Topic: where the NAGA Hydes | |
Well jellybean what flavor are you today? lets get to it - i would like to know of your readings and understandings of the infamous NAGA'S the grey's both types 1 and 2 i am quite familiar with, but the gnawgas - no. so fill me in please.
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sorry G. its almost 1:30 am here beddy by time for me but you can start getting into it tonight if you want - see ya tomorrow -
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Edited by
Fri 07/25/08 10:47 PM
The dragon race, snake race, reptilians etc. are "inner terrestrials."
There are three suggested origins for the Anunnaki reptilian intervention in human affairs: 1 They are extraterrestrials; 2 They are ‘inner’ terrestrials who live within the Earth; 3 They manipulate humanity from another dimension by ‘possessing’ human bodies. Some think all three are true. In their physical expression, the Anunnaki are one of the many inner-Earth races which live underground in the enormous catacombs, caverns and tunnels below the surface. A Hopi Indian legend says that a very ancient tunnel complex exists under Los Angeles and this, they say, was occupied by a ‘lizard’ race some 5,000 years ago. In 1933 G. Warren Shufelt, an LA mining engineer, claimed to have found it. Today, it is said, some malevolent Freemasonic rituals are held in this tunnel complex. There has been a massive cover up by the authorities of the existence of these subterranean races and where they live. In 1909 a subterranean city which was built with the precision of the Great Pyramid was found by G.E. Kincaid near the Grand Canyon in Arizona. It was big enough to accommodate 50,000 people and mummified bodies found on the site were of oriental or possibly Egyptian origin, according to the expedition leader Professor S.A. Jordan. Numerous artefact's were found, including copper implements as hard as steel. The Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC has ensured these finds remain unknown to the public (that’s its job!) and no-one would have known about this discovery had it not been for two articles in a local newspaper, the Arizona Gazette, in April 1909. The researcher and author, John Rhodes, claims to have located this site and he connects it with Sipapuni, the underground world from where the Hopi Indians claim to have originated. According to their legends, the Hopi once lived within the Earth and were fed and clothed by ‘ant people’, possibly the extraterrestrials known as the Greys. The Hopi refer to their ancestors as their ‘snake brothers’ and their most sacred of underground rituals is the snake dance. JB |
The Pope himself said that it is okay to believe in aliens.
Gee that was very kind of him to tell us what it is okay to believe. I guess he thinks he has the almighty power of god and the church. By "Okay" does he mean that it is not a sin to believe in aliens? I wonder. ***************************************** July 24, 2008 12:01am Article from: The Daily Telegraph FORMER NASA astronaut and moon-walker Dr Edgar Mitchell - a veteran of the Apollo 14 mission - has stunningly claimed aliens exist. And he says extra-terrestrials have visited Earth on several occasions - but the alien contact has been repeatedly covered up by governments for six decades. Dr Mitchell, 77, said during a radio interview that sources at the space agency who had had contact with aliens described the beings as 'little people who look strange to us.' He said supposedly real-life ET's were similar to the traditional image of a small frame, large eyes and head. Chillingly, he claimed our technology is "not nearly as sophisticated" as theirs and "had they been hostile", he warned "we would be been gone by now". Dr Mitchell, along with with Apollo 14 commander Alan Shepard, holds the record for the longest ever moon walk, at nine hours and 17 minutes following their 1971 mission. "I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that we've been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomena is real," Dr Mitchell said. "It's been well covered up by all our governments for the last 60 years or so, but slowly it's leaked out and some of us have been privileged to have been briefed on some of it. "I've been in military and intelligence circles, who know that beneath the surface of what has been public knowledge, yes - we have been visited. Reading the papers recently, it's been happening quite a bit." Dr Mitchell, who has a Bachelor of Science degree in aeronautical engineering and a Doctor of Science degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics claimed Roswell was real and similar alien visits continue to be investigated. He told the astonished Kerrang! radio host Nick Margerrison: "This is really starting to open up. I think we're headed for real disclosure and some serious organisations are moving in that direction." Mr Margerrison said: "I thought I'd stumbled on some sort of astronaut humour but he was absolutely serious that aliens are definitely out there and there's no debating it." Officials from NASA, however, were quick to play the comments down. In a statement, a spokesman said: "NASA does not track UFOs. NASA is not involved in any sort of cover up about alien life on this planet or anywhere in the universe. 'Dr Mitchell is a great American, but we do not share his opinions on this issue.',23599,24070088-13762,00.html ************************************ |
