Topic: High and Low
myanimalcracker's photo
Tue 08/12/08 02:20 PM
I wake

From my past

Hold you

In my arms

I tell

Stories and fairytales

You’re lost

Between legs and lace

I breathe

Confessions of tomorrow

You see

Our faith in other grow

I hate

You staring endlessly

At my belittled

Curves and beauty

I want

Little talks and wordplay

You want

To keep lying this way

I go

Aimlessly, naked

You watch

I strut instead

You know

I won’t go far this way

I fall

Cry your name all day

You sing

A sweet lullaby

I sleep

Like a sweet child of yours

You wake

I from my past

You hold

Me in your arms

You tell

Stories and fairytales

I’m lost

Between legs and lace

You breathe

Confessions of tomorrow

I see

Our faith in each other grow

You hate

Me staring endlessly

At your belittled

Curves and beauty

You want

Little talks and wordplay

I want

To keep lying this way

You go

Aimlessly, naked

I watch

You strut instead

I know

You won’t go far this way

You fall

Cry my name all day

I sing

A sweet lullaby

You sleep

Like a sweet child of mine.

If you’re me

and I am you

then why are we

living lonely?

eating compulsively?

sleeping unfaithfully?

dying agelessly?

no photo
Tue 08/12/08 02:40 PM
bigsmile flowerforyou Very Nice

d4tc's photo
Wed 08/13/08 10:11 AM
MOST EXCELLENT! flowerforyou bigsmile

no photo
Wed 08/13/08 10:14 AM
:banana: well done!flowers

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 08/13/08 10:18 AM
:banana: Very good :banana:

s1owhand's photo
Thu 08/14/08 06:13 PM
Edited by s1owhand on Thu 08/14/08 06:14 PM
:heart: Remarkable :heart::heart: Beautiful :heart:

myanimalcracker's photo
Thu 08/14/08 11:20 PM
Thank you

MsKim flowerforyou
Jason flowerforyou :heart:
mteagle flowerforyou
Txs flowerforyou
s1ow flowerforyou :heart: