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Topic: big fat boo...
VladTheInhailer's photo
Sun 08/17/08 08:33 PM
*sad face* my mail isnt working...its a sad day. been almost a week. sorry to you all that i have been ignoring...

this sux

Mayhem_J's photo
Sun 08/17/08 08:35 PM
Its ok....I know you dont love me anymore.

chickayoshi's photo
Sun 08/17/08 08:37 PM
Why isn't your mail working? Just curious.

ljcc1964's photo
Sun 08/17/08 08:38 PM
I bet you say that to all the girls.

VladTheInhailer's photo
Sun 08/17/08 08:38 PM
???thats a fine question the admins are not too sure either...somthin happened durring an update on this site for me

sara89's photo
Sun 08/17/08 08:39 PM

*sad face* my mail isnt working...its a sad day. been almost a week. sorry to you all that i have been ignoring...

this sux

hey babes! ive been missing you!

chickayoshi's photo
Sun 08/17/08 08:39 PM

???thats a fine question the admins are not too sure either...somthin happened durring an update on this site for me

That sucks. Hope it works soon for ya.

VladTheInhailer's photo
Sun 08/17/08 08:40 PM

I bet you say that to all the girls.
no not really..

VladTheInhailer's photo
Sun 08/17/08 08:41 PM

*sad face* my mail isnt working...its a sad day. been almost a week. sorry to you all that i have been ignoring...

this sux

hey babes! ive been missing you!
MUAH* you too

awolf1010's photo
Sun 08/17/08 08:41 PM
well just keep mailin the mods they will fix it for ya.....we have a great team!!!

oh wait!!!:tongue: sux to be you!!!laugh

sara89's photo
Sun 08/17/08 08:41 PM

*sad face* my mail isnt working...its a sad day. been almost a week. sorry to you all that i have been ignoring...

this sux

hey babes! ive been missing you!
MUAH* you too

where ya been? bixby and i have missed you=(

VladTheInhailer's photo
Sun 08/17/08 08:45 PM
yesterday was my lil bros b day...we went and saw dot dot was kinda fun...but the afterhours was KRANKIN. i was a good boy though...i told floozies no

sara89's photo
Sun 08/17/08 08:46 PM

yesterday was my lil bros b day...we went and saw dot dot was kinda fun...but the afterhours was KRANKIN. i was a good boy though...i told floozies no

lol. well ive been havin agood week..bixby is adjusting well.
but my cousin had this party last night...oh so annoying!

madamx7316's photo
Sun 08/17/08 08:47 PM
yes i was really getting angry about you not answering my email!!!!!!!! :tongue: laugh

VladTheInhailer's photo
Sun 08/17/08 08:50 PM
sorry for the pup, but yay for you! glad you are doin good!you needed it after last week

sara89's photo
Sun 08/17/08 08:52 PM

sorry for the pup, but yay for you! glad you are doin good!you needed it after last week

ill say!

what about you? howre you?

VladTheInhailer's photo
Sun 08/17/08 08:54 PM

sorry for the pup, but yay for you! glad you are doin good!you needed it after last week

ill say!

what about you? howre you? awesome party will cheer ya home recoopin too old to do that nonsense

sara89's photo
Sun 08/17/08 08:55 PM
lol too old?

eh. ive never been a party person.

you should come over and nap! lolzyawn blushing

VladTheInhailer's photo
Sun 08/17/08 09:00 PM
like thats going to happen...
nap sounds delicious though
speciailly with a not too social but it was a good night like cliche frat party good would have been nice to end the party(which was 6!)with you in that big bed. i was SO COLD...but yea

sara89's photo
Sun 08/17/08 09:02 PM
well here i am. you might have to fight with bixby tho. he gets mad if i dont put him in bed with me.

ooo guess what? im watchin the addams family..the 60s version :tongue:

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