Topic: Caught in a Wish
Fadedspirit's photo
Fri 09/05/08 12:46 AM
Caught in a Wish

When the bell tolls the chime,
The hour is near.
The flowers smell sweet
As sobs fill my ears.

A tunnel of light
With darkness below,
Come tell me now
Which way do I go?

Decend to the darkness;
Ascend to the light,
Nothing here seems
What ought to be right.

Up is now down
And down to the left,
I'm spinning in circles
In spite of my death.

Flashes of lightning
And pictures of life.
Family now crying.
I fell out of time.

Decayed and dismembered.
Forgotten and found.
Bagged up n tossed
Like trash on the ground.

Caught in a rift
Between heaven and hell,
Torn like a ragdoll
Loved never so well.

Death was a peace
I thought of in life
And life is now peace
I think of in strife.

Changes come swiftly
My chances now gone.
Sunlight now wake me,
Yet never comes dawn.

Tortured and broken
Now here must I stay,
Cursed in this limbo,
I think not to pray.

Awakened and dizzy,
Warm sun on my skin.
Aroused by the sweat
Now wetting my head.

Thankful for dreams
That remain what they are,
This a subtile reminder
Leaving it's mark.

Fadedspirit 9/4/2008

codelockbox's photo
Fri 09/05/08 12:50 AM
Very nice.

bastet126's photo
Fri 09/05/08 03:48 AM
deep, thanks for sharing flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 09/05/08 05:57 AM
Great flow! (always follow the light.) ;-)

Dee1Deb2's photo
Fri 09/05/08 06:40 AM
What a beautiful poem. I felt it. thank you for sharing it with us.
here is one I wrote , actually it is my one and only and I wrote it a couple years ago before I ran away from home.

Mirror Image

Mirror of mine, who do you see when you see me?
Do you see the person I am, the one I was
or do you see someone in between?

This is what I see when I see me.
I see laughing eyes and a aching heart
I see loyalty and I see confussion
I see curiosity and I see shame
I see a lost soul, one that is craving a change.
One that is so very frighten of that change
One that may get lost in the change.
I see me.

Mirror of mine, I see a woman of great need
A woman ready to explore
one ready to be explored
I see a once beautiful woman I see me.
Oh mirror of mine
I so wish I knew what you see when you see me.