Topic: Help Us the Giant Lizards are gonna eat Us
ShadowEagle's photo
Sat 03/17/07 10:35 PM
From: "The Reptilians: Humanity's Historical Link to the Serpent Race"
by Joe Lewels, Ph.D.:

"John Carpenter has kept close track of the abduction phenomenon. He is
the director of abduction research for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON),
one of the largest and most credible organizations dedicated to the
scientific study of UFOs and abductions. Carpenter holds a master's
degree in social work and is a highly qualified hypnotherapist who works
as a psychiatric social worker in Springfield, Missouri. Since the late
1980s, he has worked with more than 100 abductees and compiled
information on hundreds of others. In addition, he is in contact with
other researchers in the field. He has been involved in 10 cases where
experiencers have described reptilian entities and he is aware of
researchers in other parts of the country with similar cases. Abductees
often have distinct claw like cuts and bruises on their bodies after
their apparent abductions.

"Carpenter summarized what he knows of these beings in his regular
column, 'Abduction Notes,' MUFON UFO Journal, April 1993:'Typically,
these reptilian creatures are reported to be about six to seven feet
tall, upright, with lizard like scales, greenish to brownish in color
with claw like, four-fingered webbed hands....Their faces are said to be
a cross between a human and a snake, with a central ridge coming down
from the top of the head to the snout. Adding to their serpent like
appearance are their eyes which have vertical slits in their pupils and
golden irises." Perhaps the most frightening and most controversial part
of these stories are claims that the creatures occasionally are reported
to have sex with abductees.'"


From: 'OUR HAUNTED PLANET', by John A. Keel (1968. Fawcett
Publications., Greenwich, Conn.):

"...The parahuman Serpent People of the past are still among us. They
were probably worshipped by the builders of Stonehenge and the forgotten
ridge-making cultures of South America.

"...In some parts of the world the Serpent People successfully posed as
gods and imitated the techniques of the super intelligence. This led to
the formation of pagan religions centered around human sacrifices. The
conflict, so far as man himself was concerned, became one of religions
and races. Whole civilizations based upon the worship of these false
gods rose and fell in Asia, Africa, and South America. The battleground
had been chosen, and the mode of conflict had been decided upon.

"The human race would supply the pawns. The mode of control was
complicated as usual. Human beings were largely free of direct control.

"The main battle was for what was to become known as the human soul.

"Once an individual had committed himself, he opened a door so that an
indefinable something could actually enter his body and exercise some
control over his subconscious mind.

"...the Serpent People or Omega Group, attacked man in various ways,
trying to rid the planet of him. But the superintelligence was still
able to look over man... God worked out new ways of communication and
control, always in conflict with the Serpent People."


From: 'CURIOUS ENCOUNTERS', by Loren Coleman (Faber & Faber., Boston,
Mass. 1985) pp. 70-76:

"One classic Bigfoot story, (discussed in some detail in MYSTERIOUS
AMERICA) namely, the Wetzel/Riverside, California sighting on 8 November
1958, CLEARLY FITS THE REPTILIAN MODE better than the anthropoid one.
Wetzel described, as you may recall, the fluorescent-eyed 'thing' as
having a protuberant mouth and a body COVERED WITH SCALES, looking like
leaves. Wetzel's 'thing' emerged from the Santa Ana River underbrush.

"The connection to water is a strong theme in all of these accounts so
it is not so surprising that the next puzzle comes from the lake monster
file. Trekking up the West Coast, the following report concerns a
monster that actually looks like it stepped out of the wardrobe room of
the Black Lagoon movie.

"Thetis Lake is near Cottonwood, British Columbia, not far from
Victoria, Cadboro Bay, off Victoria and Vancouver Island, (and) is well
known for the perennial sea monster 'Cadborosaurus.' So understandably a
new creature in the neighborhood would be grouped under the same type of
facade by the press. But the Thetis monster appears to be something else

"On 19 August 1972 Gordon Pike and Robin Flewellyn said a five-foot-tall
animal appeared on the surface of Thetis Lake AND CHASED THEM FROM THE
BEACH. Flewellyn was CUT on the hand by six razor-sharp points atop the
monster's head. A Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer was quoted at
the time as saying: 'The boys seem sincere, and until we determine
otherwise we have no alternative but to continue our investigation.'

