Topic: Why would heaven need a ruler? | |
Everybody creates their own reality, whether they realize it or not.
The information I shared about "sex" in the spirit world came from both the writings of Robert Monroe, and a brief personal experience. Orgasmic excitation is simply the coming together of energy between two entities and their particular vibrations. Usually the exchange is an extremely short lived experience. It is not a long drawn out mental or physical experience. It is just extremely pleasurable and enlightening. Sort of like receiving an electrical shock only it is pleasurable rather than painful. I'm not trying to convince anyone of this, just putting the information here in case someone has experienced or know of this kind of thing. JB |
not a problem james, you've already created your own world and scenario and i hope it turns out that way for you and jb also with what she believes. When it comes to 'beliefs' I really don't have that many at all to be truthful about it Sam. I believe that I actually experience what I experience. If that makes any sense to you. As far as trying to figure out our true essence I'm agnostic. I often speak about Pantheism as being 'feasible'. So I guess you could say that I believe that it could be possible. That doesn't mean that I believe that's the way things really are. I just can't see any reasons to deny it. I work opposite from most people. I'm not concerned with trying to believe in something I can't know. I'm more concerned with not believing int things that appear to be either nonsensical, or self-contradictory. In other words, I work a bit like Sherlock Homles. Eliminate what can't be true, and whatever is left must be the truth. We all know that it's impossible to disprove the idea of God in general. However when it comes to doctrines, I think books can be shown to be self-inconsistent, contradictory and therefore unreliable at best. If I'm going to 'believe' anything. And I'm going to 'believe' that I have a creator. I must begin with the belief, that the creator is wiser than me, and more benevolent than me. Otherwise why even bother? If my creator is lesser than me I probably don't even want to know about it until I have no other choice in the matter. When it comes to religions, I haven't found one yet that makes sense. So as far as I'm concerned any guess is just as good as any other. The only thing that I know is that I wouldnt' blame someone for guessing wrong. And if I won't blame them, and I believe that my creator is more benevolent than me, then surely he wouldn't blame them either. So from that I must conclude that if there is a benevolent creator, he couldn't care less what you believe. All he could possible care about is what's in your heart. Thus which religion you extol (or if you are a complete atheist) is totally irrelavent. All that matters is your intent. That is about the only thing that I truly believe. All else is just fun speculation. ![]() i understand you james, i've read your thoughts on this several times. |
I thought I was in heaven??
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I thought I was in heaven?? ![]() ![]() I live in Heaven. ![]() |
I don't know why, but when I read this I felt like I was attending a lecture at Harvard University and they were giving an overview of religions in general. ![]() haven't been there in years ![]() |
I don't think there would need to be a ruler in heaven. I think the answer lies in Genesis.
Genesis 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever: I think that some just aren't ready for ascension or otherwise they could become one of us. Pantheism at its finest. ![]() |
Genesis 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever: I've dined at the "Y", is that the same as eating from the tree of life? ![]() |
did the believers not think there was a NEED for others that did not believe, to practice and learn not to condem, lol....
what happens when the believers see that the "wicked" or unbelievers only DOUBT themselves and their imaginations because of what the believers say and preach, and that they, are as already perfected, the law having already been lived thru and believed in lives past, and are sent now as angels, as all humans be angels disguised in human flesh, to perfect the believers, lol.......... indeed, when the beleivers see they were the ones that prayed for their lord god to come to avenge their enemies, and that they have many, even as many that say they don't believe, and that all they have believed, as the mouth show by profession what is written on the heart, they have not kept for their own hearts, and even insist ones that are NOT purposed to believe should, and even wish they should be abolished to hells fires, the story of ninevah be recreated as once told, and the weight of the only sin, to believe, not do, and then NOT confess, bring them to the earth, and weeping as the "books of life" of EACH mind be opened is heard, in streets and yards and town and cities, and the HEART of EACH, see itself, without FEAR, and ALL confess readily they have failed, and judgement is recieved and even wished for, and those that believed SEE they did not even believe the very simplest of words, having purposed in their hearts they would be heros for god, but even as peter wished to be a hero, and truly believed as he was inpsired to, failed miserably, as PURPOSED, so shall all that say they believe see they are, and KNOW god is fair, and just, just as spoken, and believers and professors see their failure to the greatest degree, and know the TRUE LOVE, and ALL names OF ALL BELIEVERS that cannot exist EXCEPT they be in the book of life, shall be moved into the "lambs book of life", and the loving lambs created by the book of life and lambs book of life being joined, the two tress of the garden now as one, and the knowledge of the lamb that swore none would be lost, and that he was not willing ANY should persih when all was fulfiiied, come forth, and all know that words from infintie truth ans wisdom as god never pass away, and each word create what it has spoken, and indeed, all shall gather as one, the unbelievers and believers, now as one, and gather in silence, in PEACE, on knee, in the yards and streets, in all the lands and countries, ALL KNOWING WHO THEY ARE, and from WHERE THEY CAME, and to WHERE THEY GO, and stand with NO FEAR as the comet screaches to earth, ALL knowing sudden impact is emminnint, and when the attempts to overt having been completed, now EACH having faith in god, which is knowing WITHOUT ANY DOUBT, that no human could have ever achieved, ALL STAND READY, without FEAR, and as the world was first created just as scientist said, by an impact of two, so shall again an impact of two come to pass, to create a new earth and new cycle of time of learning, and ALL are disperced to each their own place, of new learning and happiness, having all wisdom to be TAUGHT new things, and living as kings, and lords each one, having queens for all, with lands with cattle on a thousand hills, and princes as each has wished, giving perfected birth without fear and pain, to perfected creations, and ALL LOVE and WISDOM as gods resides, and the learning of gods each has inherited, to prepare each for their own world, and own shall it be. any perception of wicked or evil deeds done by any human be because one that does not believe, has been told he should, and any that do believe, do not do as they say, as purposed, and to not confess, until SEEING is time, and a holy spirit of fear has caused all, and purposed all that has ever been done, and when the wisdom that is had from ALL DEEDS and ALL HISTORY is seen, by each "books of life" the mind opened, and each tree of life, the heart, joined without any FEAR, none shall not even say thank you, as these words cannot be uttered when bliss is had........ the bliss of no fear and no lack of understanding NONE could have known EXCEPT FOR ALL THAT HAS HAPPENED, and the good that come is SO BEYOND HUMAN COMPREHENSION, that each would be the FIRST TO BEG to relive 10 lives of total misery and torment to have............ it was the only way to bring any being thru many lives and many layers to understanding of what can never be told, until enough experience has created enough points of reference to be explained, for none can see YET that the knowledge of all past lives is NOT past away, but indeed hidden within the books of the life the minds of all when they are opened.......... |