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Topic: I've never in my life met
eileena9's photo
Wed 09/03/08 08:13 PM

uuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmm.................have I lost my position as the 2nd runner up hand holding wifey????..........:cry: :cry:

No NEVER.....smitten

YAY!!!!!love love love love smitten

southern_bee's photo
Wed 09/03/08 08:13 PM
:banana: :banana: :banana: dancing tampon for lilly god i love her honesty laugh laugh

RKISIT's photo
Wed 09/03/08 08:14 PM

am i ignorant,please judge meflowerforyou

You're more annoying than ignorant...but I think you are going for that anyways...laugh laugh laugh
yeh :banana:

tngxl65's photo
Wed 09/03/08 08:14 PM
(still deciding which side I want to be on)

Hmmmmmm :wink:

no photo
Wed 09/03/08 08:14 PM

:banana: :banana: you know...when you post these threads lily...my nipples get hardblushing blushing blushing

Now you're pushing it....spock

The nipples?

Etrain's photo
Wed 09/03/08 08:14 PM

:banana: :banana: you know...when you post these threads lily...my nipples get hardblushing blushing blushing

Now you're pushing it....spock

Sorry...to much valium today:banana: :banana: frustrated

no photo
Wed 09/03/08 08:15 PM
Lily, you haven't met enough humans in the real world, then, have you? I'm meeting them left and right, with or without this online world. They think they are smarter than I, than we. In some areas, SURE, they are. But not in matters of the heart!!!!!!!! That's for DAMN sure. Oooooops, the Squeeze cussed!!!

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 09/03/08 08:19 PM

so many ignorant people until I came to online dating...

I'm glad I found some friends... cuz if not... I would have considered it a total waste of time.
flowerforyou I just do what the lavender prairie dogs tell me.flowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 09/03/08 08:20 PM

Lily, you haven't met enough humans in the real world, then, have you? I'm meeting them left and right, with or without this online world. They think they are smarter than I, than we. In some areas, SURE, they are. But not in matters of the heart!!!!!!!! That's for DAMN sure. Oooooops, the Squeeze cussed!!!
laugh flowerforyou

Down2earthdebbie's photo
Wed 09/03/08 08:23 PM

so many ignorant people until I came to online dating...

I'm glad I found some friends... cuz if not... I would have considered it a total waste of time.
uuuuhhhmmmmm.....I do agree with you on that one! But, there are a couple good ones out there! We just need to WEED out the bad ones, the stinky ones & the skanks! :banana:

Lily0923's photo
Wed 09/03/08 08:30 PM

so many ignorant people until I came to online dating...

I'm glad I found some friends... cuz if not... I would have considered it a total waste of time.
uuuuhhhmmmmm.....I do agree with you on that one! But, there are a couple good ones out there! We just need to WEED out the bad ones, the stinky ones & the skanks! :banana:


duckiegiggles's photo
Wed 09/03/08 09:00 PM

keep'em coming lil:thumbsup:
eventually they will understandthink

i hope!

Lily0923's photo
Wed 09/03/08 09:44 PM

(still deciding which side I want to be on)

Hmmmmmm :wink:

My front or my back...I know it'a hard to chose.... If you chose my back you don't have to listen to me as much....

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