Topic: If I'm a Good Person, Why Do I Need a Saviour? | |
.....I'm a Good Person, Why Do I Need a Savior?........ You don't. |
.....I'm a Good Person, Why Do I Need a Savior?........ You don't. This is exactly what I mean about "intellect." People use this word in a twisted way to start arguements with people who are sharing their faith. Go "debate" someplace else. I'm sure MS was just posting something so people can share their own experiences. Others just like to throw mud. How sad for you. |
No...I think you come up with the same thing over & over & just don't like what people are saying to you. My answer is just...ask God. Humans can only point the way from their own experiences WITH GOD. Get it? You have to ask God yourself.. He alone will reveal the truth for those who have ears to hear & eyes to see what His Spirit is saying. if what you now say is true, then why do you not just post to all........GO READ THE BIBLE AND SEEK GOD.......... then none would ask questions..........your text describe you perfectly in all ways, so what mistaking is there......... one claims to represent truth, and preach truth, and be of truth, and love truth, but hate to answer questions.............SORRY, THIS DON'T ADD UP AT ALL! |
Go "debate" someplace else. Ohh, there's that intolerance thing again. Walk the talk, sis. |
No...I think you come up with the same thing over & over & just don't like what people are saying to you. My answer is just...ask God. Humans can only point the way from their own experiences WITH GOD. Get it? You have to ask God yourself.. He alone will reveal the truth for those who have ears to hear & eyes to see what His Spirit is saying. if what you now say is true, then why do you not just post to all........GO READ THE BIBLE AND SEEK GOD.......... then none would ask questions..........your text describe you perfectly in all ways, so what mistaking is there......... one claims to represent truth, and preach truth, and be of truth, and love truth, but hate to answer questions.............SORRY, THIS DON'T ADD UP AT ALL! Take some of your own advice & stop starting arguements. |
if one ask a question of another that speak, that profess many things in a public forum, that others shall be damned by, and they ask a question, then they argue....... seems many wishing for answers to questions be a good thing, for the sake of love and salvation......... ![]() are you actually concerned about a lost does not appear so when one will not answer questions...... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Who will save your soul?
Save yourself. |
.....I'm a Good Person, Why Do I Need a Savior?........
You don't. Save yourselves! |
.....I'm a Good Person, Why Do I Need a Savior?........ You don't. This is exactly what I mean about "intellect." People use this word in a twisted way to start arguements with people who are sharing their faith. Go "debate" someplace else. I'm sure MS was just posting something so people can share their own experiences. Others just like to throw mud. How sad for you. The question was asked and answered. This is a discussion forum. You are the one throwing mud and being bossy. How sad for you. JB |
No...I think you come up with the same thing over & over & just don't like what people are saying to you. My answer is just...ask God. Humans can only point the way from their own experiences WITH GOD. Get it? You have to ask God yourself.. He alone will reveal the truth for those who have ears to hear & eyes to see what His Spirit is saying. if what you now say is true, then why do you not just post to all........GO READ THE BIBLE AND SEEK GOD.......... then none would ask questions..........your text describe you perfectly in all ways, so what mistaking is there......... one claims to represent truth, and preach truth, and be of truth, and love truth, but hate to answer questions.............SORRY, THIS DON'T ADD UP AT ALL! Take some of your own advice & stop starting arguments. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Take some of your own advice & stop starting arguments. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 07/26/08 08:14 AM
as my 11 year old daughter says, do not agree with anyone that speaks and can't back up there words...........
what one does not ask questions of one that share each is hellbound and damned and lost that does not do and say as them.......... what leader does not have to answer questions...... what boss does not have to answer questions....... what husband does not have to answer questions........ what wife does not have to answer questions....... what friend does not have to answer questions........ what politician does not have to answer questions...... what thief does not have to answer questions....... what law enforcement does not have to answer questions........ what teacher does not have to answer questions....... what parent does not have to answer questions....... what court does not have to answer questions....... what god leader and speaker does not have to answer questions........ hitler was not made to answer questions......... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The scriptures do not say a woman can not speak or teach. The setting you are referring to is talking about the priesthood. In the assembly on the sabbath of rest or a Holy day.
This did not only speak of them as nature tells us that when someone is teaching that the men are to be silent also. The women are told to take care of thier households and to teach the younger women. The men are not commanded to do this teaching. In antient Israel when Yahweh could not find a Humble man to lead he chose a woman. Deborah was over the people. This forum is a community. In a community we speak with respect to each other. Anyone is able to speak and say to futher themselves in the Kingdom and others. Just because Adam was created from the dust of the ground and Eve from Adam. Does not make her lower in any respect. To the contrary she is to be cherished and upheld more than the finest rubies. The saying behind every good man is a good woman is very true. They are 1. Adam is the one who tried to place blame on the woman for his own actions. We are to try not to do the same but to be responcible for our own and to confess up to them. This is a place of views and counterviews. All are valuable to any wise man or woman..Blessings...Miles |
Edited by
Sat 07/26/08 08:41 AM
Thank you Miles...
