Topic: what does Obama believe? | |
![]() ![]() ABORTION IS MURDER NO MATTER WHAT STAGE OF PREGNANCY IT IS DONE..... Abortion is Murder. Supposing you get your wish and abortion is re-criminalized, should a woman who aborts her baby be subject to capital punishment?" Y E S...... |
Now let's see you answer these questions: 1) When does life begin? 2) At what point does humanity begin? 3) Do all humans have value? 4) When should abortion be illegal? Spider, as soon as you find a "loop-hole" (mothers life in danger) you become a hypocrite...if you value life, then you value life even if the mother dies, since technically thats gods will isnt it??? who are you to decide over god...? questions 1-4...dont know and dont life began when it began and my humanity is in the making as long as Im value depends on my work on earth...why should abortion be illegal? Its just another medical proceedure... for the record, Im happy that my mom didnt choose to abort me...but if she had, I would have never known, would I?? Im done hijacking this thread...going to go watch a movie now.... I'm not a hypocrite. A mother is a part of a family with duties and responsibilities. If it's a question of the mother or the child, then the mother should win by default. But I'm not sure how often that is a medical reality. When is there a situation when either the mother or child will die and the child couldn't survive outside of the womb? I always fall on the side of life. Always. I think what my questions have done is reveal to you, if not everyone reading, that you don't know why you believe what you believe. You have been force fed this "It's a woman's body" crap so long that you haven't bothered to think about the issues involved. I recall you got pretty upset over being told by someone else what you believed..dont presume to do the same with me...your views are not my views, your values are not my are not interested in a different viewpoint, you merely seek to convince, convert or, failing that, condescend...we do agree on one thing...women (AKA, mothers),win by "default". |
![]() ![]() ABORTION IS MURDER NO MATTER WHAT STAGE OF PREGNANCY IT IS DONE..... Abortion is Murder. Supposing you get your wish and abortion is re-criminalized, should a woman who aborts her baby be subject to capital punishment?" Y E S...... So it seems to me that a pro-choice position, in your opinion, results in the death of one, and your pro-life position results in the death of two. And if you include the abortion doctor, would s/he be an accessory to capital murder, and thus also subject to capital punishment? So the death of three. Interesting. |
![]() ![]() ABORTION IS MURDER NO MATTER WHAT STAGE OF PREGNANCY IT IS DONE..... Abortion is Murder. Supposing you get your wish and abortion is re-criminalized, should a woman who aborts her baby be subject to capital punishment?" Y E S...... So it seems to me that a pro-choice position, in your opinion, results in the death of one, and your pro-life position results in the death of two. And if you include the abortion doctor, would s/he be an accessory to capital murder, and thus also subject to capital punishment? So the death of three. Interesting. LAWS WERE PUT INTO OUR GOVERNMENT FOR FOR A REASON...BEING AN ACCESSORY TO A CRIME HAS BEEN IN OUR LAWS FOR AGES....IF YOU ARE THERE AND ASSISTED A PERSON WHO MURDERED SOMEONE...YOU ARE GUILTY OF MURDER..... PLAIN AND SIMPLE.....IT IS CALLED A "FELONY".......... LINDYY ![]() |
![]() ![]() ABORTION IS MURDER NO MATTER WHAT STAGE OF PREGNANCY IT IS DONE..... Abortion is Murder. Supposing you get your wish and abortion is re-criminalized, should a woman who aborts her baby be subject to capital punishment?" Y E S...... So it seems to me that a pro-choice position, in your opinion, results in the death of one, and your pro-life position results in the death of two. And if you include the abortion doctor, would s/he be an accessory to capital murder, and thus also subject to capital punishment? So the death of three. Interesting. LAWS WERE PUT INTO OUR GOVERNMENT FOR FOR A REASON...BEING AN ACCESSORY TO A CRIME HAS BEEN IN OUR LAWS FOR AGES....IF YOU ARE THERE AND ASSISTED A PERSON WHO MURDERED SOMEONE...YOU ARE GUILTY OF MURDER..... PLAIN AND SIMPLE.....IT IS CALLED A "FELONY".......... LINDYY ![]() Abortion is the Law, legal. So abortion is not murder |
I'm just glad my mom was pro choice
I think abortion is a sad, desperate choice, but a woman's choice nonetheless. My 18 y/o daughter had the choice and I'm glad we have her daughter.
