Topic: Capitalist Terrorism
no photo
Sun 09/21/08 08:03 PM
so did Castro

wouldee's photo
Sun 09/21/08 08:28 PM

Bin Laden worked for the CIA.

and the shah of Iran

and sadaam

they fought asgainst the enemies of this nation til they turned, except for the shah.
carter turned on him.

shall we let them all turn?


keep drinking that KOOL AID.

drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks

warmachine's photo
Sun 09/21/08 10:17 PM

But you ended with "They fund the DNC." They fund both sides of the aisle, the globalists have been providing false choices for decades while using their interests in corporate america and the media to block any real choices that might present themselves.

They create the problem, wait for the sheep to bleat in reaction and then they present the false solution.

We have got to get past this false left/right crap and start standing together or we are done.

The whole purpose of the left/right crap is to keep us divided & distracted while they enslave us.
I am taking a second look at Ron Paul, he's the only voice of reason in this mess.

The funny thing about Dr.Paul is I was listening to what he had to say about a full year before he ran for president, because he appeared in a movie called "Freedom to Fascism" (Haven't seen it? Go to Google Video!)

Since then I've heard him spank Bernake for creating exactly whats happening now, produce a speech on the floor of congress called NeoConned and have been listening to his platform, which is where I discovered the Just War policy and Noninterventionism.
The Dr. is the one person in the presidential race who does what he says he's going to do and his record reflects it. He's the only candidate to return portion of his congressional budget and does not take part in the elitist Congressional pension/retirement plan.

Ron Paul is the sh!T!

If you really want to take a look at him, start here.

warmachine's photo
Sun 09/21/08 10:18 PM
Of Course Bin Laden works for the CIA, they gotta have their boogeyman.

Shoot, he's probably dead, the last 4 or 5 videos don't even look like him and experts think the videos are faked.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Sun 09/21/08 11:28 PM

But you ended with "They fund the DNC." They fund both sides of the aisle, the globalists have been providing false choices for decades while using their interests in corporate america and the media to block any real choices that might present themselves.

They create the problem, wait for the sheep to bleat in reaction and then they present the false solution.

We have got to get past this false left/right crap and start standing together or we are done.

The whole purpose of the left/right crap is to keep us divided & distracted while they enslave us.
I am taking a second look at Ron Paul, he's the only voice of reason in this mess.

The funny thing about Dr.Paul is I was listening to what he had to say about a full year before he ran for president, because he appeared in a movie called "Freedom to Fascism" (Haven't seen it? Go to Google Video!)

Since then I've heard him spank Bernake for creating exactly whats happening now, produce a speech on the floor of congress called NeoConned and have been listening to his platform, which is where I discovered the Just War policy and Noninterventionism.
The Dr. is the one person in the presidential race who does what he says he's going to do and his record reflects it. He's the only candidate to return portion of his congressional budget and does not take part in the elitist Congressional pension/retirement plan.

Ron Paul is the sh!T!

If you really want to take a look at him, start here.

I hadn't even heard of him until the start of the presidential nominations. His debating skills are uncanny. Instead of trying to hypnotize people with words he actually uses facts, explains how things work, and what steps would help the situation. He's even been known to cite some of his sources (informally). On top of that he is the only one i had ever heard of that suggested quite specifically that the government has been stepping our of bounds, needs to shrink, and do the job originally intended for them. You won't ever hear McCain or Obama preach anything of that sort.

to Ron Pauldrinker drinker drinker drinker

warmachine's photo
Sun 09/21/08 11:43 PM
Oh yea! He just knows his stuff and shares it with anyone. Those who'd rather he shut up be damned.

McCain-Keating 5
Ron Paul- Dr.No, never taking lobbyist money, never taken one of those junkets and raised all his money by small donations without ANY special interest money.

Shouldn't have been a contest at all, except the Republic has been overthrown. We have an illusion in place where the Republic and the Constitution used to be.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Sun 09/21/08 11:52 PM

Oh yea! He just knows his stuff and shares it with anyone. Those who'd rather he shut up be damned.

McCain-Keating 5
Ron Paul- Dr.No, never taking lobbyist money, never taken one of those junkets and raised all his money by small donations without ANY special interest money.

Shouldn't have been a contest at all, except the Republic has been overthrown. We have an illusion in place where the Republic and the Constitution used to be.

