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Topic: Take Care..........
AlpineRocks's photo
Mon 03/26/07 07:07 AM
Take Care everyone I'm deactivating my account there is one individual
on this site that cannot seem to quit talking about me in post that have
nothing to do with me and this is troubles some to me and I'm very busy
and dont have time for childish games so to all my friends take care you
have been alot of fun especially Sexynurse, Morena and TxGal take

whispertoascream's photo
Mon 03/26/07 07:10 AM
Aw AR. Don't leave just because of on individual. Why give them the
satisfaction eh? I enjoy reading your posts. You seem like such a great
person. I can't force you to stay but I do hope that you would
reconsider your desition. flowerforyou flowerforyou Come to the Bar
i will bye you a coffee IRISH style:wink:

CATBW56's photo
Mon 03/26/07 07:16 AM
AWWW Alpine don't leave, we'll miss ya. I'll miss reading your posts
too. I know how you feel though, there are certain individuls from this
site (who shall remain nameless) who have a tendency to be VERY
SARCASTIC but I see that these same ppl make the same sarcastic remarks
towards a lot of others, so I know it's not just me.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 03/26/07 07:31 AM
Awww man now who am I gonna talk to about having sex in hottubs and the
shower? :cry: That is just so not right lol. Well I do hope you change
your mind but....... I do understand we come to this site to get away
from the world and to enjoy the forums and the friends we have learned
to laugh with and hear what they have to say about things in life. Then
we have to have those that just try to ruin things for everyone. They
have no respect for themselves and try to pull everyone else down around
them. Guess they figure they are not happy so why should anyone else be.
I hope you will reconsider this and just take some time away but come
back later. bigsmile If not then ya know my best wishes are with you
and your little girl and hope you find nothing but happiness in the
future ahead. Take care my friend.flowerforyou

Morena350's photo
Mon 03/26/07 07:42 AM
ohhhh, noooooooooo Alpine, what's gotten in to you man
are you gonna let someone run you out of your home
please man!! your not one to do that Alpine
this is your home and if he has a problem let him deactivate
not you.. you know how to put an end to it, you been here long enough to
know what to do, when a jerk is humping your leg
come on man let us know was up....devil
think about it Alpine. and don't deactivate your account
let him do it, who the **** is he to take space in your life
**** that!!!:cry:

LAMom's photo
Mon 03/26/07 07:43 AM
(((Alpine)))) who am I going to talk to about students loans,, Plese do
not de-activate your account,,, flowerforyou

Nervesgone's photo
Mon 03/26/07 07:46 AM
Dang Alpine.........

You gonna let someone get the best of you??

Nobody emails me or picks on me, want my account???


Come on Alpine, stay!


Morena350's photo
Mon 03/26/07 07:56 AM
yes Alpine don't let the motha fuka win
your better than that!!!flowerforyou flowerforyou

CATBW56's photo
Mon 03/26/07 07:59 AM
see Alpine, you're wanted and loved here. To hell with what the other
guy says. Don't let them make you run, you're better then that:smile:
:smile: :smile:

buttons's photo
Mon 03/26/07 12:00 PM
hope ya change your mind and come backflowerforyou

seahawks's photo
Mon 03/26/07 12:11 PM

sushi's photo
Mon 03/26/07 12:16 PM
Hey Nerves, I'm with you. Everyone seems to have so much more excitment
on this site than I do. Maybe it's because I don't really give much of
a **** what anyone thinks. Come on Alpine, tell me who it is. I'll fix
them. I'll never have to say a curse word or never even call the
police. I'll do it for you!!

AlpineRocks's photo
Mon 03/26/07 12:46 PM
Thanks for your input everyone, I'm reactivating my account theres alot
of good people here and this is a cool site, I've been doing alot of
work the past week and I shouldnt let someone get under my skin but I
dont Know how to handle repeted B.S. from this dude its like he has
nothing better to do than talk s**t on post that have nothing to do with
me or my views I think the proper word for it "Get a Life Dude" anyway
thanks again but if it contiues what do you do and how do you make him
quit?huh it's not like you can jump through the computer and make him
quit and its really frustrating to have a long day get on the computer
and see your name being used over and over on stupid comments.grumble
grumble happy glasses

whispertoascream's photo
Mon 03/26/07 12:49 PM
Alpine, glad to see you back. If it continues I would tell him to quite
it and threaten to report. And if he still does not stop. then report.
Leave it in the hands of Mike and Van. flowerforyou

AlpineRocks's photo
Mon 03/26/07 12:53 PM
Ya it wasnt that big a deal at first I just blew it off but now its
gotton old and I like my friends here, you miss everyone after a few
days laugh laugh laugh :wink: Thanks girlhappy

whispertoascream's photo
Mon 03/26/07 12:56 PM
Yes Arrogant people tend to get rather tired some after awhile. I
understand fully. But leaving is just what they want. If it continues
like I said just report. Thank you for reconsidering leaving. And you
are more then welcome. I am always usually around if you need to talk.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 03/26/07 12:59 PM
Damn ya know ya hooked on this site and can't stay gone long lmao.
noway noway noway noway

AlpineRocks's photo
Mon 03/26/07 01:01 PM
thanks wisper I'm just loaded down with mid term and side jobs
fortunatly spring break is next week maybe I'll releave some
stress.laugh laugh laugh

CampLight's photo
Mon 03/26/07 01:03 PM
Hey Alpine really glad to see your sticking around. I’ve always
appreciated your comments. By having you here it helps dilute the jerk
factor and makes it a better place for all of us.

sushi's photo
Mon 03/26/07 01:09 PM
Alpine, you know us. We're a pretty tight group for being virtual
friends.Send anyone of us an e-mail, tell us the thread you're on. And
bingo, we'll take care of it without insult, cursing or anything of the
sort. If he can't behave and have fun, then you know the "suits" will
take care of it. They want everyone happy.

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