Edited by
Thu 08/28/08 06:41 PM
![]() ![]() ABORTION IS MURDER NO MATTER WHAT STAGE OF PREGNANCY IT IS DONE..... Abortion is Murder. Supposing you get your wish and abortion is re-criminalized, should a woman who aborts her baby be subject to capital punishment?" Y E S...... So it seems to me that a pro-choice position, in your opinion, results in the death of one, and your pro-life position results in the death of two. And if you include the abortion doctor, would s/he be an accessory to capital murder, and thus also subject to capital punishment? So the death of three. Interesting. LAWS WERE PUT INTO OUR GOVERNMENT FOR FOR A REASON...BEING AN ACCESSORY TO A CRIME HAS BEEN IN OUR LAWS FOR AGES....IF YOU ARE THERE AND ASSISTED A PERSON WHO MURDERED SOMEONE...YOU ARE GUILTY OF MURDER..... PLAIN AND SIMPLE.....IT IS CALLED A "FELONY".......... LINDYY ![]() Abortion is the Law, legal. So abortion is not murder Talk about twisting things..."sorry charlie" but partial birth abortion is ILLEGAL..... WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? LINDYY ![]() |
I'm just glad my mom was pro choice YEP...she CHOSE TO GIVE BIRTH TO YOU....SMART AND WISE WOMAN... ![]() ![]() LINDYY ![]() |
![]() ![]() ABORTION IS MURDER NO MATTER WHAT STAGE OF PREGNANCY IT IS DONE..... Abortion is Murder. Supposing you get your wish and abortion is re-criminalized, should a woman who aborts her baby be subject to capital punishment?" Y E S...... So it seems to me that a pro-choice position, in your opinion, results in the death of one, and your pro-life position results in the death of two. And if you include the abortion doctor, would s/he be an accessory to capital murder, and thus also subject to capital punishment? So the death of three. Interesting. LAWS WERE PUT INTO OUR GOVERNMENT FOR FOR A REASON...BEING AN ACCESSORY TO A CRIME HAS BEEN IN OUR LAWS FOR AGES....IF YOU ARE THERE AND ASSISTED A PERSON WHO MURDERED SOMEONE...YOU ARE GUILTY OF MURDER..... PLAIN AND SIMPLE.....IT IS CALLED A "FELONY".......... LINDYY ![]() Abortion is the Law, legal. So abortion is not murder Talk about twisting things..."sorry charlie" but partial birth abortion is ILLEGAL..... WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? LINDYY ![]() Lindyy- we are talking about abortion(I never mentioned or said partial birth abortion.) Abortion is Legal. Your doing the twisting here. |
So, a fetus is a human being who should be born despite the cost to the child, the parents or the society it is born into?
This from the same people who don't want to pay to insure children to keep them healthy, who do not want to fund education or pay teachers adequate wages, but who are fairly consistently pro-war and pro-death penalty. I guess it's okay to have children, ignore there health, welfare and education so you have a ready crop of future soldiers to send to foreign shores to die. If and this is a big if...abortion is murder is your faith so feeble that you do not beleive that God will deal with it? Don't you beleive when the woman who has had an abortion, the man who fathered and consented to the abortion or any one who provides or participates in abortions will be judged for their conduct here on earth by God? Again, I would love a seat outside the pearly gates when those of you who presumed to speak for God stand before him to be judged. I am fairly sure that if men were able to get pregnant abortions would be safe and legal but there would be much of a need for them because birth control would be close to 100% effective. |
So, a fetus is a human being who should be born despite the cost to the child, the parents or the society it is born into? This from the same people who don't want to pay to insure children to keep them healthy, who do not want to fund education or pay teachers adequate wages, but who are fairly consistently pro-war and pro-death penalty. I guess it's okay to have children, ignore there health, welfare and education so you have a ready crop of future soldiers to send to foreign shores to die. If and this is a big if...abortion is murder is your faith so feeble that you do not beleive that God will deal with it? Don't you beleive when the woman who has had an abortion, the man who fathered and consented to the abortion or any one who provides or participates in abortions will be judged for their conduct here on earth by God? Again, I would love a seat outside the pearly gates when those of you who presumed to speak for God stand before him to be judged. I am fairly sure that if men were able to get pregnant abortions would be safe and legal but there would be much of a need for them because birth control would be close to 100% effective. I agree, Straw man fallacies are much easier to address than the actual arguments. |
I cant imagine anyone that believes in killing unborn babies, I do know many people that are faced with tough times in there lives, and I don't believe the government should be in the business of dictating personal choices . . . . Is a fetus a human? If not, why not? When does a fetus become a human? If the fetus is a human, then abortion is murder. If the fetus isn't human, why does it have human DNA? If the fetus isn't alive, what definition of "alive" is being used? It's growing. It needs food and oxygen to live. It produces waste products. I think a woman's personal choices end where another human life begins, even if that human life is growing within her body. very well put spider, thank you. |
