Topic: Satanic Art is catholic church exposed | |
Wow, did this thread take a wrong turn or what? As I read all of the
posts, all I could do is shake my head in bewilderment. I learned a very long time ago that just because someone writes a book about a subject, that does not make it absolute fact nor does it make it the truth. It never ceases to amaze me what people will believe just because somebody said it was true in a book. I will not comment any further, nor will I add my thoughts about anything said in this thread. |
theres always a bad apple in every basket. that doesnt mean that the
whole basket is bad. so how can any of u get off on blaming an entire church for some peoples errors. you call urselves christian?? thats a joke!!! love ur enemy , Christ said. without the catholic church, no other christian church would have started. can one say that because muslims bombed the world trade center that all muslims are terrorists?? think about it folks. and one question always arises..why is the catholic church hated by most christians and please dont recite history to me. the catholic church has never bombed a building or created mass murder. when things like that were done, it was in the name of some governmental hierarchy like Spain and such. never from Rome itself. trace back all churches to their founders and you will find that the catholic church was founded by Christ himself. |
the current catholic church was not founded by Christ.
It was founded upon the principles and doctrines of Constantine 325 or 412 years after Christ. The inquisition took its first lives in the year 385 when Priscillian of Avila and 6 of his followers were beheaded at the rule of Maximillian Emperor of Rome and with the aggreement of the synod of the church in power at that time. (In defense of the Catholic Church this action was taken over the protest of the Pope Pope Siricius). In the 13th century the Pope assigned the Dominican Order to prosecute 'herectics' under full papal authority. The Spanish Inquistion which you reference did not take place till the 15th century. By which time methods and prodcedures and been well established. The actual punishment meted out was established by Pope Gregory IX in the year 1231 when he published a decree which called for life imprisonment with salutary penance for the heretic who had confessed and repented and capital punishment for those who persisted. Confession of sins as a heretic could be obtained by questionioning and usually was applied with some form of painful stimulus to exact 'truthfull' testimony. (in an interesting side note any who were found guilty forefit their lands and estates to the church... Nice way to get fat) |
and the turks created a genocide against the armenians. the germans
butchered the jews. israel mass murdered many palestinians and vice versa. why hatred only against the catholic church. you should hate turks, germans, israelis and the rest so as to not look hypocritical. my thoughts of course. people cannot hate one thing and accept another of equal value. |
Where in my truthfull statement did you find anger.
All religions from antitiquity have committed genocide of one type or another. It seems to be a part of the growing pains of a church. First with zeal, then with consoladation of power to a few, then kill any who question those few. It is as it happens. Neither of us can change history. Perhaps we can learn from it. The Chatholic Church still has the groups in place to conduct inqusitions it is called 'Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith'. I submitt to you that we may yet see action from them in our time. (perhaps only with excomunications and such instead of death but they exist). |
other than the abuse (by i hope the few)
my biggest porblem with the catholic religion is the idiolitry (it is used big time) |
I don't take much stock in anything posted by one who makes many fake
profiles to suit his need for attention |
of whom do you speak
the original poster of this thread
ADVENTUREBEGINS... Sorry, did not mean for my thoughts to come directly
at you. Apologies. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion of anything. Some base it on fact and others on faith. Sometimes both. I think every organization in this world has humanity as their excuse and thus keeps peace from really cultivating the masses. One can love the person but hate their actions, and that I can accept. |
That I can accept also
im just going to throw this out there not really reading the thread but
first of all you hear about catholic priest because the media clutches on to it.. it is a story that sells.. in reality not that many priests are molesting people, and the offering plate?? what are you talking about what are they called deacons? or whatever pass it out and everyone everyone touches the offering plate, then also it is a way for pedophiles to go into a setting that will allow them access to children that other job posistions may not which is why you also hear about teachers doing it a lot as well.. maybe if the society wasn't so gulliable the news would stop pushing these stories out all over the place.. |
and adj.. the catholics don't deem anything they do as idolatry... im
not sure what sect of christian you are or what religion you are but to the catholics it's not deemed as idolatry |
lulu i've already had this conversation with that guy " claiming jesus
is only fully divine" in christianity.. i tried to explain to him jesus is both fully human and fully divine.. but he refuses to accept it.. and i agree some of you i myself at times have been as well i wont deny that ( am going to work on it) are being very judgemental I don't have a faith and i choose it that way but i was brought up in a catholic family... and to everyone their faith is the correct way because that's what you were raised to believe... so please stop criticising other faiths it is fine to ask questions but not blatantly sit here and criticise cause im sure people could do it to your faiths to and you really wouldn't appreciate it |
Worshipping or praying to an inanimate object or man made object. A metal cross is a man made object. A cross with a graven image of a man upon it is an idol. If you pray to it you have committed idolatry. A statue is an idol if you pray to it or throught it. Knealing in front of a statue and praying is idolatry. I am not concerned with what others say about their relegion I speak of what I see and what I have been shown. |
you don't pray to the cross though or to the man.. you venerate the
maker of the matter.. you dont venerate the matter. |
Mr, AB:
I'm a catholic and I don't do what u r describing whatsoever. |
first if you're talking about saints.. when you pray you are having
pure than you are, and so you have them deliver your prayers to god because s/he is more likely to recognize it then.... You don't worship the saint though.. |
them interceed ( sp ) between god and you.. to deliver the messege
.. sorry this got cut out of my previous post |
for me a saint it's not delivery guys between God and me.
a saint it's an individual who has lived his/her life in a proper manner, in accordance with God's will. and there is something to learn from his/her life. that is all the function a saint has |