Tue 09/16/08 11:00 AM
The Most embarrasing thing that you've ever done or said on a date?
Tue 09/16/08 11:02 AM
I didn't do anything embarrassing but I did have a date fart on me... 3 times!! Then told me he hopes I can deal with his "gas issues"
He didn't get a 2nd date.
Tue 09/16/08 11:03 AM
i'd actualy have to go on a date to embarress myself
Tue 09/16/08 11:03 AM
I didn't do anything embarrassing but I did have a date fart on me... 3 times!! Then told me he hopes I can deal with his "gas issues"
He didn't get a 2nd date.
 Wow Ive never had that happen to me, and hope I never do.
Tue 09/16/08 11:04 AM
I didn't do anything embarrassing but I did have a date fart on me... 3 times!! Then told me he hopes I can deal with his "gas issues"
He didn't get a 2nd date.
 Wow Ive never had that happen to me, and hope I never do.
 I don't recommend it
Tue 09/16/08 11:04 AM
i'd actualy have to go on a date to embarress myself
I actually have embarrased myself eevrytime ,I either say or do something I regret for the resto f the date so everything gets all ackward.
Tue 09/16/08 11:05 AM
i'd actualy have to go on a date to embarress myself
I actually have embarrased myself eevrytime ,I either say or do something I regret for the resto f the date so everything gets all ackward.
then you're dating the wrong women
Tue 09/16/08 11:06 AM
i'd actualy have to go on a date to embarress myself
I actually have embarrased myself eevrytime ,I either say or do something I regret for the resto f the date so everything gets all ackward.
then you're dating the wrong women
Eh not sure about that they never get ackward about it, its always me, I say something dumb and they dont pay attention to it, but I can never get my mind off of it though.
Tue 09/16/08 11:06 AM
i'd actualy have to go on a date to embarress myself
I actually have embarrased myself eevrytime ,I either say or do something I regret for the resto f the date so everything gets all ackward.
then you're dating the wrong women
Eh not sure about that they never get ackward about it, its always me, I say something dumb and they dont pay attention to it, but I can never get my mind off of it though.
then beef up your confidence
Tue 09/16/08 11:07 AM
i'd actualy have to go on a date to embarress myself
I actually have embarrased myself eevrytime ,I either say or do something I regret for the resto f the date so everything gets all ackward.
then you're dating the wrong women
Eh not sure about that they never get ackward about it, its always me, I say something dumb and they dont pay attention to it, but I can never get my mind off of it though.
then beef up your confidence
Ya If I knew how I would lol.
Tue 09/16/08 11:08 AM
The Most embarrasing thing that you've ever done or said on a date?
I guess it was while we were "necking" I called her another girls name
Tue 09/16/08 11:09 AM
The Most embarrasing thing that you've ever done or said on a date?
I guess it was while we were "necking" I called her another girls name
Tue 09/16/08 11:09 AM
i'd actualy have to go on a date to embarress myself
I actually have embarrased myself eevrytime ,I either say or do something I regret for the resto f the date so everything gets all ackward.
then you're dating the wrong women
Eh not sure about that they never get ackward about it, its always me, I say something dumb and they dont pay attention to it, but I can never get my mind off of it though.
then beef up your confidence
Ya If I knew how I would lol.
you just do it... quit being so worried and self conscience.
Tue 09/16/08 11:09 AM
The Most embarrasing thing that you've ever done or said on a date?
I guess it was while we were "necking" I called her another girls name
 I did that once when I was kissing a girl, needless to say, I didnt hear from her again.
Tue 09/16/08 11:10 AM
i'd actualy have to go on a date to embarress myself
I actually have embarrased myself eevrytime ,I either say or do something I regret for the resto f the date so everything gets all ackward.
then you're dating the wrong women
Eh not sure about that they never get ackward about it, its always me, I say something dumb and they dont pay attention to it, but I can never get my mind off of it though.
then beef up your confidence
Ya If I knew how I would lol.
you just do it... quit being so worried and self conscience.
Hmmm ok I'll try that.
Tue 09/16/08 11:11 AM
The Most embarrasing thing that you've ever done or said on a date?
I guess it was while we were "necking" I called her another girls name
 I did that once when I was kissing a girl, needless to say, I didnt hear from her again.
that's why you always say "oh baby" or sweety, sexy, ect etc lol never use names
Tue 09/16/08 11:12 AM
The Most embarrasing thing that you've ever done or said on a date?
I guess it was while we were "necking" I called her another girls name
 I did that once when I was kissing a girl, needless to say, I didnt hear from her again.
that's why you always say "oh baby" or sweety, sexy, ect etc lol never use names
Ya Thats when I learned that lesson lol
Tue 09/16/08 11:13 AM
The Most embarrasing thing that you've ever done or said on a date?
I guess it was while we were "necking" I called her another girls name
 I did that once when I was kissing a girl, needless to say, I didnt hear from her again.
that's why you always say "oh baby" or sweety, sexy, ect etc lol never use names
big clue there if a guy can't call me by my name hes a player
Tue 09/16/08 11:14 AM
The Most embarrasing thing that you've ever done or said on a date?
I guess it was while we were "necking" I called her another girls name
 I did that once when I was kissing a girl, needless to say, I didnt hear from her again.
that's why you always say "oh baby" or sweety, sexy, ect etc lol never use names
big clue there if a guy can't call me by my name hes a player
I'm actually not, I just had my mind in a totally different place at the time, men and women can both make that mistake, its like if someone starts laughing right in the middle of kissing.
Tue 09/16/08 11:15 AM
The Most embarrasing thing that you've ever done or said on a date?
I guess it was while we were "necking" I called her another girls name
 I did that once when I was kissing a girl, needless to say, I didnt hear from her again.
that's why you always say "oh baby" or sweety, sexy, ect etc lol never use names
big clue there if a guy can't call me by my name hes a player
I call my bf baby all the time, however... I do remember his name