Topic: JB...check this out!
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Sun 08/03/08 11:23 PM
Seriously, this is exactly what you talk about. Is this you? Is this somebody you know or have learned from?

Belushi's photo
Mon 08/04/08 06:21 AM
Well I watched it and I do have to say ...

My goodness!

no photo
Mon 08/04/08 07:32 AM
oh was the lady talking on the video? ..I didn't notice

no photo
Mon 08/04/08 06:23 PM

wouldee's photo
Mon 08/04/08 06:54 PM
Edited by wouldee on Mon 08/04/08 06:59 PM
follow the trail from the rebuilding of the wall in Nehemiah's day.

That was the countdown to the 69th week of Daniel's prophecy about the coming of Messiah, but let's go backwards from that in scripture.

The Kenites, usurpers of the priesthood in Nehemiah's day, have a trail leading back to Cain.

It is visible in Hebrew, but not very well embraced as a factual trail by many.

Now, an aside to Jesus casting out demons......

"it is not our time yet" they cried.

"silence" is what Jesus commanded them.

But they were speaking to him through a man overcome. "legion" they were called....many.

Slowly, they may be losing place due to the age of grace we are in. Mostly, the stain of their rebellious nature and their influence is being eradicated from the hearts of men, but men are still employing their tactical advantages and positionings of privilege, yet, they themselves, the demons, as spiritual influences are subject to Jesus Christ, nonetheless.

That being stipulated, (not conclusorily being established yet since one must study the scriptures for oneself to draw the conclusion or not), there exists what is called a "religious spirit" loose in the world and it attacks the truth at the faucet, but is not capable of attacking the water itself which is the true fountain. Again, the water is the 'living water' of the word of God as given through Jesus Christ.

Many things are plausible to the natural mind, but that which is plausible is still subject to the interpretation of man.

The truth, on the other hand, is not plausible to the natural mind. It can only come from God directly, and then, in the course of the trail God has given to be witnessed of Himself, not of the witnesses, per se.


cold blooded creatures and warm blooded creatures merging?

Which is sillier? reptiles, or the kenites?

Either way, the first scapegoat mentioned in scripture was a metaphor for Cain. An allegory too. A parable, if you will. Though JHWH (YHWH) commanded the emblem of the scapegoat, is not He the Lord Jesus Christ, the God of Abraham? as Jesus said....before Abraham was, I Am. Exodus 3:14 and John 8:58.

There is a lot buried in scripture. It doesn't lead to Christ on the surface, but it points backwards to how it is that things are the way they are in Christ.

and the plausible merely reflects a similarity to truth, though it falls short of the truth in the end.

Nevertheless, the clues are visible looking backwards after having come forward.

This may seem off topic, but I have watched that stream on you tube. It is relevant to that.

to those that will study from the start I share; may the Lord guide your soul and keep you from error and only assure your heart of that which He would have you to understand.

To those of you that will not diligently study backwards in the Hebrew, all is well, it doesn't matter. Jesus Christ is still forward to you, though behind in time; even though today is the acceptable day of the Lord, if you will not harden your hearts.


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Tue 08/05/08 05:14 AM


that wasn't "JennieBean" in that video that was another Trekkie ...