thnx JB,
that is not the first time I've read or heard about beings living within the earth. The fact i believe are most definitely true as to the greys, at least the type one's who my step mom, whom i call mom, seen while working at Las Alamo's in 50-51, she was taken to area 51 to see new equipment to be used on the mfg. of the hydrogen bomb and while going thru the corridor's viewed 5 type 1 greys, though they were not called that back then, from the waist up only being covered the rest of the way. her, her captain, and 5 others all witnessed this first hand and though she kept this to herself until last year, she finally told me what all had gone on there that she was aware of. i think many were in the same position of not wanting to say anything as they were sworn to secrecy at those high level areas and were good and responsible people otherwise they would have not been chosen to be there to begin with. The hanger was also open and she saw the craft in the hanger floating off the ground with cables attached to it to keep it in place. since it was her telling me this and i had asked about it over the decades and she does not know how long she has to live i believe in her words 100% - she has no reason to lie about it nor has she ever lied about anything to me. The most convincing part was not so much the facts of her statements, but her reactions to my statements after she had told me all of this, she is a christian, devout catholic all her life, and i told her do you know what this means if it can be publicly proven, she asked what, and i told her all Christianity would fall if there is life on other planets intelligent life that all here believe god only made on this planet. Her expression was one of great consternation of my words and she began to say things like "well, i can't say for sure they were from another planet, blah blah blah, - it scared her. She had never thought about the consequences of what her experiences could bring about for religious matters. THAT was what truly made me accept this as the truth. interesting huh? |
I've been studying ufos since the early 50's first real book on the subject by George adamski, they new to much about FS's. i was well aware of the venusians and martians and all others talked of then, but the Naga i never heard of, that is why i asked - did they have a different name to begin with? did the Hopi have a particular name for them? frank schaeffer ( not sure of spelling) also wrote extensively on past civilizations underground in the 50's my grandmother was an avid reader of anything to do with the paranormal of any kind. from fate magazines to publications i don't even remember anymore, i got caught up into it at about the age of 11 or 12 and would spend hours reading and trying to figure out all the grown up language that was used within them. many words were not even in the dictionary. I'll tell more later
Edited by
Sat 07/26/08 09:36 AM
I've been studying ufos since the early 50's first real book on the subject by George adamski, they new to much about FS's. i was well aware of the venusians and martians and all others talked of then, but the Naga i never heard of, that is why i asked - did they have a different name to begin with? did the Hopi have a particular name for them? frank schaeffer ( not sure of spelling) also wrote extensively on past civilizations underground in the 50's my grandmother was an avid reader of anything to do with the paranormal of any kind. from fate magazines to publications i don't even remember anymore, i got caught up into it at about the age of 11 or 12 and would spend hours reading and trying to figure out all the grown up language that was used within them. many words were not even in the dictionary. I'll tell more later The Naga, I believe is a particular reptilian race, more humanoid than the greys. There are probably many races and more species than you might think. The Hopi called the greys "The ant people" and I can see why, because their heads sort of look like ants and they have skinny legs. These beings actually come from a different frequency or different dimension than we do, but they have learned how to create vortexes where they can come through to our world. This is accomplished by vibration and frequency changes. Travel in their spaceships is powered by electromagnetism. Even while in this dimension they can cloak their ships to be invisible. This cloaking technology is now being used by our own military for tanks etc. It involves projecting the view from one side of the tank to the other side so that the tank cannot be seen. Humans have gleaned a lot of technology from the alien influence and have been doing that since the beginning. JB |
i just ordered and recieved Stephen spielbergs Taken.. Starts before roswell over Gremany and goes to present day. Throughout the grays are the reference to aliens encounters. It is 15 hours no commercials and te best sky fi movie or mini series i have ever seen. He makes it seem so plausible to believe. have any of you seen Taken? blessings...Miles
Colorado Springs, Colorado, a hot bed for aliens and technology.