"The next Wednesday afternoon, 23 August, the Thetis Monster was
encountered again. Mike Gold and Russell Van Nice said they saw 'it'
around 3:30 P.M. and on the other side of the lake away from the
recreation area of its first appearance. Mike Gold noted: 'It came out
of the water and looked around. Then it went back into the water. Then
we ran!' He described the creature as 'shaped like an ordinary body,
like a human being body but it had a monster face, and it was all scaly
(with) a point sticking out of its head (and) great big ears.' It was

"The Thetis monster account sounds similar to one from Saginaw,
Michigan, occurring in 1937. A man-like monster climbed up a river bank,
leaned against a tree, and then returned to the river. The fisherman who
witnessed this appearance suffered a nervous breakdown. This Saginaw
tale, the reports of clawed and three-toed prints from Wisconsin to
Missouri, and other supposedly 'Bigfoot' or 'manimal' encounters perhaps
should be reexamined in light of the REPTILIAN creatures from the Black

"The big Deltox Swamp, Wisconsin flap, investigated by Ivan T. Sanderson
in 1979, for example, has always been shelved with Bigfoot reports. But
what is to be made of the tracks of the creature, like footprints of 'a
good-sized man with swim fins.'

"This trait is a more frequent characteristic in the so- called eastern
Bigfoot reports than you might realize. For example, there's the case of
the creature of Charles Mill Lake in Mansfield, Ohio. A green-eyed,
seven-foot-tall, seemingly armless humanoid, seen late in March 1959 by
Michael Lane, Wayne Armstrong, and Dennis Patterson, came out of the
lake and left behind 'tracks that resembled the footgear worn by skin
divers.' The thing was seen again in 1963 and described as 'luminous and
green-eyed.' I examined the site of these encounters and can testify to
the Charles Mill Lake's swampy affinities--certainly a good home for a
Black Lagoon beast...

"In 1973, during the summer, residents of New Jersey's Newton-Lafayette
area described A GIANT, MAN-LIKE ALLIGATOR they had seen locally.
Newspaper reporters wrote about an old Indian tale from the region that
told of a giant, man-sized fish that could never be caught. In 1977, New
York State Conservation Naturalist Alfred Hulstruck reported that the
state's Southern Tier had 'a scaled, man-like creature (that) appears at
dusk from the red, algae-ridden waters to forage among the fern and
moss- covered uplands.'

"The New York-New Jersey record, however, cannot compare with the
overwhelming series of narratives issuing from one place in the United
States, the Ohio River Valley.

"Over twenty years ago, by digging into the back issues of the
Louisville, Kentucky, COURIER-JOURNAL, I discovered one of those gems
that has kept me pondering its meaning for two decades. The interesting
little item was in the 24 October 1878 issue. A 'WIld Man of the Woods'
was captured, supposedly, in Tennessee, and then placed on exhibit in
Louisville. The creature was described as being six feet, five inches
tall, and having eyes twice the normal size. His body was 'COVERED WITH
SCALES.' This article now makes some sense.

"And then almost a hundred years later, again near Louisville, there are
more stories of REPTILIAN ENTITIES. In October 1975, near Milton,
Kentucky, Clarence Cable reported a 'giant lizard' was roaming the
forests near his junkyard. Author Peter Guttilla described the creature
Cable surprised as 'about fifteen feet long, had a foot-long forked
tongue, and big eyes that bulged something like a frog's. It was
dull-white with black-and-white stripes across its body with
quarter-size speckles over it.'

"On-site field investigations by Mark A. Hall, however, indicated this
'giant lizard' RAN BIPEDALLY, according to OTHER Trimble County,
Kentucky witnesses. The Ohio River is Louisville's, Milton's, and
Trimble county's northern boundary.

