Topic: connect a person
buttons's photo
Tue 03/20/07 02:49 PM
but then again...kojack goes with everyone i thinklaugh whoever kojack
wants im sure he will get:wink:

kojack's photo
Tue 03/20/07 02:50 PM
Don t know who i want buttons. Got to get to know the ones I like and
like me and decide.

littlepeg's photo
Tue 03/20/07 02:52 PM
Thats sounds like a good thing to do kojak:wink:

Tneal's photo
Tue 03/20/07 02:53 PM
*hands Kojack a lolly pop*

kojack's photo
Tue 03/20/07 02:54 PM
:wink: . I told the ones that I want to date, I will date others until I
decide whom it is i love and want to grow old with and then be faithful
and loyal to them.

OnALark's photo
Tue 03/20/07 03:00 PM
That's what it's all about sweetie! I wish you all luck in finding
that special person. I do believe that I have found mine.

kojack's photo
Tue 03/20/07 03:06 PM
I within 6-8 months hope to have only 1 job, instead of 3 so I can date,
settle down and enjoy her company.

Good luck Lark hope hes everything you wanted and more.

spay's photo
Tue 03/20/07 03:07 PM

kojack's photo
Tue 03/20/07 03:09 PM
I said that in the one Krow started. laugh laugh laugh

spay's photo
Tue 03/20/07 03:13 PM

Tneal's photo
Tue 03/20/07 03:13 PM
behave spay... or else I get out the big bat!!!

buttons's photo
Tue 03/20/07 03:18 PM
point proven!!laugh now who wouldnt want kojack? id ask who would but
too many pages would fill up:wink:

OnALark's photo
Tue 03/20/07 03:18 PM
Thanks, Kojack. He's a sweetheart. After being single for 8+ yrs since
my divorce, I think I'm ready to marry again since I've found him and
his kids. I NEVER would have thought that I would find myself involved
with someone with young children . . . Oh, well . . . I know it will
work and our sons (even though mine is 10 yrs older) get along very well

buttons's photo
Tue 03/20/07 03:20 PM
did ya find him on here onalark?

OnALark's photo
Tue 03/20/07 03:21 PM
buttons, no - if you email me I'll give you the details

tallandtttanned's photo
Tue 03/20/07 03:23 PM
hey littlepeg

littlepeg's photo
Tue 03/20/07 03:25 PM
hey there tall :wink:

tallandtttanned's photo
Tue 03/20/07 03:25 PM
how are we tonight

buttons's photo
Tue 03/20/07 03:33 PM
how ya feeling today there bill?smooched

buttons's photo
Tue 03/20/07 03:33 PM
back to the paintingnoway noway sad sad bbl