As I have said...there are those who just want to argue & discuss. They invade any chance of people sharing their faith. Maybe if THEY would learn to listen to what someone else is saying they just might learn something. Instead they are very arrogant to insist they know from a lack of knowledge or experience, not from those who do know. Try taking the guile out of the conversation & we might get along better. I know my own experience taught me that when I have an issue to not make a quick judgement but to let it come around full circle. Then I get the right answer. Haste makes waste... I still believe the best teacher is God. |
"Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time!
But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money! Religion takes in billions of dollars, they pay no taxes, and they always need a little more. Now, you talk about a good bull**** story. Holy ****!" George Carlin on religion... |
QS, you seem to presume that you are bearing witness to those who haven't heard the word... There are plenty that have heard it and just don't buy it.
So what right do you have to say that we can't share our own varieties of faith (or lack thereof)? AND, if you cannot bear to relate your position with those who are here to discuss from a different perspective, then just how strong IS your faith? Apparently not enough to disregard the jibes. If you cannot debate with those who question you, then how good of a witness are you for the faith you champion? Surely the Holy Word of God is inherently right and undeniable... The problem with blind faith, or any sort of faith is that your particular garden variety works for you, but certainly doesn't work for everyone, not even everyone raised in the same tradition. Unless you are a mentally disturbed person, there are logical inconsistencies that you have to rationalize (lie to yourself about), or omit from your thinking (white-lie to yourself about), or you can question and refute the discrepancy. If thinking critically about the nature of your beliefs is wrong then your very God who gave you free will gave you something that forces you to sin. How then to you rationalize that? It is admirable to hold to a belief in the face of uncertainty, but foolish to do so in the face of fact. |
Edited by
Sat 07/26/08 09:24 AM
Thank you Miles... As I have said...there are those who just want to argue & discuss. They invade any chance of people sharing their faith. Maybe if THEY would learn to listen to what someone else is saying they just might learn something. Instead they are very arrogant to insist they know from a lack of knowledge or experience, not from those who do know. Try taking the guile out of the conversation & we might get along better. I know my own experience taught me that when I have an issue to not make a quick judgement but to let it come around full circle. Then I get the right answer. Haste makes waste... I still believe the best teacher is God. QS: Our right to refute, rebuke or disagree with anyone preaching their faith is what the forums are all about. Are they not? You assume that the O.P. is posted by someone who "knows the truth" when you insist that people should "learn to listen ..from those who know." That is your opinion and it is NOT SHARED by everyone. People who respond do not respond from "lack of knowledge." They have heard that song and dance over and over so many times it is hard to get it out of their heads, ~like an annoying song. They reject it because of what they know, not from lack of knowledge. So stop playing like you are the moderator here or the big protector of Morningsong's thread. JB |
"Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time! But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money! Religion takes in billions of dollars, they pay no taxes, and they always need a little more. Now, you talk about a good bull**** story. Holy ****!" George Carlin on religion... See what I mean.... |
certainly... that's a cheap shot, but given I think in the same vein as those who dole out quoted verse and scripture in lieu of a genuine answer to a legitimate question.
I have to agree with the questioning.
I welcome all questions because it makes me think and prove to myself what i believe to be true. The israelites how many times sent scouts out to see what they were going into. If are faith is strong then it will not fold. We are in the days of spiritual warfare. where the unknown is questioned more than anytime in history. For us to shut ourselves out of what is said or thought is blinding to us. Any war or even a college game of football you look to see what the oponent has up his sleave. No difference really. We are blessed by the questioning if we will search and gain knowledge from it. The Apostle Paul when going to the pagans that had a statue for every diety they could think of did not argue with them but reasoned. he showed them that the unknown diety was Yahweh that they were worshipping reasoning with this superstitious people. We are to be a reasoning and peacefull people able to withstand all that comes against us. Without guile or malious but with contentness and willingness to not only speak but to listen and give an answer to every man consering our faith. Blessings of Shalom...Miles |
certainly... that's a cheap shot, but given I think in the same vein as those who dole out quoted verse and scripture in lieu of a genuine answer to a legitimate question. Not a cheap shot at all. It is an abstract comical point of view that actually is quite accurate. Way to go George!! JB |