Topic: Whip out yor weiner.
Greyhound's photo
Tue 03/27/07 07:22 AM
The bartender Fred was fed up with penis boasting from the regulars.So
to put an end to all the boasting, Fred says,"Whip em'out!" Fred pulls a
yard stick from under the bar, at the same time a gay guy walked into
the bar.
Fred asks the man if there was something he could help him with.
The gay guy replies,"I was just going to have a beer, but I'll check
your buffet first!" :wink:

no photo
Tue 03/27/07 07:24 AM
OK I'm STILL laughin .... good one ... LOL

shenadra's photo
Tue 03/27/07 07:26 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

theflame68's photo
Tue 03/27/07 07:43 AM
I get 3 or 4 **** pics a week sometimes. Do you know how many guys
here are wanting to show it? gotta pich of "Mr BIG" last week and I
still can't look without sayin "D@#N!!!!"