Topic: Words of Demons | |
do I speak in a demonic or fearful tone?
or use words that may be fearful or demonic? or anything of that sense? |
do I speak in a demonic or fearful tone? or use words that may be fearful or demonic? or anything of that sense? lol, you don't know you do? ok sweetheart, you post alot of demonic posts as far as i am concerned, some might disagree but in answer to your question, yes you do post demonic threads. ![]() |
I honestly thought I was going lite with my wording
I was trying to |
I honestly thought I was going lite with my wording I was trying to you're just a sweet, funny guy trying to make everyone happy i guess but for such a young age i think you dwell too much with this kind of life - i mean death and stuff. we talked about this anways. ![]() don't let me stop you. am sorry. what is your real name? |
We all need to just be ourselves, in the least offensive way possible
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i would like to see a real photo of you please. thank you.
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I have a pic of me here
Its with my other pics, I just dont like using it as my main I have 2 pics of me |
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Im not to sure where you were heading with that one Max
^^" |
ok young man. there are a million other things you can do in your young life rather come here and talk about death and being blood thirsty. this is the last time i will make a comment about these threads for your own good, as a friend to you.
personally i would be afraid to peek into your mind even though you say its just for fun you say these things. alot of kids start out innocently with these things then they become obsessed, next thing you know they are in the deep end of the waters and can't get out and eventually waste themselves like this. i am not saying that you are or will become like this but what i am saying is this - these things start innocently then they get more serious depending on situations in life. at 21 you should be getting ready for the real world soon cause after 25 - its serious business. goodluck with your life. ![]() |
Do you like to laugh Maureeno?
Do you like to laugh Maureeno? i do very much, why? |
Would you agree that most people enjoy a good laugh?
Would you agree that most people enjoy a good laugh? i agree dear and i know what you are getting but i think i want to stop talking to you about this. i think you should really do more healthy things in life like jogging, cooking, travelling, studying, movies, sports, reading, going to church, praying and having conversations that are not death related rather than what you do at present in the forums. - just a thought. having said all that i think you get the drift. goodluck, good bless. ![]() |
I dont always talk about Death and blood or things that are morbid
most of the time I do but not always Only those who are weak get stuck in the Drak Trap |
I dont always talk about Death and blood or things that are morbid most of the time I do but not always Only those who are weak get stuck in the Drak Trap quite frankly you scare me just they way you talk in here. i think of colombine kids who were perfectly normal kids then they went crazy after developing innocent ideas about others then BANG, they went nuts and shoot themselves up to death and others. honestly, i would not be surprised if you have flirted witht the idea of suicide or have people you really hate. i could be totally wrong and i do apologise but what if i am right in a small way? i mean that is just my opinion. you need some guidance and if you are not getting the right ones you can end up hurting yourself and others in the process. again. its just my opinion. |
I am not an angry person
those kids who shot up the school and then their self were building up to that point they were bullied and had enough of it Im not builled or anything of the kind Im not even looked at for the most part not by my classmates or people out in the street I give no reson to catch attention or disgusted looks of any kind Suside is not an opion within any point again only weak ones turn to that Ive had a few different perfessionals in and outside of school None of them helped me in anyway they just wanted to stuff me with meds which I refuse to take |
I am not an angry person those kids who shot up the school and then their self were building up to that point they were bullied and had enough of it Im not builled or anything of the kind Im not even looked at for the most part not by my classmates or people out in the street I give no reson to catch attention or disgusted looks of any kind Suside is not an opion within any point again only weak ones turn to that Ive had a few different perfessionals in and outside of school None of them helped me in anyway they just wanted to stuff me with meds which I refuse to take awwww am so sorry that they did not help you. they probably do not understand you right? well listen dear, you have to help youself at all cost and you can do this by talking to people you feel comfortable with - a good friend, a pastor or just pray to god. god is never too busy for us. ![]() don't worry about the kids at school who do not look at you - this happens to alot of kids, infact it happens everyday to millions of people so don't feel alone. god is always with you and always looks down on you, even when you close your eyes to sleep he sends two guardian angels to watch over you every night but it is important that you begin to help yourself ok ![]() |
I always thought it was better to write it out rather then actually doing it
This is how I help myself Some peoples ideas are not the same |
I always thought it was better to write it out rather then actually doing it This is how I help myself Some peoples ideas are not the same i am happy your are trying to help yourself by writing. writing is a great way to express yourself, i like to write too, it helps me to relax. do you think you could try writing different stuffs the next time that is not death related? it could help you a great lot to express yourself in a different way. i am always concerned when people think that its better to write about death rather than doing it because one day we will be tired of writing about it and fantasise about doing it - that is where the trouble comes. fantasing about death and sucide or things of that nature. you mentioned not wanting to take your meds and i do not blame you because most of the people who recommend them need more help that anyone else. if you feel that you can do without them then you should find another way to help yourself, like joining a group or volunteering at a place that makes you happy or helping others in your spare time. ![]() |