in Europe as well as tactical Nukes that can be fired from Artillery, Howitzers. and used to practice to rush thousands of troops through the hole we blew in their lines. I am a trained NBC NCO, and we would do predictions on how long soldiers, ours, could stay and fight in this nuclear contaminated enviornment before suffering irreversible damage. I have no doubt that we would have used them and anything else at our disposal had the russians attacked, and never once did I hear concern for civilian casualties. We are not the saints people think we are. Thank God and Ronald Reagan, we never had to find out. If the Iraqi's had WMD, why didnt they use them on us? Do you think that Saddam Hussein fiqured we would let him live, because he didnt? I think one of the reasons, and I said think, we killed him was so he could not tell the world about our guilt in the gas attacks that were meant for the Iranians. At that time he was our ally, and we poured millions of dollars worth of weapons and military aid to him, knowing he was a crazy madman. Why dont you think we would lie? Thats my question. |
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. That simple phrase explains why
we did what we di. The Kuwaitis helped to finance Hussein's war with Iran too, he rewarded them by invading them. My point is is that all goverments do things that look good now, or help us now with little regard as to what it will mean in the future. Also all goverments will do things that are distasteful (bordering on villanous) for the sake of protecting it's interests (which I might add as citizens we can be counted among). |
well lets see. the question was do you think saddam hussen has nerve
gas for me yes i do. but that being said. the reason why we went to war. four years ago was because of has been four years nothing has been found.we can say dont talk about the past. then keep going back to same question. no matter how many county said he had wmd. or how many report that he had wmd. they still have not been found. and the last i checked that was why we went to war. we can say he had wmd. but in the end thats why we went to war. |
And derf, you are saying that we are hypocrits, so what makes you follow
bush like a sheep? They say here fool me once shame on you, fool me twice then Im a dumbass! |
And we are the kettle calling the pot black!
Dont go away because you cant answer with bush rhetoric.
I believe the womd was shipped over to the North Koreans as they
declared war on America about the same time saddam was "chucking up". BRAVO Fanta!!! thank gawd for ronny raygun!!! ![]() |
With my daughter serving over there, I can only hope that if the wmd
were there, they are gone now. Reguardless, of what Bush said at the time, no matter if they were there or not, He is gone, and now the threat of his followers needs to be gone. We have lost so many American's that we must contiune so all of this has not been invain. |
i agree we need to stay.but always goes back to same point. did we not
go there for wmd. |
The North Koreans, I dont buy it. I guess anything is possible, but I
think that is fishing in a barrel. Something else, how can so many ppl have relatives in Iraq, when there is less than 1/2 of 1% of all Americans serving in the military. That is the lowest in the history of this country! They wont start the draft, because all these patriotic sheep would suddenly turn into protesters like they did during Nam. They wont attack N korea, because they will fight back, and evidently the same goes for Iran. Bush attacked Iraq, which is the equivalant to me beating up a retarded boy. He did it so his resume would say something that looked important. Fact is they couldnt fly anything and their military was ineffective after 93. Even his father when asked why didnt you go into Bagdad when the US forces were within 50 miles said it would be an occupation that we could never get out of. Why his son decided his father was wrong still baffles me. |
We may have gone for WMD's. But in my mind that point is mute and became
so with the death of the first American. The way I look at it Saddam should have been gone in 1990. If we had finshed him them, I would not have had to send my child ( she was 3 back then) to finsih a war that her father was sent to. This was a mad man, and he needed to go. I say no matter what the reason was let's just get it over with and bring home our troups. |