Topic: dating
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Sun 09/14/08 10:42 PM
my bit on dating, from a failure, at relationships.

most of the people i trust are the ones that have seen me at my worst. odd way to connect with people, but at least i know if i make a mistake, theyll forgive me. so theres more to it then just someone that shares similar interests.

seems like to date, you have to give, give and give. be fun, and funny (like omg...) you have to talk (alot) and you have to spend money (ugh.) so really if youre not looking to score, then whats the purpose?? how does that stuff have anything to do with a relationship? do people expect it to eventually end, so they try to make the first month or two really exciting? just seems a little misleading.

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Sun 09/14/08 10:44 PM
People make relationships too complicated.