"On 21 August 1955, near Evansville, Indiana, Mrs. Darwin Johnson was
almost pulled forever into the depths of the Ohio River. In what seems
to be a very close meeting with one of those creatures, Mrs. Johnson, of
Godtown, Indiana, was swimming with her friend Mrs. Chris Lamble about
fifteen feet from the shore when SUDDENLY SOMETHING GRABBED HER FROM
UNDER THE SURFACE. It felt like the 'hand' had huge claws and 'furry'
(or scaly?) palms. It came up from behind, grabbed her left leg, grabbed
her knee, and pulled her under. She kicked and fought herself free. It
pulled her under again. Although both women could not see the thing,
they were screaming and yelling to scare it away. Finally, Mrs. Johnson
lunged for Mrs. Lamble's inner tube, and the loud 'thump' apparently
scared 'it' away, and 'it' released its grip. Back on shore, Mrs.
Johnson received treatment for her scratches and marks on her leg.

"Fortean investigator Terry Colvin passed on the information that Mrs.
Johnson had a palm-print-shaped green stain below her knee that could
not be removed, and it remained for several days. (Interestingly, Colvin
learned the Johnsons were visited by an individual who identified
himself as an Air Force colonel who took voluminous notes and warned
them not to talk further about the incident. Of course, this sounds so
similar to the 'Man-In- Black' encounter that is goes almost without

"For anyone who has seen CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON, the Ohio River
encounter of Mrs. Darwin Johnson is already familiar, for her attack was
foreshadowed in that movie...

"1972... In March of that year on two separate occasions, two Ohio
policemen saw what has become known as the 'Loveland Frogman.'
Investigated by Ron Schaffner and Richard Mackey, these researchers
interviewed the officers involved but have not published their names,
instead using the fictitious names 'Williams' and 'Johnson.'

"The first incident took place at 1:00 A.M. on 3 March 1972, on a clear,
cold night. Officer Williams was on route to Loveland, via Riverside
Road, when he thought he saw a dog beside the road. But when the 'thing'
stood up, its eyes illuminated by the car lights, looked at him for an
instant, turned, and leapt over the guardrail. Williams saw it go down
an embankment into the Little Miami River, a mere fifteen or so miles
from the Ohio River. He described the thing as weighing about sixty
pounds, about three to four feet tall, having a textured leathery skin,
AND A FACE LIKE A FROG OR LIZARD. Williams went on to the police station
and returned with Officer Johnson to look for evidence of the creature.
They turned up scrape-marks leading down the side of the small hill near
the river.

"On approximately 17 March 1972, Officer Johnson was driving outside of
Loveland when he had a similar experience. Seeing an animal lying in the
middle of the road, he stopped to remove what he thought was a dead
critter. Instead, when the officer opened his squeaky car door, the
animal got up into a crouched position like a football player. The
creature hobbled to the guardrail and lifted its leg over, while
constantly looking at Johnson. Perhaps it was the funny smirk on its
face, but Johnson decided to shoot at it. He missed, he figured, since
the thing didn't slow down. Johnson later told how he felt it was more
upright than the way Williams described it. One area farmer told
investigators he saw a large, FROG-LIKE OR LIZARD-LIKE CREATURE during
the same month of the officers' sightings..."


From: 'WORLD OF THE INCREDIBLE BUT TRUE', by Charles Berlitz (Fawcett
Crest Books., N.Y.):

"There have been numerous Bigfoot sightings in the United States and
around the world. The humanlike creatures are usually said to be large
and hairy with glowing eyes. During the summer of 1988, however,
residents of Bishopville, South Carolina, reported accounts of a rare
According to witnesses, unlike other Bigfoot creatures Lizard Man has
only three toes on each foot, as well as long apelike arms that end in
three fingers tipped with FOUR-INCH CLAWS. Only the second Bigfoot to
have only three fingers on each hand, and the first (discovered by
Berlitz - Branton) to also have three toes on each foot. Lizard Man is
the most unusual Bigfoot ever reported.

