Sat 08/23/08 02:28 PM
anybody have the new powerade zero yet?
Sat 08/23/08 02:30 PM
 Could I interest you in a pet rock?
Sat 08/23/08 02:30 PM
 Could I interest you in a pet rock?
how big is it
Sat 08/23/08 02:32 PM
Edited by
Sat 08/23/08 02:32 PM
Sat 08/23/08 02:32 PM
 Could I interest you in a pet rock?
how big is it
 How big do you beed it to be?
Sat 08/23/08 02:33 PM
 Could I interest you in a pet rock?
how big is it
 How big do you need it to be?
a good 9 inches
Sat 08/23/08 02:35 PM
 Could I interest you in a pet rock?
how big is it
 How big do you need it to be?
a good 9 inches
 Are you sure you can handle one that big?
Sat 08/23/08 02:35 PM
 Could I interest you in a pet rock?
how big is it
 How big do you need it to be?
a good 9 inches
 Are you sure you can handle one that big?
my name is big****Here
Sat 08/23/08 02:37 PM
I think you two need a room...
Sat 08/23/08 02:37 PM
 Could I interest you in a pet rock?
how big is it
 How big do you need it to be?
a good 9 inches
 Are you sure you can handle one that big?
my name is big****Here
 Is that what your looking for?
Sat 08/23/08 02:38 PM
mirror... meet your new intimate encounter
Sat 08/23/08 02:38 PM
 Could I interest you in a pet rock?
how big is it
 How big do you need it to be?
a good 9 inches
 Are you sure you can handle one that big?
my name is big****Here
 Is that what your looking for?
No I need to find someone that can take all 9 inches of my rock
Sat 08/23/08 02:39 PM
How do pet rocks breed???
Sat 08/23/08 02:40 PM
Sat 08/23/08 02:40 PM
How do pet rocks breed???
 Come over and I'll show you
Sat 08/23/08 02:40 PM
lol better hurry before the mods show up  I'll keep a look out