Topic: Palin cannot manage her home affairs | |
i believe the guy tazerd his stepson.whats the big deal.that wasnt why the other guy got fired.the libs wish it was
This is a funny thread, I love it when Foreign people tell us who to vote for... McCain/Palin 08 I know right? Or better yet people who admittedly don't vote then b*tch about it... ![]() |
When someone bcomes a parent I believe that becomes their first job above all other allegiances. That Palin is a mother of five, one child with a severe disability and another child pregnant I think it is spreading herself incredibly thin even with a supportive husband to try to govern a state much less the entire country and in some references the world because what we do as a country definitely reflects on the whole world. What I find incredibly selfish on Govenor Palin's part is that she would subject two pregnant teens, and their siblings not to mention both infants, to the kind of firestorm of media her candidacy would create during what I would consider a health crisis. Teenage pregnancy is difficult enough to cope with without every fanatic in the world feeling it is open season. To me it shows and incredible lack of forthought or loyalty to her family to put such blind ambition out there for her career over their needs. If she is such a desireable candidate she could have easily waited another four years and ran when her family had gotten over this drama. While I don't pretend to believe that parents can monitor their teenagers moves so closely as to prevent sexual activity I do think she could have been monitored enough to perhaps prevented this pregnancy with birth control had she been paying attention enough to have assumed she might be sexually active. Maybe if she would have been looking into her own windows rather than her brother in laws she would not be pending charges or copeing with and unwed daughter. Considering the Govenor's family had secret service protection it unfathonable to me that she did not know this was going on and made some kind of pre-emptive supervison. After all these teens are minors. I think she was just too busy politicing. If McCain thinks that he can wrap up his M-16's in baby blankets he is mistaken. You can bet this won't be one teenage father signing up for BDU prenatal coverage like so many young American's who can't find work or affordable houseing but then maybe the tabloids or the lobbyists will pay for this child instead of the taxpayers. I am not counting on it.
When someone bcomes a parent I believe that becomes their first job above all other allegiances. That Palin is a mother of five, one child with a severe disability and another child pregnant I think it is spreading herself incredibly thin even with a supportive husband to try to govern a state much less the entire country and in some references the world because what we do as a country definitely reflects on the whole world. What I find incredibly selfish on Govenor Palin's part is that she would subject two pregnant teens, and their siblings not to mention both infants, to the kind of firestorm of media her candidacy would create during what I would consider a health crisis. Teenage pregnancy is difficult enough to cope with without every fanatic in the world feeling it is open season. To me it shows and incredible lack of forthought or loyalty to her family to put such blind ambition out there for her career over their needs. If she is such a desireable candidate she could have easily waited another four years and ran when her family had gotten over this drama. While I don't pretend to believe that parents can monitor their teenagers moves so closely as to prevent sexual activity I do think she could have been monitored enough to perhaps prevented this pregnancy with birth control had she been paying attention enough to have assumed she might be sexually active. Maybe if she would have been looking into her own windows rather than her brother in laws she would not be pending charges or copeing with and unwed daughter. Considering the Govenor's family had secret service protection it unfathonable to me that she did not know this was going on and made some kind of pre-emptive supervison. After all these teens are minors. I think she was just too busy politicing. If McCain thinks that he can wrap up his M-16's in baby blankets he is mistaken. You can bet this won't be one teenage father signing up for BDU prenatal coverage like so many young American's who can't find work or affordable houseing but then maybe the tabloids or the lobbyists will pay for this child instead of the taxpayers. I am not counting on it. Would you be saying the same thing if she was a he instead? Think about that for a minute.... I don't support EITHER candidate, but to say she needs to be home with her children is a sexist school of thought.... |
Oh yea, well, do you think that it'd be such a civil discussion if Obama had a teenage daughter knocked up?
