Topic: A Poem to Read in the Dark | |
To read without breathing
between these fragments of words find me with your lips here, press your finger to them now and say tongue nipple waist toe belly button earlobe Neck offered a wrist exposed These things we hide to discover beneath beneath like crying or dreaming The laughter we seek as destination, a drawing- bodies as bridges arched spine arm elbow thigh warm blood coursing below the surface The thoughts sent to air or paper The perfect wisdom of bodies creeping into our imagination to slake this craving where it’s warm and quiet to change the way things are today |
Excellent Write.
I love the way you write. Not as good as me, lol, but there's always something of surprise.
one excellent poet if you ask me
Awesome write
I felt something inside when I read it - and that's one of the reasons for art - to feel something.
Not just excellent........GREAT! |
"oh i like that"
lost in a private world with nothing and everything two blankets wrapped in each other disappearing magic cloaks protection from all the world |
Thank you
Jason username - it's a matter of opinion, but thank you pkd flame The_Pete (((Harold))) |