I would love to stick him in the debates this fall. I loved watching him in the republican debates last year. He made everyone there look like retards. You and i know he would very easily do the same to the dems. Kinda hard to debate against someone that uses FACTS about the REAL problems that cause these other "problems" that every other politician tries to fix with more bureaucracy.

warmachine's photo
Mon 09/22/08 12:45 AM

Oh yea! He just knows his stuff and shares it with anyone. Those who'd rather he shut up be damned.

McCain-Keating 5
Ron Paul- Dr.No, never taking lobbyist money, never taken one of those junkets and raised all his money by small donations without ANY special interest money.

Shouldn't have been a contest at all, except the Republic has been overthrown. We have an illusion in place where the Republic and the Constitution used to be.

I would love to stick him in the debates this fall. I loved watching him in the republican debates last year. He made everyone there look like retards. You and i know he would very easily do the same to the dems. Kinda hard to debate against someone that uses FACTS about the REAL problems that cause these other "problems" that every other politician tries to fix with more bureaucracy.

I'm with you there. Here's a funny idea, since he has all this money from the campaign and is starting his own political front, wouldn't it be a interesting idea for Dr.Paul to fund and moderate a debate? Let him do 2, one for McBama and the other for the fishy people.

wouldee's photo
Mon 09/22/08 01:02 AM
Edited by wouldee on Mon 09/22/08 01:05 AM
you are dreaming.

he will siphon off votes from Mc Cain if anything and nobama gets the keys by default.

Ron Paul is not being smart about it in his encouragement of the free thinking voter.

Either he ,or another, must plan ahead, hold the attention of the media, lobby for housecleaning, teach and educate the ordinary citizen and encourage patriotism to grow before entering national elections which may do more harm than good.

Mc cain's family and connections knows the game.

Barack is blinded by ambition and is amm

malleable in handler's hands that feed his voracious ego.

It is time to be pragmatic, not idealistic.

It is time to be realistic, not hopeful.

It is time for cynicism.

jaded cynicism.

think slaphead

t22learner's photo
Mon 09/22/08 03:29 AM

he will siphon off votes from Mc Cain if anything and nobama gets the keys by default.

Thank you, Dr. Paul.

no photo
Mon 09/22/08 05:31 AM

he will siphon off votes from Mc Cain if anything and nobama gets the keys by default.

Thank you, Dr. Paul.

That's one more reason to vote for him!

warmachine's photo
Mon 09/22/08 08:13 AM

you are dreaming.

he will siphon off votes from Mc Cain if anything and nobama gets the keys by default.

Ron Paul is not being smart about it in his encouragement of the free thinking voter.

Either he ,or another, must plan ahead, hold the attention of the media, lobby for housecleaning, teach and educate the ordinary citizen and encourage patriotism to grow before entering national elections which may do more harm than good.

Mc cain's family and connections knows the game.

Barack is blinded by ambition and is amm

malleable in handler's hands that feed his voracious ego.

It is time to be pragmatic, not idealistic.

It is time to be realistic, not hopeful.

It is time for cynicism.

jaded cynicism.

think slaphead

You're not correct, well not totally. Dr.Paul is going to "siphon" votes from both sides. Real Conservatives are going to vote for Dr.Paul because he walks the talk. However, unlike McCain who's only young people in his campaign are all from Palins womb, Dr.Paul registered more young voters in the GOP primary than all the other Rep. candidates combined. By default Dr.Paul will "siphon" young voters from Obama, which makes up a good portion of his "base".
By making a statement that Dr.Paul will just be taking votes from McCain is ludicrous and it tells me that you did what the rest of the probush crowd did, you ignored the kindly uncle who was warning you that you're headed for trouble.

Well, you might not want to keep ignoring him, Candidate or not, he's still trying to warn people.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Mon 09/22/08 08:14 AM

you are dreaming.

he will siphon off votes from Mc Cain if anything and nobama gets the keys by default.

Ron Paul is not being smart about it in his encouragement of the free thinking voter.

Either he ,or another, must plan ahead, hold the attention of the media, lobby for housecleaning, teach and educate the ordinary citizen and encourage patriotism to grow before entering national elections which may do more harm than good.

Mc cain's family and connections knows the game.

Barack is blinded by ambition and is amm

malleable in handler's hands that feed his voracious ego.