Or would it be a total generalization of Teen mothers being minorities? |
how can she manage the whitehouse, let alone the country and its international neighbours and its conflicts? i think she should return to alaska and keep the borders intact there. just my opinion. do u have kids??? no parent can be beside there children 24/7. impossible.. kids become young adults and start making their own decisons. should palin have kept her daughter diapered and in a crib untill she turns 18???? |
Oh yea, well, do you think that it'd be such a civil discussion if Obama had a teenage daughter knocked up? Or would it be a total generalization of Teen mothers being minorities? i thought you were for neither parties?? was just curious, Im not getting that vibe from ya at all.. |
Edited by
Sat 09/13/08 10:22 PM
When someone bcomes a parent I believe that becomes their first job above all other allegiances. That Palin is a mother of five, one child with a severe disability and another child pregnant I think it is spreading herself incredibly thin even with a supportive husband to try to govern a state much less the entire country and in some references the world because what we do as a country definitely reflects on the whole world. What I find incredibly selfish on Govenor Palin's part is that she would subject two pregnant teens, and their siblings not to mention both infants, to the kind of firestorm of media her candidacy would create during what I would consider a health crisis. Teenage pregnancy is difficult enough to cope with without every fanatic in the world feeling it is open season. To me it shows and incredible lack of forthought or loyalty to her family to put such blind ambition out there for her career over their needs. If she is such a desireable candidate she could have easily waited another four years and ran when her family had gotten over this drama. While I don't pretend to believe that parents can monitor their teenagers moves so closely as to prevent sexual activity I do think she could have been monitored enough to perhaps prevented this pregnancy with birth control had she been paying attention enough to have assumed she might be sexually active. Maybe if she would have been looking into her own windows rather than her brother in laws she would not be pending charges or copeing with and unwed daughter. Considering the Govenor's family had secret service protection it unfathonable to me that she did not know this was going on and made some kind of pre-emptive supervison. After all these teens are minors. I think she was just too busy politicing. If McCain thinks that he can wrap up his M-16's in baby blankets he is mistaken. You can bet this won't be one teenage father signing up for BDU prenatal coverage like so many young American's who can't find work or affordable houseing but then maybe the tabloids or the lobbyists will pay for this child instead of the taxpayers. I am not counting on it. incubating a life, a living fetus, is not a health crisis. are you daft? or AGAINST THE SANCTITY OF HUMAN LIFE as though it is a mere antiquated notion of the same poor idiots that osama nobama says cling to God and guns as he has characterized half of this great country's people when he was speaking to the lunantic fringe in San Francisco while trying to earn points with comrade nanny peloshki? (dem SF) chair of the Senate...hhmmm....... these thoughtless comments reveal that babies are no better than a disease the way you put it. I will stick with Mrs. Sarah Palin's judgement. Hers is recognizeable to me. yours is abhorrent and tasteless and cruel. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
It's really a stupid non issue, Palins politics are enough for me to avoid her like the plaque. My vibe is antiglobalist, if you read enough of my posts, you'd notice I slam Obama's rhetoric the same as I slam McCains. They're two sides of the same coin, neither represents change, they only represent the Globalists/ International Corporate interests. My point is, NeoCon lovers seem to have a huge issue with double standards. |
When someone bcomes a parent I believe that becomes their first job above all other allegiances. That Palin is a mother of five, one child with a severe disability and another child pregnant I think it is spreading herself incredibly thin even with a supportive husband to try to govern a state much less the entire country and in some references the world because what we do as a country definitely reflects on the whole world. What I find incredibly selfish on Govenor Palin's part is that she would subject two pregnant teens, and their siblings not to mention both infants, to the kind of firestorm of media her candidacy would create during what I would consider a health crisis. Teenage pregnancy is difficult enough to cope with without every fanatic in the world feeling it is open season. To me it shows and incredible lack of forthought or loyalty to her family to put such blind ambition out there for her career over their needs. If she is such a desireable candidate she could have easily waited another four years and ran when her family had gotten over this drama. While I don't pretend to believe that parents can monitor their teenagers moves so closely as to prevent sexual activity I do think she could have been monitored enough to perhaps prevented this pregnancy with birth control had she been paying attention enough to have assumed she might be sexually active. Maybe if she would have been looking into her own windows rather than her brother in laws she would not be pending charges or copeing with and unwed daughter. Considering the Govenor's family had secret service protection it unfathonable to me that she did not know this was going on and made some kind of pre-emptive supervison. After all these teens are minors. I think she was just too busy politicing. If McCain thinks that he can wrap up his M-16's in baby blankets he is mistaken. You can bet this won't be one teenage father signing up for BDU prenatal coverage like so many young American's who can't find work or affordable houseing but then maybe the tabloids or the lobbyists will pay for this child instead of the taxpayers. I am not counting on it. Would you be saying the same thing if she was a he instead? Think about that for a minute.... I don't support EITHER candidate, but to say she needs to be home with her children is a sexist school of thought.... |
![]() ![]() ![]() wheres the response back pacificstar??? |
| too much to ask that people write their posts in a more readable format?
