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Topic: Mit diesem Herz hab ich die Macht
FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 08/16/08 10:25 PM

My friend, her boyfriend her son, and two of their friends went to South Carolina for a short vacation, on the way back (driving) they stopped at a local diner and met a woman who had lived in her car for 4 months with her son, had just gotten a mobile home donated to her, my friend gave the woman $30 out of her purse (all the cash she had left from her trip) and sent an email to all of her friends asking that everyone send her $1 annon. with a note that says "enjoy your new home"

It made me cry thinking of living in a car with my own daughter, and how lucky I am to have never had to go through something like that. I didn't think differently of my friend (she is like me and does that kind of thing all the time) but it sure did make me proud to call her friend...not that I needed more reason...

Pay it forward.... it's her motto in life... it should be everyone's...

Good person indeed, and indeed that motto should be held by a lot of people.

Lily0923's photo
Sat 08/16/08 10:32 PM
Here, I'll post it...

This past weekend, me, Ray, Ethan & Ethan's Godparent's, Rich & Sherry went to Myrtle Beach for a long weekend. Rich & Sherry had a vacation in June cut short and wanted to go back for a finish. We had to cancel our October Disney trip being I put Mickey, Minnie and the whole Goofy bunch into my left shoulder when I broke it in April. Wiped out my Disney fund, but at least I had it to keep the bill collectors from repossessing my bionic arm.

We had a fab time- went up Thursday & returned Sunday. On the way home, we were trying to find somewhere to eat. We didn't want to wait until we got to Augusta (Georgia) because the traffic & construction sucks and would be a nightmare. We were following Rich & Sherry- they got off on an exit in Aiken, South Carolina. Rich said he wanted something 'good' to eat. All this exit had was fast food and one sign for a family buffet. We pulled into the family buffet-Sherry said it'd be an adventure.

It was a plain little restaurant- nothing fancy, rocking chairs on the front porch, smells of mmm-mmm good fried food coming out the door. We go in and there is one couple inside eating. That's it. Maybe this wasn't a good idea…. I guess it was close to closing time, they must've been open for Sunday lunch only.

We got a table and I took Ethan to go have a look at the buffet- good, Southern home cookin' fo' sho'. Rich & Ray ordered off the menu. The waitress and the lady in the kitchen were talking back and forth- the lady in the kitchen said 'My God, it's just like Christmas- I could do cartwheels!' The waitress told her to do it outside, so she doesn't make a mess. Yeah, I'm totally dippin' in their convo, I know.

I go up to the buffet and the lady in the kitchen comes out at the same time with a little boy about Ethan's age. I have a face that says 'tell me anything' and usually people do. The lady from the kitchen (she was the cook) and the little boy are standing there grinning like cats that ate the canary.

Out of the blue, she tells me 'I am SOO EXCITED!! Some guys that have been here in town working on the gas lines gave me a camper for free! It wasn't supposed to be brought here until later but they just brought it- I'm so excited- I'd come back and clean up at midnight if I could go out there and get started in it now!!'


I say 'Wow, that's pretty neat! I'm sure you'll enjoy it.' Wondering whatthehell…?

What she says next took my breath away and I almost dropped my plate.

She said 'Yes- we are so excited! My boy & I have been living in the car behind the restaurant for 4 months now so it's just like Christmas to have a place of our own!!.'

I stood there and was ashamed.

Not of this lady and her son- of me. How I felt bad for canceling Disney World for Ethan, how I could only take him to the beach for 2 days. And here was this woman and her son, like looking into a mirror because it COULD BE ME- she was thrilled to live in a camper out of her car. I live so selfish sometimes. I have a nice home & car, a good job, a good life and my boy sleeps in a bed, rests easy and so do I. I was able to take him on a vacation. I can't imagine how this lady and has done this- but as a Mom, it's what you do.

Those who know me know I am RARELY rendered speechless. I stood there and couldn't make a sound. That boy's face- if you could have seen how excited he was! And this woman…. You could tell she has been tired for so long but that it was finally picking up- she FINALLY had hope coming her way. She was embracing it and moving on.

I was finally able to open my stupid mouth and say 'WOW- I am so happy for you! It sure is a great day for you!' I wanted to say something deep and profound and I had nothing.

I went to the table and immediately went to my wallet. I NEVER carry cash, but did on this trip. I had the envelope from the bank in my purse. I took what I had and put it in the envelope- a whopping $30 but I hoped she could use it.

We ate and went to pay- the waitress didn't charge for Ethan since it was so close to closing time. I gave the envelope to the waitress and asked her to give it to the lady in the kitchen. I knew I had to get the hellouttathere because I would've busted out crying and I didn't want her boy to see any more tears. As I'm walking out the door, I hear the waitress say 'Oh Rhonda….'

We make it to the car and start pulling out when the lady and the little boy come busting out the door, waving and yelling THANK YOU!! across the lot. I waved and tried to swallow the baseball I had in my throat.

It wasn't a fluke thing we pulled off that exit.

I had cash for a reason.

He knew what He was doing.

The point of this blog is not to say 'Aww Lisa, you do gooder'. Nope. My point is that kids, really, things are not what they appear. You never truly appreciate what you have until the opposite is right in your face. It takes so little effort to be kind to one another- small gestures move mountains and leave a lasting impression. And hopefully instills the thought to pay it forward- keep the kindness going. It doesn't always take money to make a difference in each others lives. We're all here trying to do the same thing- get by, live life & be happy.

If you've read this far, then maybe you're willing to go a little further….

If you've never paid it forward, here's your chance….

*Take a $1.00 bill

*Wrap it in a piece of paper that says 'Enjoy your camper!' No more, no less….

*Put it in an envelope and mail to:

Baynham Family Restaurant

ATTN: Rhonda

2620 Columbia Highway N.

Aiken, SC 29805

*IMPORTANT!!! No return address...no mention of who you are, where it's come from, nothing. It's a secret!! Shhhh…..

Then you sit back and you too can grin like a cat that ate the canary that you made a difference.

We all can.

Who knows, I might be able to get my Ethel to take a road trip with me one weekend for some fried pork chops and the smile of a little boy…..you know who you are, Ethel. I'll let you know in advance.

FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 08/16/08 10:46 PM
That's awesome, I may just do that...have to get cash though I rarely carry any around.flowerforyou

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