Topic: BBW
buttons's photo
Mon 03/19/07 07:50 AM
well most people have the wrong preception of "petite" maybe they never
looked in that dept but i know... ive seen up to size 12 there..
"petite" only means "short" and does not mean thin.

daniel48706's photo
Mon 03/19/07 07:54 AM
That is so true buttons, and I wish we could do something to help all
these teenagers that do not know this or do not believe this.

jeanc200358's photo
Mon 03/19/07 07:56 AM
You're right, Buttons. A lot of people think "petite" means "thin," but
they also think it means "little," as in the small-boned, flat-chested,
Twiggy look of the '60s.

I always thought of it as meaning "short," at least as far as clothing
sizes goes.

no photo
Mon 03/19/07 07:57 AM
Ok let me clarify something before I get anymore emails here lol
I am very content and happy being chubby, I like myself the way I am, if
no one else likes me because I am chubby then they are so not worthy of
my time of friendship... ok it?? I'm fine, I like being a

buttons's photo
Mon 03/19/07 07:58 AM
lol jean... yea im short but like pretty big boned.. and certainaly not

no photo
Mon 03/19/07 07:58 AM
oh yeah and I'm petite too..all of 5'2..short n fat and I like myself!!

bigpappa4331's photo
Mon 03/19/07 07:59 AM
small boned? big boned ? sorry really no such thing,,just so you know

buttons's photo
Mon 03/19/07 08:00 AM
yea i agree with ya ccp.. everybody comes in different shapes and sizes
is that what not makes all unique? other than our innersole?:smile:

daniel48706's photo
Mon 03/19/07 08:01 AM
the only differance being bigger makes is that there is more of you to
love... It does not change the type of person you are.

buttons's photo
Mon 03/19/07 08:01 AM
5'2 is good ya dont have to wear highwaterslaugh laugh laugh

newguy's photo
Mon 03/19/07 08:01 AM
your just a lovable little butter ball aren't you ccp?happy

bigpappa4331's photo
Mon 03/19/07 08:03 AM
g'morning newguy

no photo
Mon 03/19/07 08:03 AM
Yes I am newguybigsmile

lol Buttons gurl I am as unique as they get too lol

bigpappa4331's photo
Mon 03/19/07 08:04 AM
know how to catch a unique mouse?

daniel48706's photo
Mon 03/19/07 08:04 AM
'mornin new guy. your added as friend.

bigpappa4331's photo
Mon 03/19/07 08:04 AM
you neak up on it

jeanc200358's photo
Mon 03/19/07 08:05 AM
Anyone who doubts these statistics, here's a little FYI:

Q: What is considered to be the average size woman in America? --Debbie,
Grand Prairie, Texas

A: According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the
average U.S. woman is 5' 3.7 (162 centimeters) tall and weighs 152
pounds (69 kilograms). This corresponds to a Body Mass Index of 26.3
kilograms/meters², which is slightly less than the average man's.

And also, do a search for average dress size for the American woman and
it'll come up at 14. That is the average size across the board; it's not
what the fashion industry thinks should be the ideal weight. Not
everyone CAN be a size 2. We don't have the skeletal structure for it.
Doesn't mean we're fat, though, not by any stretchmark of the

newguy's photo
Mon 03/19/07 08:05 AM
forgot my manners.......good morning everyone.

no photo
Mon 03/19/07 08:05 AM
I'm a squirrel not a mouse lol

buttons's photo
Mon 03/19/07 08:05 AM
and yes there is a difference pappa...try buying a bra!laugh :wink:
why do u think there is a 30<small boned> and a 36<large boned> for? lol
or shoe sizes...5'2 and size 5 shoe are so cute <small boned> then 5,2
and size 11 feet well....<large boned> can u not tell the difference? or
like shoulder with too