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Topic: I Am Fuming Right Now!
jnbuglady's photo
Wed 09/03/08 08:44 AM

whats this aboot eh??? frustrated frustrated frustrated
Aboot,lol, sound like my canadian friends,love it!rofl rofl

You know I am not even in the mood for the Canadian jokes.
Sorry[hanging head in shame]oops

ironheadjim's photo
Wed 09/03/08 08:57 AM

well at least now you know who you can depend on.
Yes, and sadly the list keeps getting smaller and smaller.

thanks for joining the " small friend club" your card is in the mail.

no photo
Wed 09/03/08 09:11 AM

if it were my friend... id be worried perhaps fume later...

Nah, I fume now. As he has done this in the past. A long time ago, so never gave it another thought. But still has done it.

What's wrong with your computer???? Maybe I can help.....

It needs to be reformated.

why does it need that??????

no photo
Wed 09/03/08 01:21 PM

My friend was supposed to be here an hour ago to drive me in with my computer to so it could get repaired. And well he still has no shown. No response when I try to contact him no nothing. I have to catch a bus in half an hour to see my son. Today was the only day I could get it in. As it is a friend that is doing this for me as a favor. And his place is only open from 9-2. And well as of tomorrow I will be in class at that time!

GRRRRRRRRRRmad rant frustrated

I need more reliable friends! sad

OK, venting ends here.

I know the feeling, Sug. Sometimes you have to make a reassessment of some of the people you deal with. Why do you think I'm not married anymore?

[Yes, that's rhetorical.]

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