Topic: football fanatic | |
Football season is on. Black and white helmets gleam in the sun while perfectly design jerseys sprout green little spots. Aaah… all the male hormones and pheromones just burst in little addictive particles within the small compartments of our lungs. Green, blue, yellow and orange foldaway chairs with matching umbrellas dot massive green fields. Hours and hours of head smack fun; unless, you don’t understand the game. There is always the folding chair with the mismatched umbrella. We all know the person. This is the person that sits on the wrong side and cheers four the wrong team. The single person that clearly doesn’t know the rules of the ”GAME” much less what a football is. Fortunately, I have a matching chair and umbrella. I’m one step closer in being the next football fanatic. I have the chair AND the matching umbrella! I guess I should explain why I don’t have “flu-ball” I mean the “football” virus; I meant to say football excitement. When I was little I didn’t play or watch. When I was a teen I didn’t play or watch. I’ll be a monkey’s uncle, I am a mom and now I play and watch. My handsome boys have provided my football education. The “scary" part is that the kids are tell me shhh- “not now I’m trying to watch the game”. So my patience is long enough until the play is done. Then I start bugging…”what happened, what’s going on, hey tell me what I just seen!” Reluctantly I’m told whats going on then advise not to be so loud because I’m embarrassing. When is team spirit embarrassing? Embarrassing is you’re 9 year old teaches you “SEROUSLY” teaches you how to throw a spiral. So give me the full season and I’m sure to be a football-loving bundle of guts. I’ve been at it for 3 years so I should be good to go be end of season.