It is time to be pragmatic, not idealistic.

It is time to be realistic, not hopeful.

It is time for cynicism.

jaded cynicism.

think slaphead

Why not encourage free thinking? Isn't that what we are founded on? He is not trying to manipulate people and you think that is bad? He is just trying to expose the truth.

He is not a supporter of Obama at all. He is exposing him more than he is McCain. Those that used to follow Ron Paul only go to Obama because they aren't listening to what he is saying. In fact there are several speeches that are directed towards Obama questioning his whole campaign slogan of "change", then he explains how similar Obama's views are to McCain, and how he is using cliches to motivate people to vote for him.

You missed his whole speech at the National Press Convention didn't you...? He exposed the comittee that makes sure that your repub and your dem candidates are not much different. This is how the powers that be will stay in power. Obama is apart of this too my friend. He plays for the same team McCain plays for.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Mon 09/22/08 08:16 AM

you are dreaming.

he will siphon off votes from Mc Cain if anything and nobama gets the keys by default.

Ron Paul is not being smart about it in his encouragement of the free thinking voter.

Either he ,or another, must plan ahead, hold the attention of the media, lobby for housecleaning, teach and educate the ordinary citizen and encourage patriotism to grow before entering national elections which may do more harm than good.

Mc cain's family and connections knows the game.

Barack is blinded by ambition and is amm

malleable in handler's hands that feed his voracious ego.

It is time to be pragmatic, not idealistic.

It is time to be realistic, not hopeful.

It is time for cynicism.

jaded cynicism.

think slaphead

You're not correct, well not totally. Dr.Paul is going to "siphon" votes from both sides. Real Conservatives are going to vote for Dr.Paul because he walks the talk. However, unlike McCain who's only young people in his campaign are all from Palins womb, Dr.Paul registered more young voters in the GOP primary than all the other Rep. candidates combined. By default Dr.Paul will "siphon" young voters from Obama, which makes up a good portion of his "base".
By making a statement that Dr.Paul will just be taking votes from McCain is ludicrous and it tells me that you did what the rest of the probush crowd did, you ignored the kindly uncle who was warning you that you're headed for trouble.

Well, you might not want to keep ignoring him, Candidate or not, he's still trying to warn people.

think think think

warmachine's photo
Mon 09/22/08 08:21 AM

Why not encourage free thinking? Isn't that what we are founded on? He is not trying to manipulate people and you think that is bad? He is just trying to expose the truth.

He is not a supporter of Obama at all. He is exposing him more than he is McCain. Those that used to follow Ron Paul only go to Obama because they aren't listening to what he is saying. In fact there are several speeches that are directed towards Obama questioning his whole campaign slogan of "change", then he explains how similar Obama's views are to McCain, and how he is using cliches to motivate people to vote for him.

You missed his whole speech at the National Press Convention didn't you...? He exposed the comittee that makes sure that your repub and your dem candidates are not much different. This is how the powers that be will stay in power. Obama is apart of this too my friend. He plays for the same team McCain plays for.

I couldn't have put it any better.

warmachine's photo
Mon 09/22/08 10:02 AM
I just thought of this and it fits this thread.

We ARE the victims of financial terrorism and guess what?

It's an inside job.

t22learner's photo
Tue 09/23/08 03:27 AM
As stated in the OP, "Of course, the terrorists control the weapons, so any delay in the Bush administration’s “clean and quick” plan will be met by frantic Wall Street selling tomorrow and a ratcheting up of fear, another post-9/11 tactic that swayed public opinion toward war."

Dow down 372.75 yesterday as both conservative Republicans and Democrats question the plan...

Will they up the fear ante today?

wouldee's photo
Tue 09/23/08 08:43 AM

market up, oil down.

dollar up against the yen and euro. tuesday morn.

the market flip flops more than the candidates.

I bet they get jealous and join forces to shut up the market like deer in the headlights paralyzed with vascillating bi polar symptoms.

somebody poisoned the well.


AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 09/23/08 08:58 AM

Or did someone blow out its heart...

Sometime around the year 2001.

t22learner's photo
Tue 09/23/08 03:29 PM
Another day of actually thinking about the wisdom of this bailout and "the market" doesn't like it. Dow down 161.52.

Glad to see Warren Buffet step up and invest some real capital without waiting for the government bailout of these greedy bastards.