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Topic: Tender Are The Lonely Of Heart
Sweet_and_Sassy's photo
Sat 08/02/08 02:36 PM

Thanks everyone for all of your support and wonderful comments...

Thank you Susan...I know you saved this one.

Thanks Angel my dear...you always the words that are so beautifully expressed.

Thanks Pam(pkd)...Patience is great once that one special person comes along and makes it all worth while.

Thanks Cat...yes, I am fine. I was staying up so I could sleep while everyone else is awake.

Thanks Pam(pkh)...it will be a moment I so look forward too of not being let go.

Silly Wolf...I did not mean up as in awake...I meant you have been so happy for so long and now you seem unhappy...I hope your heart smiles again soon.

Wolfeyes58's photo
Sat 08/02/08 02:37 PM

Thanks everyone for all of your support and wonderful comments...

Thank you Susan...I know you saved this one.

Thanks Angel my dear...you always the words that are so beautifully expressed.

Thanks Pam(pkd)...Patience is great once that one special person comes along and makes it all worth while.

Thanks Cat...yes, I am fine. I was staying up so I could sleep while everyone else is awake.

Thanks Pam(pkh)...it will be a moment I so look forward too of not being let go.

Silly Wolf...I did not mean up as in awake...I meant you have been so happy for so long and now you seem unhappy...I hope your heart smiles again soon.

It is smiling...remember the crows feet that turned into eagle claws...lol

BrooklineBaby's photo
Wed 08/06/08 12:05 PM
Robert - this one TRULY expressed EVERYTHING - please check your e-mail...........flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 08/06/08 11:31 PM
it has opened you and is showing a bit of pain. maybe it is "seen" by many of us because we know where you are at?

LAMom's photo
Wed 08/06/08 11:34 PM

Tender Are The Lonely Of Heart

When you are lonesome
And you feel lost without love,
Your world seems ending
With all you've given of.
What does it take
To keep someone true to heart,
Where you can spend eternity
Without it blowing apart.

Tender are the lonely of heart
Who would like someone just to hold,
Who they could wrap their arms around
And protect them from the cold.
Someone to kiss and give a hug
Or tell them a sweet sentiment,
To hold them for all eternity
Until it was time they went.

I've been without love for so long
The loneliness never evades,
It seems like that never ending love
Will ever prevade.
My heart would gladly open up
For someone who will truly accept,
Because inside of this man
There's plenty of love I have left.

:heart: WoW!!!

no photo
Thu 08/07/08 02:39 AM
drinker flowerforyou :thumbsup:

Redsoxfan1's photo
Thu 08/07/08 11:37 AM
Very nice!! I'm sorry I missed it!:heart: :cry:

Wolfeyes58's photo
Thu 08/07/08 05:08 PM
Thanks everyone for reading and seeing the poem the way it was. Glad you could read into it.

Thanks Kitten, glad you could see into it as well, but the eagle claws still smile.

Thanks Mickey...Glad you liked it. Saw my email.

Thanks seena...it is sad most of us have been down that road. But hopefully it will come to a dead end soon with happiness.

Denise...why you look so surprised? What did this one do to you sweetie?

Thanks Erica...thought you kept up with them all. Glad you liked it.

Thanks 1000...

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