I like Stargate and I have heard that it not exactly fiction. It takes place in Colorado Springs in the side of a mountain. I lived in Colorado Springs where Norad is. When I set up shop as a private investigator I was followed and investigated and my phone was tapped. There was a lot of secrets in that place. Lots of cattle mutilations going on. I had a man come to me who claimed that they had put a chip in his tooth. I suspect he was an abductee of some kind or a government experiment in mind control. At the time I thought he was just crazy. I called the police thinking they would just shrug it off, but they jumped on this guy like a swat team and snatched him up pronto, then called me back to tell me about it. It was very weird. JB |
i just ordered and recieved Stephen spielbergs Taken.. Starts before roswell over Gremany and goes to present day. Throughout the grays are the reference to aliens encounters. It is 15 hours no commercials and te best sky fi movie or mini series i have ever seen. He makes it seem so plausible to believe. have any of you seen Taken? blessings...Miles I have seen it on television. It was a series. It is good, but it has some misinformation in it. JB |
Edited by
Sat 07/26/08 10:50 AM
The Naga, I believe is a particular reptilian race, more humanoid than the greys. There are probably many races and more species than you might think. tribo: don't count on it i know of 3 dozen at least, you can't study this stuff without running into all of them - ![]() I can only give creedence to the grey's as existing for now, because of info i have presented here, the type 1's do look very similiar to man except for height and skinnyness. the heads are somewhat bigger but not much, and the eyes a a little bigger but not like the type 2's which have enormous eyes in comparison, and are much less in height. The supposed venusians on the other had are supposed to be VERY manlike or angelic like in looks as to golden hair and such, those are G. A.'s writing's - they could be seen as angelic being's very easily. VENUS? - well i know you think that because of science that's not possible, but science is just guessing for a large part is what's possible, who knows. as to the ancient interior races there are supposedly more than the NAGA you speak of but i've forgotten the names - been 45+ yrs, since i looked at these things. So any further info you have would be appreciated JB - thx. |
Yes i agree. In ordering the series it also came with an extra cd of the making of Taken how they done it thier time schedule they completed in 1 year which is quite something for hollywood to do. But he explains how he went through studing so much that had been written and said in newspapers. So his goal was not to be completely factual but to make people relate to it from thing they had already heard before.
I believe that is why i like it so much is i do not know much out such things but through the years have seen shows and the story followed it quite abit yet giving it a mystery feeling of being real.. Blessings..Miles |
Just wanted to let u know i have not forgot what we spoke about. My mind is still in what i remember mode and takes a little nudging to go full steam ahead on searching for answers thier. I just have to work upto it. ![]() ![]() |
When I was in Eckankar, I encountered a woman who claimed to be venusian. She had a large following of people she spoke to about how she got here on earth and into a human body. I was not one of the people who followed her around. Quite honestly, I did not dis-believe her, but I did not believe her either.
The first time I saw her, she was descending a flight of stairs in a hotel lobby full of people. I just wanted to see this woman who was making this claim. When I looked at her, she suddenly looked directly at me, picking me out of the crowded room. I felt as if she was reading me and my intentions. It felt as if she read that I was only curious about her and not a threat, so she went about her business. The way she said she had ended up on earth in a human body was that the soul that had been in the body wanted out and was scheduled to die. It was hit by a car. The original soul left the body and her's was put into it. JB |
Tribo Just wanted to let u know i have not forgot what we spoke about. My mind is still in what i remember mode and takes a little nudging to go full steam ahead on searching for answers thier. I just have to work upto it. ![]() ![]() thnx Miles maybe what i've said in this thread about the venusian's is why i'm interested in that statement made by your article. it facinates me. good luck on finding answers for me/you |
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Sat 07/26/08 10:52 AM
When I was in Eckankar, I encountered a woman who claimed to be venusian. She had a large following of people she spoke to about how she got here on earth and into a human body. I was not one of the people who followed her around. Quite honestly, I did not dis-believe her, but I did not believe her either. The first time I saw her, she was descending a flight of stairs in a hotel lobby full of people. I just wanted to see this woman who was making this claim. When I looked at her, she suddenly looked directly at me, picking me out of the crowded room. I felt as if she was reading me and my intentions. It felt as if she read that I was only curious about her and not a threat, so she went about her business. The way she said she had ended up on earth in a human body was that the soul that had been in the body wanted out and was scheduled to die. It was hit by a car. The original soul left the body and her's was put into it. JB Hmmm? there may be some semblance of truth to her statements as i recall the inhabitants of venus take on and shed their physical bodies as needed, since they are not needed on venus, they have none, but here they would - but the taking over of other human bodies i have never read? yea i'm sceptical of that part. but donot have enough info to extropilate it any further since that was reading done along time ago. |
I'm also kind of curious, Miles, JB, how this would affect religion's? if there are other worldly being whether they be advanced or as ours or less than ours, since the whole of religion and belief's rest on god creating EARTH as the place where intelligent life would be formed and no others mentioned, that if this proves true in the near or far future - what will happen to those held belief's? yours especially Miles, i don't think it will affect mine or JB's. if there are many inhabited places in the universe - will your god and Jesus then have to go through the same scenarios as they did here? will he have to be crucified over and over till all have a way to go to the ultimate heaven? When Jesus stated "it is finished" was he just stating it was finished for us here? Or for every form of life everywhere?