"Seventeen-year-old Chris Davis first encountered Lizard Man around 2:00
A.S. on June 29. On his way home, the teen stopped near the brackish
waters of Scape Ore Swamp outside Bishopville to change a flat tire.
While replacing the jack in the car's trunk, he glimpsed something
running across the field toward him. Jumping into his 1976 Toyota
Celica, he was quickly engaged in a tug-of-war with the reptilian
creature as he tried to pull the door closed. Then Lizard Man jumped
onto the car's roof, where he left scratches in the paint as evidence of
his attack.

"Hysterical, Davis returned home and told only his parents and a few
close friends about the experience. Law enforcement officers, however,
interrogated him after neighbors said the boy might know something about
the strange bite marks and scratches found on another car.

"Davis wasn't alone in his report. Soon other reports were flooding the
sheriff's office. Teenagers Rodney Nolfe and Shane Stokes, for example,
were driving near the swamp with their girlfriends when Lizard Man
darted across the road in front of their car. Construction worker George
Holloman also claimed Lizard Man jumped at him as he was collecting
water from an artesian well.

"Investigating the area around the swamp, state trooper Mike Hodge and
Lee County deputy sheriff Wayne Atkinson found three crumbled,
forty-gallon cardboard drums. The tops of saplings were ripped off eight
feet above the ground. And there were, according to Hodge, 'humongous
footprints,' fourteen-by-seven- inch impressions in hard red clay.
Following the tracks for four hundred yards, the officers backtracked
and found new prints impressed in their car's tire tracks. According to
state wildlife biologists, the footprints matched no known animal
species." (This "Lizard Man" sighting was covered in one of the episodes
of Tim White's "SIGHTINGS" documentary, "MONSTERS" segment, on the Fox
Network - Branton).


From: the Omaha, Nebraska 'METRO UPDATE' for Oct. 29 - Nov. 4, 1990.
Article by reporter Patricia C. Ress, titled: 'LINCOLN MAN RECOUNTS

"People have been talking about flying saucers for about 45 years now --
longer if you count the reports of the so-called 'foo fighters' seen by
pilots on both sides during World War II. But within the past 20 years
we've been hearing more about a more frightening side to these
visitations - abduction by aliens.

"The most famous case was that of Barney and Betty Hill, two New
Englanders returning home from vacation and unable to account for a
large block of missing time. Under hypnosis, a very frightening and
detailed account of alien abduction emerged. Later there was Betty
Andreason, who told of aliens who took her through walls and closed

"Then came Budd Hopkins, who made a study of such abductions and
WOODS.' Next came the 'Gulf Breeze Sightings' in Florida, and most
recently author Whitley Strieber's accounts of his own abductions in his

"While most of these abductions took place in the East, some say that
visiting aliens have been just as busy in the Midwest -- even Nebraska.
A Lincoln man recently recounted his experiences during a talk at the
Oakcrest Institute in Elkhorn.

"John Foster has been an engineer in Lincoln for a number of years.
Lincoln, in fact, is his home town and the place where his abduction
experiences began back in 1950. A soft-spoken down-home type of man,
Foster reminds people of a young Joel McCrea.

"'Alien abduction is a terrifying and traumatic experience,' Foster told
the audience. 'Psychiatric counselors don't know how to deal with this
-- even if you can get them to believe you.'

"Foster has gotten help and understanding from people like Dr. Leo
Sprinkle of the University of Wyoming, who has dealt with numerous alien
abduction cases. He also has been the subject of ridicule and rejection
by both family and friends.

"'Often in a UFO abduction experience, things happen that are absolutely
unbelievable. I have been told that IT IS NOT UNCOMMON FOR FAMILIES TO
BREAK UP AFTER SUCH AN EXPERIENCE. I finally reached the point where I
no longer care what people think of me.' Foster said.

"He said he wasn't fully aware of what had happened to him over the
years until the 1980s. In 1981 he was sitting outside his home in
Lincoln with a friend and on a lark, they both said a prayer (or
incantation? - Branton) that they would see a flying saucer and soon
after, one appeared, he said.

"On another occasion in March, 1966, he saw a light out behind the trees
as he sat on his patio, he said, and the sight triggered a distant
memory of something that had happened to him when he was in grade school
in Lincoln in 1950.

