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Topic: Is marriage an obsolete concept?
TheShadow's photo
Sun 08/17/08 03:10 PM

nope. without marriage, theres no family.

without the family, society crumbles.

Sorry, but ill have to disagree on that. I know a couple couples that have never been married and still have a great famialy.

briancarr's photo
Sun 08/17/08 03:12 PM

marriage is the hardest things youll ever do alot of giving understanding talking forgiving ya gotta keep things fresh and new it can be wonderfull:heart:
You know the sad thing is, that we live in a throw away time. When something get old, or stale, we just get a new one.sad2
ill bet the old was just as good just needed alittle kick start
Your right. Its just that everything is ok now. As long as your willing to live a certain way, it has to be ok with everyone.

grammy09's photo
Sun 08/17/08 03:12 PM
married or living togethere it just dosent matter you still have to work togethere to keep it strong and happy

Beachfarmer's photo
Sun 08/17/08 03:14 PM

married or living togethere it just dosent matter you still have to work togethere to keep it strong and happy

flowerforyou couldn't be said better than that!flowerforyou

grammy09's photo
Sun 08/17/08 03:14 PM

married or living togethere it just dosent matter you still have to work togethere to keep it strong and happy

flowerforyou couldn't be said better than that!flowerforyou
thank you

Beachfarmer's photo
Sun 08/17/08 03:18 PM
happy you're welcome

grammy09's photo
Sun 08/17/08 03:29 PM
:smile: waving

BlueskyJ's photo
Sun 08/17/08 03:31 PM
I think the idea & expectations of marriage are obsolete.....with better than a 50-50 chance the marriage will end in divorce & with many people remaining married out of 'convenience' or for the 'children' I think my car has a better life expectancy than most marriages....

I think marriage should be more of a signed contract with significant details spelled out in advance.....too many broken marriages and broken families and the courts have no idea what to do or how to do anything in a timely manner.....

grammy09's photo
Sun 08/17/08 03:35 PM

I think the idea & expectations of marriage are obsolete.....with better than a 50-50 chance the marriage will end in divorce & with many people remaining married out of 'convenience' or for the 'children' I think my car has a better life expectancy than most marriages....

I think marriage should be more of a signed contract with significant details spelled out in advance.....too many broken marriages and broken families and the courts have no idea what to do or how to do anything in a timely manner.....
i believe some people get married way to soon they dont get to know one another and they dont talk enough about what they both want in the marriage so of course it ends not many people want to work very hard at any thing marriage is just one

Jersey_Devil's photo
Sun 08/17/08 03:57 PM
I wouldn't call it "Obsolete", but it sure looks more like a tradition of a distant past then anything else.
Today, some of the people care more about being happy then having a piece of paper that says they belong to each other.
In the end, a piece of paper is just that.

Lily0923's photo
Sun 08/17/08 03:59 PM
I chose to live in sin rather than to get married again, marriage is the best way to ruin a perfectly good relationship.

Jersey_Devil's photo
Sun 08/17/08 06:34 PM

I chose to live in sin rather than to get married again, marriage is the best way to ruin a perfectly good relationship.

I'll second that motion!

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