Since it only states that god created man - does that leave any room for others at all? If so how? I believe it does not, religion here and beliefs here seem only to pertain to mankind. |
This is my own take on third and fourth density evolution.
Bare in mind this is an extremely broad overview of my idea of the evolution of third and fourth density creatures, excluding stars and planets. Planets and stars became environments for the evolution of lifeforms, as many structures, if not all structures become. On Planets, living organisms evolve from the core of the planet into the sea and these organisms evolve into sea creatures. Sea creatures evolve into all manner of fish and other creatures and eventually they evolve into reptiles and take up life on the land. On any given planet, different things will evolve depending on the conditions. The normal coarse, evolve from reptiles and reptiles evolve into reptilian humanoids. These are the creatures who dominate this galaxy. Reptilian races. Mammals evolve, probably from a different kind of sea creature. I am no scientist so I don't know the specifics. I look at the big whole picture. Humans on this planet evolved from mammals, probably Lemurs or some other primate. The galaxy reptilian humanoids have been here long before humans and they have developed a lot of technology. They move from their dimension to ours with this technology, hence they feel they own the right to tinker with evolution on the planets. They can move from one body to another or incarnate and retain all of their memories of the last body or life. Hence they also know how to occupy a human body. Their major agenda is to improve the bodies available. They tinker with human evolution for the purpose of the development of better bodies to inhabit. They seek to create the master race. The intention is a body that can live longer, fight disease in third density conditions, and regrow severed limbs and any other improvements they can manage. These bodies are being engineered for them to inhabit. The problem encountered is that their robotic biological human bodies became self aware, inhabited by different energies (individual souls) from outside fourth density. These new inhabitants resisted possession of the reptilian souls. So the battle becomes one of a battle for possession of the bodies rather than a battle for the eternal soul. But there are others outside third and fourth density who are watching this evolution of the bodies carefully. As time does not exist, sequence is an individual thing. This means that all things that have manifested still exist and operate in the universal body. (Greys are not our future, they are our past.) That is a loose picture, and strictly a work in progress. JB |
We do believe thier will be some kind of sighting. In the same breath we believe these are fallen angels who may even show up with a leader to whom will claim he is the reason for populating the earth.. Just a little twist on the scriptures. By scripture Angel accend and descend as does Satan as he is called the accusser of the brethern. He does this in heaven now. When he is kicked out is when this may happen as a deception. More my thoughts than most on this. Aliens would more or less strengthen our faith of who they really are. We believe totally in the Abrahamic promice that his descendents would be as the stars of heaven. Which are unnumerable. Yahweh is precise in what he does. So begs the question what happens when all is finished and Yahweh descendes in a mansion from heaven to Jerusalem at the end of the book. Personally and many others believe. That when Yahweh said his descendents this would also be all who are in the kingdom at this time. We are said to be sons of Yahweh. Yahweh never stops creating but so far he has done it only through his son Yahshua. We will start the process all over again but this time all the planets will be recreated and we through Yahweh will do it. He did not make the star system to just sit thier. Blessings...Miles |
"How this would affect religion's?"
The galaxy aliens themselves have very ritualistic beliefs and have incorporated their beliefs into human society. Religions will evolve as the process continues. If you look at religions today, you will see that they have evolved quite a lot already. JB |