"He said 40 or 50 people were outside watching a movie when swirling

"Foster recalled being INCAPACITATED AND FEELING STRANGE. He said he saw
a craft appear WITH THREE LITTLE MEN who appeared to be fixing it. He
felt an overwhelming desire to get inside the craft, but once he did, he
discovered it was in a different form. 'We got a lesson about history,
mankind and something about Indians and buffalo,' he said.

"When he looked around him, Foster said, he noticed that everyone else
seemed to be FROZEN IN TIME. 'They all looked like statues,' he said, he
saw a woman who told him she had FIXED HERSELF UP SO THAT HE WOULDN'T BE

"He said he was taken to an examining room BY CREATURES THAT LOOKED
'LIKE FROGS OR LIZARDS.' The 'woman' told him they were the educators
and would supervise his learning experience, he said. Among other
strange things, Foster recalled THAT THE LIZARD MEN ENCOURAGED HIM TO

"After he was examined, Foster said, he was sent back out of the craft
to the crowd below. The woman (i.e. the being that had 'fixed' itself up
to appear as a 'woman' - Branton) spoke to him in almost a scolding
tone, saying that from then on he would be a good boy and mind his
parents, he said. The woman seemed to know a lot about him, including
the fact that he and some friends had stolen some pop and candy from a
store across the street, he said.

"In October 1986 Foster went camping with his wife and children at
Niobrara Park and he had a short visitation which awakened more memories
of previous abductions, he said.

"By mid-December he recalled 50 abduction experiences, he said, and by
January that number had grown to 2,000 and by January 1987, he had
recalled 3,000 abductions.

"Foster has recorded memories of 50 of the abductions in detail, another
450 in short notations and many others by locations only, he said.

"'There are roughly two areas of the so-called close encounters,' Foster
said. 'These may mesh together, but there are the abductees who seem to
be taken aboard a craft to be examined and the contactees who appear to
be contacted throughout life and seem to have an assignment.'

"In June of 1987 Foster and his daughter met with several other
contactees and he had the feeling that he had known them all his life,
he said.

"They helped him recall experiences from coast to coast and from Canada
to Mexico, he said.

"'I believe the UFO experiences are directed at you personally,' Foster
said, 'but there are times when they can seem to address the population
in general.


"Foster said profound things happened to him during his abductions and
the world should know about them. HE WAS SHOWN HOW THE 'VISITORS' CAN
and was told things about scientific matters over the years, only to see
them discovered afterward.


"On the initial level of the abduction experience there is a kind of
excitement, Foster said, while on the deeper level, life plans emerge
and there is interaction with people who have had similar experiences.
Foster said there are four witnesses who can recall parts of at least
three of his encounters.

"Foster said that to document his experiences, he has made several
drawings and paintings. He believes he has encountered at least 13
different kinds of crafts.

"Foster said he remembers abductions that involved his friends when they
were teenagers. A large floating phone booth would descend from a dark
fog, he said, and a voice seemingly from a loud speaker would urge them
to 'gather around for eternal wisdom and knowledge -- and something else
about Indians and buffalo,' he said (Note: was the promise of 'eternal
wisdom' the bait used to entrap them into the Reptilian agenda? We
realize this sounds rather simplistic but traditions do say that this
exact same strategy was used by the original 'Serpent' to destroy man's
connection with the Almighty and, subsequently, his divinely-given
authority over creation, including his dominion over the 'beasts'!? -

"The voice over the loudspeaker would call them by name AND COULD AT
TIMES SOUND SARCASTIC (as a manipulator might sound? - Branton). On one

"When he was at Mahoney Lake in 1987, Foster said, he again saw both the
booth and the saucer. He asked the entities to quite bothering him
because he was disturbed when he couldn't recall his abductions, he

"They also told him that if he didn't want to have any more abduction
experiences, he would meet some people who would 'HELP HIM BECOME MORE
METAPHYSICAL,' he said, and he later met such people.

"He said he recalls being pulled up into a kind of floating bus and
being taken into the future. He declined to say what he saw.

"Foster said he was given experiments to do as an engineer. 'They
worked, but they shouldn't have, according to what we know,' he said.

