Topic: Im turning Republican!
Fanta46's photo
Mon 07/28/08 03:57 PM
Ok, now that I have your attention.
Has anyone read this, and is anyone else alarmed about the audacity of the Bush administrations efforts to hijack our constitution?
One more question.
Do you think it will be any different with McCain at the White House, or is he just another puppet of a bigger NEOCON organization within the Republican Party?

WASHINGTON — Former Justice Department officials broke the law by letting Bush administration politics dictate the hiring of prosecutors, immigration judges and other career government lawyers, according to an internal investigation released Monday.

For nearly two years, top advisers to then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales discriminated against applicants for career jobs who weren't Republican or conservative loyalists, the Justice report found.

The federal government makes a distinction between "career" and "political" appointees, and it's against civil service laws and Justice Department policy to hire career employees on the basis of political affiliation or allegiance.

Yet Monica Goodling, who served as Gonzales' counselor and White House liaison, routinely asked career job applicants about politics, the report concluded.

"What is it about George W. Bush that makes you want to serve him?" Goodling asked at least some candidates, according to the joint investigation by Justice's Office of Inspector General and Office of Professional Responsibility. Others were asked about their views on abortion and gay marriage.

Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., said "it is crystal clear that the law was broken" by the political hiring process.

"But since it is unlikely that Monica Goodling acted on her own," Schumer added, "the question is, how many others were involved."

The joint report largely focused on Goodling's role in commandeering the hiring process between March 2005 and April 2007, when she resigned.

In one instance, Justice investigators found, Goodling objected to hiring an assistant prosecutor in Washington because "judging from his resume, he appeared to be a liberal Democrat."

In another, she rejected an experienced terror prosecutor to work on counterterror issues at a Justice Department headquarters office "because of his wife's political affiliations," the report said. It also said she rejected at least one job applicant who was rumored to be a lesbian.

Justice investigators concluded that the White House political affairs office recommended a majority of the immigration judge candidates that Sampson and Goodling considered hiring, including one name forwarded by then-top Bush adviser Karl Rove. Sampson has said he initially believed politics could be considered for filling those jobs, and the report shows Goodling researched applicants' GOP bona fides, including campaign contributions and voter registration records.

One candidate received high marks for having attended a "very Republican school," the report notes, but also was faulted for what Goodling called "Cons. On God, guns and gays."

Eventually, Goodling's screening process created a backlog for immigration courts amid their increased workload. At one point, as many as 25 immigration judge slots needed to be filled, the report noted.

In a July 25, 2006, e-mail, one Justice official complained about the slowdown, saying eight vacancies "have been sitting with Monica (and sitting, and sitting and ...)."

White House spokesman Tony Fratto played down the report, saying, "There really is not a lot new here."

The DOJ report can be found at:

120557's photo
Mon 07/28/08 04:03 PM
Didn't the former Dem Prez break the law with a Monica also? It doesn't make dif what party they are with, they break the law and get away with it. This also applies to Senate and Congress.

Kevin77's photo
Mon 07/28/08 04:09 PM

Didn't the former Dem Prez break the law with a Monica also? It doesn't make dif what party they are with, they break the law and get away with it. This also applies to Senate and Congress.

Yeah, getting a bj really compares.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 07/28/08 04:09 PM

Didn't the former Dem Prez break the law with a Monica also? It doesn't make dif what party they are with, they break the law and get away with it. This also applies to Senate and Congress.

I dont know?
Were those illegal cuban cigars?

I wasnt and still am not a Clinton fan!
Either of them!!

BobbyJ's photo
Mon 07/28/08 04:14 PM
Yeah, it's the same with all Republicrats.

We Independents will never forget Clinton with Janet Reno's Waco and Ruby Ridge. Tanks to arrest citizens and snipers to kill women and children.

Moondark's photo
Mon 07/28/08 04:15 PM

Didn't the former Dem Prez break the law with a Monica also? It doesn't make dif what party they are with, they break the law and get away with it. This also applies to Senate and Congress.

What law did he break? Didn't know oral sex was still legal...

Lynann's photo
Mon 07/28/08 04:17 PM
You know, I think the president getting head is a good thing. He or she holds the fate of many in their hands.

