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Topic: Have you ever walked in?
MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 08/16/08 02:33 PM
happy Have you ever walked in on your make believe girlfriend/boyfriend, and your imaginary friend?happy

no photo
Sat 08/16/08 02:34 PM
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Queene123's photo
Sat 08/16/08 02:34 PM
laugh laugh NO!!!!

itry's photo
Sat 08/16/08 02:34 PM
frown noway

no photo
Sat 08/16/08 02:35 PM
are you talking to me mirror????explode laugh laugh laugh

PATSFAN's photo
Sat 08/16/08 02:35 PM
:angry: That happened last week:angry:

Marie55's photo
Sat 08/16/08 02:35 PM
Not yet, and I better NOT!!!rant frustrated explode

marsbar's photo
Sat 08/16/08 02:35 PM
huh noway

dawnyhi's photo
Sat 08/16/08 02:36 PM

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 08/16/08 02:36 PM
Yes. I was PISSED!!!!

LadyOfMagic's photo
Sat 08/16/08 02:36 PM

happy Have you ever walked in on your make believe girlfriend/boyfriend, and your imaginary friend?happy

Mirror..I love you but you got issues.laugh

no photo
Sat 08/16/08 02:37 PM
no......but damn*t.....they have walked in on me....more than once....

how embareassed was I???????????

samauribaby's photo
Sat 08/16/08 02:38 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh huh

Marie55's photo
Sat 08/16/08 02:38 PM
Mirror - you need to teach them the old wash towel over the door knob trick. That will stop any embarassing moments for "all" of you.slaphead winking

Krimsa's photo
Sat 08/16/08 02:38 PM
Evidently mirror is finally scraping the bottom of his bucket of ridiculous questions...ohwell

no photo
Sat 08/16/08 02:39 PM
rofl rofl rofl

Lily0923's photo
Sat 08/16/08 02:39 PM

happy Have you ever walked in on your make believe girlfriend/boyfriend, and your imaginary friend?happy

No, but there's someone on here that resembles that remark...

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 08/16/08 02:40 PM

are you talking to me mirror????explode laugh laugh laugh
:wink: yeslove

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 08/16/08 02:40 PM

happy Have you ever walked in on your make believe girlfriend/boyfriend, and your imaginary friend?happy

Mirror..I love you but you got issues.laugh
laugh flowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 08/16/08 02:40 PM

Mirror - you need to teach them the old wash towel over the door knob trick. That will stop any embarassing moments for "all" of you.slaphead winking

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