"He said the 'guides' told him they were preparing people for a time
when the chosen would be taken away.

"...'I was told to awaken people to other dimensions and to participate
in these realms,' he said..." (or is it rather to convince people to
'open' their minds up to 'invasion' by controlling forces from these
other 'dimensions'? - Branton)


From [confidential source]:

The following information was sent to us via a researcher who is
investigating a continuous abduction of a young (at the time, early
1990's) nine-year-old boy in southern Nevada, possibly to underground
levels below that same area. Names, addresses and other details have
been deleted on request to protect the sources. We quote from a series
of notes exactly as they were sent to us, with our emphasis added:

"1: The 'greys', he says they don't use words but communicate THROUGH

This is a common observation made by people who claim to have been
abducted to aerial AND/OR subsurface realms - Branton).

"3: This is what they look like to him (a drawing was included depicting
a traditional 'gray' of somewhat 'wiry' build - Branton).

"4: This is what the uniform they wear looks like to him. He says the
box in the middle has different colored flashing buttons.

"5: This is the large 'boat', A SORT OF FLOATING ISLAND HE WAS BROUGHT
TO (Note: Some aspects of the abduction suggest that this was located in
large underground lake or sea within a series of deep subterranean

"6: These are the hybrids he sees. He says that they sit in a large
circle holding hands. There is one small candle with a very large flame
going. HE SAYS HE IS NOT AFRAID OF THE HYBRIDS who BLEND with him and he
says it feels very peaceful and good. When asked if the greys were the


AutumnLee21's photo
Mon 03/19/07 06:13 PM
Who has the time or patience to read all that? I know i sure lack on the
patitence lol

no photo
Mon 03/19/07 10:47 PM
Autumn, you need to read this so that you can recognize these
creatures....I think they may have infiltrated Just say Hi! lolol.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 09/23/07 12:54 PM
I forgot shadoweagle!!!laugh laugh

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Sun 09/23/07 01:23 PM
hi gary!!!! Wow...that sure is a long copy & paste!! Sorry but i was far too busy watching my boyfriend FAVRE ROCK THE NFL RECORDS!!!! WOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!drinker drinker drinker drinker laugh

no photo
Sun 09/23/07 01:26 PM
laugh Relax, The Retilian Race has been here for Millions of years,Hell Bushco is a Reptile...

The Retilian Race like to snack on cilderen of color up to age 10 after that they get tough and harder to catch, This could be why there is So Much UFO activity in South America, Africe and The Solomon Islands...

However it is estimated that 87% of all Missing and Never found chilidren world wide, have infact been abducted and eaten by Reptilian Races...

So Much for over population...noway

no photo
Sun 09/23/07 09:58 PM
WHAT!!!!!! you freaks! the only reptile im afraid of is the mojave green. and most people dont beleive they exist either. i have news for you.....they do exist. in fact if you can find and catch one you can get money for it at edwards afb. as a teen we use to hunt and sell them. they are worth $1000 if u get one. the problem is that they might get u and give u nightmares!lol lol lol. just kidding! just adding some foder for the mentally deranged!

no photo
Sun 09/23/07 11:57 PM
happy My thought is that if The person that POSTED this thread had read the material that he posted and thought about it just a bit,
He might have been just a tad more objective on the subject...yawn

laugh However I understand that everuone has to get started on the road of UFO and what else may exist on or under the surface of this earth...smokin

no photo
Mon 09/24/07 12:17 AM
ok ill bite! no more long trails of other peoples writing's tell me what you think personally. lets go from there. i have an open mind. i beleive there is life other than earth. however i do not beleive that aliens are eating people. you dont know me but i have traveled the world and have heard stories of such things but only when people have been drinking and later found that they were only playing on the small amount of stories that have existed since the beginning of time as recorded. if you can show me proof of what you say, i will listen! please understand, i have every available research methods at my disposal and i can and will do my best to counter your claims unless i can find this so called proof! what is your position?

no photo
Mon 09/24/07 12:27 AM
do you beleive in god?

do you beleive we go to heaven when we die?

do you beleive we are here due to a higher power, and what higher power do you think it is?

do you beleive anything about the big bang?

do you beleive that we are the only race or beings in this universe and why?

do you beleive we are the only solar system in this galaxy?

do you beleive we are the only galaxy to ever exist?

i dont want to see postings of someone elses thoughts just yours!

what is your honest beliefs?

will you tell me or will you just forget?

lets see!

no photo
Mon 09/24/07 10:29 AM
:smile: When you speek of god, are you reffering to the god of this world???

