Topic: deos any woman want real love?
Tue 09/19/06 08:28 AM
does any woman here want to be a happy wife througout her life?true
love, honest love, and sinecre love do exist let talk

no photo
Thu 09/21/06 12:00 AM
most just to want the extra attention on dateing sites!

samantha198403's photo
Thu 09/21/06 12:10 AM
ok, the dting sites are usually just to see what is out there... for
most women, there are a select few that only want the attention, that is
what gives women like me a bad image, some of us really want to be with
men who can be there for them and love them, but there arnt that many
that ive met

chica42ny's photo
Thu 09/21/06 04:28 AM
well the dating site, to meet descent men. Sometime it does not work
out and u become good friends. I have chat with couple guys, but went
only about two or three date, which tend to be not for me. making sure
i pick the right person.

chismah's photo
Thu 09/21/06 08:43 AM
Of course LOVE does exist heh heh..

It just depends on how GOOD YOU COOK & KEEP A GOOD LOOKING CRIB and you
got it made ^_^

She will go no place hee hee...but I believe the best way to your gals
heart is FOOD dammit ladies LOVE FOOD if you can win their tummy and
heart there's no going back for that poor loving creature ^_~

She will love ya for life man...Like me I have to learn how to cook,
sing for a gal, talk her to death or out of her loneliness and she will
love you more and more...

Make her chuckle once in awhile is good to ALWAYS make her chuckle and
laugh ladies can't resist hee hee...but every lady is NOT the same..each
have their own taste...just like us guys do just have to find
the right one that makes ya CLICK and then you will know...don't force
thangs...just go wit da flowwww as they say wooo hooo...dam I'm hungry I
wonder if my pasta is done yet *sobs* =( I''m so hungry now grrrrr...

Usadad's photo
Thu 09/21/06 08:54 AM
The dating sites are a place to meet people. You still have to sort them
out. However, I believe there are many on the sites that have no
intention of ever physically meeting anyone. They may be seeking
attention, lonely, or shy among other things. They may just get off on
sexy talk and flirting. It's a convenient way to MEET people, but you
have to use good judgement.
I also believe that many online people find it hard to commit. I believe
they think there is an endless supply of new people and someone better
may sign on tomorrow.

andreww38's photo
Thu 09/21/06 06:03 PM
let me turn it around.

are you willing to be a happy husband?

what you send out, you will get back, dude...

Andrew Wee