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Topic: I sincerely apologise
bergeia's photo
Wed 09/10/08 08:59 PM
s'alright man me and Ayita can do the srugery, you'll be alright

Dan99's photo
Wed 09/10/08 09:05 PM
NO THANKS! I'll just kill myself instead

cottonelle's photo
Wed 09/10/08 09:05 PM

And some of us are the dogs nuts!

excuse me?

Mr_Brightside777's photo
Wed 09/10/08 09:06 PM

s'alright man me and Ayita can do the srugery, you'll be alright

Ya gonna give him a labotomy??

Dan99's photo
Wed 09/10/08 09:07 PM

s'alright man me and Ayita can do the srugery, you'll be alright

Ya gonna give him a labotomy??

Stop talking about my bottom!

bergeia's photo
Wed 09/10/08 09:07 PM
well thats the last leg of the operation.first the ribs come out, all of them, then comes the weewhacker and we put that in his torso and turn it on, lol. stitch him up, take off his skull cap, remove 2/3 of the brain and replace it with red jello, then complete the op. :)

myteemouse's photo
Wed 09/10/08 09:08 PM
Oh for corn's sake, is this thread still going??!!!!slaphead winking

lady my ass.

Lady My Ass. Is that one of Dan's relatives?

JusWannaSayHi's photo
Wed 09/10/08 09:09 PM

NO THANKS! I'll just kill myself instead

that would be fun!!!!
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Mr_Brightside777's photo
Wed 09/10/08 09:10 PM

well thats the last leg of the operation.first the ribs come out, all of them, then comes the weewhacker and we put that in his torso and turn it on, lol. stitch him up, take off his skull cap, remove 2/3 of the brain and replace it with red jello, then complete the op. :)

But... Dan's brain IS red jello! what

JusWannaSayHi's photo
Wed 09/10/08 09:11 PM
Edited by JusWannaSayHi on Wed 09/10/08 09:11 PM

Oh for corn's sake, is this thread still going??!!!!slaphead winking

lady my ass.

Lady My Ass. Is that one of Dan's relatives?

hi nice to meetcha!
I am his retarded toofless hussy of a sister lol

They shipped me here to the states cuz i embarrassed them , but now MUM is calling beggin me to come home, cuz Danny keeps eatin everyones chit!

Dan99's photo
Wed 09/10/08 09:12 PM

Oh for corn's sake, is this thread still going??!!!!slaphead winking

lady my ass.

Lady My Ass. Is that one of Dan's relatives?

Only just, it got edited and moved a while back!

Lady My Ass is my aunty, my uncle is Lord That Hurt.

JusWannaSayHi's photo
Wed 09/10/08 09:26 PM

Oh for corn's sake, is this thread still going??!!!!slaphead winking

lady my ass.

Lady My Ass. Is that one of Dan's relatives?

Only just, it got edited and moved a while back!

Lady My Ass is my aunty, my uncle is Lord That Hurt.

ONLY JUST?????:angry:



Dan99's photo
Thu 09/11/08 12:57 PM
BUMP! hahahaha this one just aint gonna go away!

I might be extra annoying and make a part two as well, not enough people hate me around here yet!

bergeia's photo
Thu 09/11/08 01:05 PM
i do. even though youre a perv like me,lol

Dan99's photo
Thu 09/11/08 01:08 PM
Edited by Dan99 on Thu 09/11/08 01:08 PM
I hate you too you poofy soldier boy..

bergeia's photo
Thu 09/11/08 01:09 PM
its "too" i hate you "too".

remedial english time!

Dan99's photo
Thu 09/11/08 01:10 PM

its "too" i hate you "too".

remedial english time!

I changed it already, but i am very impressed that you can read actually.

bergeia's photo
Thu 09/11/08 01:13 PM
lol im impressed you can work your magic box that lets you speak wordings to others. lol ;)

Dan99's photo
Thu 09/11/08 01:15 PM

lol im impressed you can work your magic box that lets you speak wordings to others. lol ;)

im quite good at it, i do a mean Stephen Hawkin impression

bergeia's photo
Thu 09/11/08 01:20 PM
hawking. lol hes only a physicist though,lol. though hes alright with a computer considering he lives in one,lol

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