I cant imagine anyone that believes in killing unborn babies, I do know many people that are faced with tough times in there lives, and I don't believe the government should be in the business of dictating personal choices . . . . Is a fetus a human? If not, why not? When does a fetus become a human? If the fetus is a human, then abortion is murder. If the fetus isn't human, why does it have human DNA? If the fetus isn't alive, what definition of "alive" is being used? It's growing. It needs food and oxygen to live. It produces waste products. I think a woman's personal choices end where another human life begins, even if that human life is growing within her body. very well put spider, thank you. Thank you sir, you are too kind. |
I cant imagine anyone that believes in killing unborn babies, I do know many people that are faced with tough times in there lives, and I don't believe the government should be in the business of dictating personal choices . . . . Is a fetus a human? If not, why not? When does a fetus become a human? If the fetus is a human, then abortion is murder. If the fetus isn't human, why does it have human DNA? If the fetus isn't alive, what definition of "alive" is being used? It's growing. It needs food and oxygen to live. It produces waste products. I think a woman's personal choices end where another human life begins, even if that human life is growing within her body. very well put spider, thank you. YEA SPIDER.... ![]() LINDYY ![]() ![]() |
My take on all political crap
during the nominational months u will hear all kinds of crap, mostly its because the other side does not want you to vote for the other side. most of it is just a ploy to get you to come to their side. yep i fell into that trap when i voted republican. GAH i was stupid so i decided to ask myself, what is most important? WE ARE! We live in a FREE country and as long as the other side is giving tax breaks to companies to move overseas, we will be getting more and more poorer. thats my take. |
My take on all political crap during the nominational months u will hear all kinds of crap, mostly its because the other side does not want you to vote for the other side. most of it is just a ploy to get you to come to their side. yep i fell into that trap when i voted republican. GAH i was stupid so i decided to ask myself, what is most important? WE ARE! We live in a FREE country and as long as the other side is giving tax breaks to companies to move overseas, we will be getting more and more poorer. thats my take. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Actually the question was "Does Obama believe in killing unborn babies?" There is a distinction with allowing someone the right of choice, and belief in killing babies . . . I MYSELF, would keep a child if the only consideration was desire, not health ect. If my wife had a high probability of DYING I would want the choice . . . . Your logic is flawed to say allowing someone a choice = belief in killing . . . very different and quit disingenuous. This is just YOUR rhetoric to try to make it a black and white issue, which it is NOT. I was talking about the questions I presented, not the original post. It may be hard to believe, but I can read and do comprehend at least some of what I read. I personally believe that a fetus is a human and therefore should be protected from being murdered. But if the mother's life is in danger, then the necessary steps should be taken to protect her life, even abortion if it is the only way. Okay, so you open the door for exceptions? Like to save the mother's life? How can they be sure she will die? How about rape? Add that to the exception list? How about incest? Add that too? Who decides the exception list? You? The evangelical church? This guy is realistic. You just cant give the government that kind of power, it just will not make the right decisions ALOT of the time . . . it needs to be a personal decision. ok, so going by what yuo say, ifyou and I met, had a disagreement over soemthing, then i shuld have the right to the personal decision of wether or not to murder you, right? I mean yuo DID say not to let the government havethe kind of power to make this decision for me as it would not make the right decision most of the time, or so I understood your post to mean ![]() |
No, again your trying to make this black and white, its not. I am sorry but it is very much so black and white. Very simply put, do we allow womem to murder their children. |
well when all you pro lifers adopt all the unwanted,deserted,beaten,unloved children who are brought into this world,then you can dictate a woman's choice to keep the babe or not.I am pro choice and people need to mind their business unless they are ready to step up . uhhh, miss? I am a male who has always been ready to step up, but by most state laws, i do not have a say in thematter of whether or not my child is born if themother wants to have an abortion. Talk about hypocrasy..... |