Or do you speek of The Lord GOD that created All ???

Do I believe that such a being could exist,or is it possible that such a Being could indwell my spirit ???

Do I think that we all go to Heaven when we die ???

I don't want to dissapoint you,but we are all Imortal Souls,
meaning that our Spirit may already be Millions of years old...

Are we alone in The Universe ???

Not exactly...

Is ours the only Solar System ???

Not exactly...

The Subject matter is vast, but let's do what man has NEVER DONE before...

Let's just look at Terra/Earth as you know it
and this so called Retilian Question...

You have heard of The Garden of Eden,Eve and a Surpent ???

The Surpent was a Bypedle
Suran or Retilian Man and The Lord Banished it to The Nether World for time eturnal...

What is The Nether World ???

The Lords exact wording was that The Surpent Race would be under the foot of man for all time...

If we live on the land, then under our feet would be underground,had you ever found it Amazing that we know more about Mars,Jupiter,or The Moon ???

Then we do abot our own inner earth,did you know that this planet is now 5 times larger then it was when it was first formed ???

How did the earth expand in size and remain solid ???

Somple the earth is not a solid mass of Rock, there is a vast inner earth, where buth Surans and Humans exist and have existed for millions of centuries...

They tend to live longer than we do and they eat Humans...

You should read The Cosmic Conflict, By Branton...

The Cosmic Conflict had to be written as fiction,because everything about it is Classified and Top Secret...

As a Pentecostal Minister,I know things that many don't, I am also an active Remote Viewer...

Mankind would be much better off, just understanding this planet, it's history and who all lives here...

Rather then going off into outer space, chasing wingless aircraft that we will never understand,
untill we dig them up and descover that they all started out right here on Earth,some 200,000 years ago...

I will not do 100% of your research for you,but I will point you in the right direction's to find what you seek... :wink:

gardenforge's photo
Mon 09/24/07 04:35 PM
They say the best way to catch one is to grab it by the tail, but be careful that it don't turn around and bite your head off. It seems in this case you can actually lose your head over a little piece of tail. laugh

no photo
Mon 09/24/07 05:03 PM
Warning! Warning! Warning!

This site has been infitrated by an extra-terrestrial energy which takes the virtual form of human beings. They are decoys. Repeat they are decoys!

They do not represent any physical danger to humans. It's is a lot worse than that. They act a lot as an odorless and lightly toxic gaz which over time turns one's brain to 'mussshhh', 'green slimy mussshhh' that is, by filing with profound non-sense dressed with, ... lots of words!!!

This annoying and potentially toxic infiltration, is being treated under the secret code name 'gary', as 'adressing them as 'gary's', appears to be the most effective antidote, ... until the gaz shows-up under a different form and name.

End of Warning!

Good luck in resisting the gaz everyone!!!

gardenforge's photo
Mon 09/24/07 05:39 PM
I actually saw one of these things a while ago on TV it had a Australian accent and was doing a commercial for a car insurance company. laugh

karmafury's photo
Mon 09/24/07 05:42 PM
huh Good Grief!

TheCommunist's photo
Mon 09/24/07 07:30 PM
Gee I wonder if he believes in the Chupacadre or even Godzilla?

no photo
Mon 09/24/07 09:08 PM
laugh What I find most intresting about this thread is that The Bone Head that Posted it to begin with, turned off his account just after he posted this thread...laugh

So I see no reason for my elaberating about things that NONE of the rest of you have a clue about...

All I ever see any of you do is Spew Disinfomation and debate what you know absolutly NOTHING ABOUT!!!, because you are TOO LAZY to do your own research...

So that was the end of this thread, all I can say is GOOD LUCK with all that you will never know...yawn