Topic: LIES
toddsholley's photo
Wed 03/14/07 04:25 PM
He lied to her
She lied to him
Their kids lied,
What a shame.
The son got busted
drinking beer,
he lied about his name.
The daughter
missed her period,
she lied to hide her shame.
Dad lied to mom
about working late,
it seemed the thing to do.
Mom lied to dad
about loving him,
for all along she knew.
They all lived lies
and didn't care,
for life was hard,
and nothing was fair.
One very sad day
dad had a stroke,
he died shortly after.
The family wished
instead of lies
they 'd filled their lives
with laughter.
The lies they told
brought only pain,
and ended up in sorrow.
From that day on
they swore to all ,
they'd tell the truth...tomorrow. Todd M. Sholley

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 03/14/07 04:35 PM
Very nice todd you should post more often.bigsmile

oldsage's photo
Wed 03/14/07 04:40 PM

no photo
Wed 03/14/07 04:49 PM
love your poem. people should be honest with each other even if it hurts
the other person always be honest.

MissPuddin's photo
Wed 03/14/07 04:51 PM
Nice Todd,
It's especially nice to hear something creative from a man :)

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 03/14/07 08:59 PM
Sad that it can be so. Sadder still the ending - why put off till
tomorrow what we've learned should be started today.

You write very well - hope to see more.