Please take a minute to read your own posts. Your appeals might be easier to consider if you used sentences, capitalization and paragraphs. ------------------------------------ For those that are clinging to Sarah Palin's lies...please I beg you to look at the facts. She is lying! She's said one thing and done another. The bridge to nowhere funds were accepted, she was for it before she was against it, the jet( bought by a republican) was not happily sold on e-bay, four tries and some other stuff later sold at a loss. Taking on corruption? She may have cleared some but she replaced it with her own when she used the power of her office to pursue a family feud. ------------------------------ There she was, the first republican woman to be nominated for the office if the vice president and what did we get? Official silence... If she was worthy of the office, this great historical moment went officially unmarked by the candidate herself. Why? Because she is just a token woman who did not know the script well enough to stand on her own two feet. As a woman I find that beyond insulting. She couldn't even get through a carefully monitored first interview, done in segments for coaching, with a sympathetic interviewer on ABC recently. You are ready to put this token women one heartbeat away from the presidency. Please...take a few minutes and think about your vote... |
how can she manage the whitehouse, let alone the country and its international neighbours and its conflicts? i think she should return to alaska and keep the borders intact there. just my opinion. ![]() ![]() Do people even goto librarys for books anymore? Well besides me? lol |
Edited by
Sat 09/13/08 11:03 PM
It's really a stupid non issue, Palins politics are enough for me to avoid her like the plaque. My vibe is antiglobalist, if you read enough of my posts, you'd notice I slam Obama's rhetoric the same as I slam McCains. They're two sides of the same coin, neither represents change, they only represent the Globalists/ International Corporate interests. My point is, NeoCon lovers seem to have a huge issue with double standards. my point is it is time to disengage the game and do so willingly and autonomously as individuals without a central collective of leadershipo, but as autonomous cells of a larger living organism which cannot be overcome as having an agenda, per se, just because society and community as a whole disengage the consumerism and opulence of pursuing luxurious and unnecessary conveniences designed to keep us working for the ruling class and not our own financial freedom. throw it off. disengage. vote with the wallet. build into needs with hands that toil. and never admit to having an arsenal LOL in the meantime, nobama will assuredly lead this nation into dynasty building and completion of the goal of employoming the vast amjority of Americans through the federal government and their beneficient entitlements to the tune of crushing any effective democratic consensus not inuring to the benefit of the party faithful. The socialistic democrats are communists with a zeal for party favors. BULLSHI-vics. at least Mc Cain will not rush that like the nobama handlers will. but then, few get it. ![]() ![]() ![]() go john and sarah.... ![]() ![]() |
how can she manage the whitehouse, let alone the country and its international neighbours and its conflicts? i think she should return to alaska and keep the borders intact there. just my opinion. ![]() ![]() Do people even goto librarys for books anymore? Well besides me? lol i love the library |
I'm not in disagreement about the Socialism, however, when you flip the coin, you get some Fascism.
Take your pick when you vote for the Republicrats. |
how can she manage the whitehouse, let alone the country and its international neighbours and its conflicts? i think she should return to alaska and keep the borders intact there. just my opinion. ![]() ![]() Do people even goto librarys for books anymore? Well besides me? lol i love the library I love Half Price Books ![]() |
I don't believe I said SHE has to be home with her children. I think I made it gender nuetral and said a Parents first obligation is to parent first and that she had spread herself incredibly thin. If this candidate was a male with a pregnant child I would be saying the same thing. It is virtually impossible for a candidate to be a significant parent figure of minor children and campaigne for presidency from everything I have read about candidates children. I would find this especially true in the years that adolecents need both parents fully committed to parenting. Which I think the behavior of the Bush daughters made painfully clear. It is fortuneate in deed that both young ladies survived their very out of control behavior. What I find particularly remarkable is that Chelse Clinton seems to be a normal and centered as she was and is. As a parent of a profoundly handicapped child I can not fathom how a parent of five could do and adequate job from the campagine trail or for that matter any highly demanding job. I beleive it is beneficial for children to have two working parents don't ever mstake my beliefs in that arena I just think that the 24/7 nature of that level of public office is not compatiable with parenting.
Because her daughter is pregnant?? I don't think she said to her... "Hey sweetheart, you know mommy is going to be rediculed for what you do. And for making HUMAN mistakes as every mother does, So why not just go out and have sex , get pregnant so everyone will say I can not run my home." I think you should just stick to what you know about. YOU KNOW, NOT EVER MAKING A MISTAKE? HEY! I KNOW! HOW ABOUT NOT JUDGING HER??? Although I refuse to vote this year , I still see no reason for AMERICANS or anyone else to judge her for what HER DAUGHTER did. DOUBLED IF YOU ARE NOT AN AMERICAN. JMO |
When someone bcomes a parent I believe that becomes their first job above all other allegiances. That Palin is a mother of five, one child with a severe disability and another child pregnant I think it is spreading herself incredibly thin even with a supportive husband to try to govern a state much less the entire country and in some references the world because what we do as a country definitely reflects on the whole world. What I find incredibly selfish on Govenor Palin's part is that she would subject two pregnant teens, and their siblings not to mention both infants, to the kind of firestorm of media her candidacy would create during what I would consider a health crisis. Teenage pregnancy is difficult enough to cope with without every fanatic in the world feeling it is open season. To me it shows and incredible lack of forthought or loyalty to her family to put such blind ambition out there for her career over their needs. If she is such a desireable candidate she could have easily waited another four years and ran when her family had gotten over this drama. While I don't pretend to believe that parents can monitor their teenagers moves so closely as to prevent sexual activity I do think she could have been monitored enough to perhaps prevented this pregnancy with birth control had she been paying attention enough to have assumed she might be sexually active. Maybe if she would have been looking into her own windows rather than her brother in laws she would not be pending charges or copeing with and unwed daughter. Considering the Govenor's family had secret service protection it unfathonable to me that she did not know this was going on and made some kind of pre-emptive supervison. After all these teens are minors. I think she was just too busy politicing. If McCain thinks that he can wrap up his M-16's in baby blankets he is mistaken. You can bet this won't be one teenage father signing up for BDU prenatal coverage like so many young American's who can't find work or affordable houseing but then maybe the tabloids or the lobbyists will pay for this child instead of the taxpayers. I am not counting on it. incubating a life, a living fetus, is not a health crisis. are you daft? or AGAINST THE SANCTITY OF HUMAN LIFE as though it is a mere antiquated notion of the same poor idiots that osama nobama says cling to God and guns as he has characterized half of this great country's people when he was speaking to the lunantic fringe in San Francisco while trying to earn points with comrade nanny peloshki? (dem SF) chair of the Senate...hhmmm....... these thoughtless comments reveal that babies are no better than a disease the way you put it. I will stick with Mrs. Sarah Palin's judgement. Hers is recognizeable to me. yours is abhorrent and tasteless and cruel. ![]() ![]() ![]() |