Topic: First Day of School
Suede's photo
Mon 03/19/07 11:03 AM
a poem I wrote for my first daughter on her first day of school…

To just us two

She was born

Off to school

She went this morn

How will she react

My biggest fear

I watched her go

Through the tears

But dad she said

I'll be all right

I know sweetheart

As she walked out of sight

ScottyBravo's photo
Mon 03/19/07 11:04 AM
Very sweet Suede, i like it

Thndrghost's photo
Mon 03/19/07 11:06 AM
Very sweet flowerforyou

LAMom's photo
Mon 03/19/07 11:07 AM
Very Sweet flowerforyou

Suede's photo
Mon 03/19/07 11:08 AM
Thanks guys

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 03/19/07 12:37 PM
Awww sweet memoriesflowerforyou

sweetcountrygirl's photo
Mon 03/19/07 03:19 PM
I remember the first three off to school...
and one will go in the fall...
I tear up just thinking about it...:cry: