Topic: The Catholic church . | |
being normal? huh?
your apology (not saying you are sorry) to celibacy was quite interesting and very well thought. However, you commit exactly the same mistake the original poster made. How can you define what is normal and what is not? It is easy for outsiders who have not made any real attempt to find out what religions really stand for to say that religions are not normal. These individuals make such statements out of what they see (as you said you have been sucked in by the media), and they don't try to really know what is that they are criticizing. Knowing a religion does not mean to convert into it, but to have the whole idea for what it really stands for, thus, we avoid silly comments such as religion is not normal. |
religion isn't normal to anyone but its believers just as being a skater isn't normal to anyone but skaters or just as normal is not sitting at a computer for 8 hours a day, unless your someone who happens to do it, as i said you cannot define normal, itisn't ones place to say which religion is normal or not, it is not the outsiders place to say what should be going on, because they are an outsider i'm not trying to argue with you and I won't I don't care if you feel i'm wrong then you do i'm saying whats normal to me isn't normal to you and thus my norms are not yours and your norms are not mine ultimately. if you took the comment the wrong way thats your problem.
i'm just saying that what is written with the hand, can be erased with elbow.
I find it very disturbing that some catholic priests do not get married and then sexually abuse children . The pope regrets and apologies for the sick behaviour . I always wondered how a healthy man can keep away from sex all his life . as a man who love sex I just can not understand that at all . I think all men should be able to get married if they wish to do so . Celibacy is a harsh , tough and unnecessary behaviour for men and women . all men can get married if they wish to, for those who make the decision not to because of their beliefs, is a choice they make - not something put upon them. as to sick behavior all walks of life are guilty of such not just priest or bishops or popes, read history or watch the news, there is nothing new under the sun. it is just that media has brought these things into our daily lives, it is not hush hush anymore. this has been going on since mankind has been here. priest, teachers, ministers, other authority figures judges, presidents, FBI officials, it is not a bent for a chosen class or type - it is everywhere in every culture both now and historically. to think otherwise is foolish at best and self decieving at worst. |
Of course priests have urges and natural sex drives they choose to be celibate for the graces they willl get from God. And they do get much Graces
I find it very disturbing that some catholic priests do not get married and then sexually abuse children . The pope regrets and apologies for the sick behaviour . I always wondered how a healthy man can keep away from sex all his life . as a man who love sex I just can not understand that at all . I think all men should be able to get married if they wish to do so . Celibacy is a harsh , tough and unnecessary behaviour for men and women . ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Agreed, man is not meant to be alone. This is just one of the things many wrong with Catholicism. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
In many religious traditions, celibacy is connected to the process of becoming holy, complete, perfect, and pure. ![]() ![]() |