I know I always feel better and more relaxed myself after...*GRIN*

The president should really be as relaxed as possible.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 07/28/08 04:25 PM
So what do you think about the OP?

no photo
Mon 07/28/08 04:26 PM
damn republocrats...grumble grumble

Fanta46's photo
Mon 07/28/08 07:36 PM

damn republocrats...grumble grumble

Damn Commies!!laugh laugh laugh flowerforyou

star_tin_gover's photo
Mon 07/28/08 07:57 PM
Edited by star_tin_gover on Mon 07/28/08 08:03 PM

Didn't the former Dem Prez break the law with a Monica also? It doesn't make dif what party they are with, they break the law and get away with it. This also applies to Senate and Congress.

What law did he break? Didn't know oral sex was still legal...

It is but perjury is not. The hummer is not the issue. tongue2 Cool pic moon!

willy_cents's photo
Mon 07/28/08 08:02 PM
to the op...Clinton replaced 93 atty's. They are political appointees and he was well within the standard op proceedure for pres. Anyone hear any outrage over Clinton, or Bush 1, or Reagen doing the same thing? Hell no. Only reason their is outrage this time is because the media decided to make an issue of it. If Osama is elected and fires them all, nary a peep will you hear about it. Just wait and see. lol

s1owhand's photo
Mon 07/28/08 08:36 PM
from Casablanca:

Rick: How can you close me up? On what grounds?
Captain Renault: I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!
[a croupier hands Renault a pile of money]
Croupier: Your winnings, sir.
Captain Renault: [sotto voce] Oh, thank you very much.
Captain Renault: Everybody out at once!

adj4u's photo
Mon 07/28/08 09:40 PM

Didn't the former Dem Prez break the law with a Monica also? It doesn't make dif what party they are with, they break the law and get away with it. This also applies to Senate and Congress.

What law did he break? Didn't know oral sex was still legal...

the law broken was lying to congress

that is Perjury

and you or i would be in jail for it

Dragoness's photo
Mon 07/28/08 09:50 PM

Didn't the former Dem Prez break the law with a Monica also? It doesn't make dif what party they are with, they break the law and get away with it. This also applies to Senate and Congress.

What law did he break? Didn't know oral sex was still legal...

the law broken was lying to congress

that is Perjury

and you or i would be in jail for it

At least when Clinton lied noone I just had to say it. Clinton lies over his private sex life, noone dies or even gets hurt except the American publics pocket book and Bush lies and 100,000 die and cost the American public Trillions of dollars. I don't think the comparison is even

Kevin77's photo
Mon 07/28/08 10:41 PM
More was spent investigating Clinton's bj than investigating the events of 9-11.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 07/28/08 11:45 PM

to the op...Clinton replaced 93 atty's. They are political appointees and he was well within the standard op proceedure for pres. Anyone hear any outrage over Clinton, or Bush 1, or Reagen doing the same thing? Hell no. Only reason their is outrage this time is because the media decided to make an issue of it. If Osama is elected and fires them all, nary a peep will you hear about it. Just wait and see. lol

Negative wiley,

The federal government makes a distinction between "career" and "political" appointees, and it's against civil service laws and Justice Department policy to hire career employees on the basis of political affiliation or allegiance.

They broke the law!
Thats what the ruling was about!!!drinker

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 07/29/08 03:09 AM
A Vietnamese fisherman has claimed that then prisoner of war John McCain had oral sex with him in exchange for food, blankets and ‘hugs’ in the winter of 1968, the Vietnamese media reported today. Leung Ong Lhan, now 78, says that McCain and other prisoners ‘would have done just about anything to get the necessities of life and survive because of the desperate conditions that they had to endure. Experts say that compared to European prisoners of war, those held prisoner in Asian countries needed to go to greater lengths if they were to survive due to the value placed on life in Asia being ‘much less’.

Fanta46's photo
Tue 07/29/08 04:05 AM

A Vietnamese fisherman has claimed that then prisoner of war John McCain had oral sex with him in exchange for food, blankets and ‘hugs’ in the winter of 1968, the Vietnamese media reported today. Leung Ong Lhan, now 78, says that McCain and other prisoners ‘would have done just about anything to get the necessities of life and survive because of the desperate conditions that they had to endure. Experts say that compared to European prisoners of war, those held prisoner in Asian countries needed to go to greater lengths if they were to survive due to the value placed on life in Asia being ‘much less’.

laugh laugh laugh laugh

Where have you been hiding mirror?