Topic: That one chance (religion) | |
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Wed 07/23/08 08:34 PM
If you had one solid chance to write of utter most importance in every single newspaper and magazine including internet the world had and it would go each to the front page for 3 days, what would you write concerning the topic (religion) that you think would be of dramatic importance to change the views of people for the better of the people?
Now really put some thought into this and take the situation seriously as if you actually are given the power to do this in reality! thanks ![]() |
Wow not one single taker on this!! Amazing
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If you had one solid chance to write of utter most importance in every single newspaper and magazine including internet the world had and it would go each to the front page for 3 days, what would you write concerning the topic (religion) that you think would be of dramatic importance to change the views of people for the better of the people? Now really put some thought into this and take the situation seriously as if you actually are given the power to do this in reality! thanks ![]() Sick of Religion? Good. So is God. Ready For Jesus Now? ![]() |
I can't think of any headline that I would want to post to the world on the topic of Religion, but I do like what MorningSong posted.
Sick of Religion? Good. So is God. Ready For Jesus Now? ![]() Designer Christianity at it's finest. ![]() Keep up the good work MorningSong. ![]() I truly believe that this is indeed where Christianity is headed. In fact, we're almost there already. Lot's of Christians are already thinking this way. I personally believe that this is the mindset of the overwhelming majority of Christians actually. It won't be long now before they'll be serving icing with the cake. |
Edited by
Thu 07/24/08 04:20 AM
| designer christianity mentioned here, Abra....just Christianity...period.
The Christianity that God always meant Christianity to be ..about RELATIONSHIP and never RELIGION atall. The Christianity based on the Word of God(the Bible)......all pointing toward Jesus. It was all about Jesus.....all along. God the Father and Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit ....3 dstinctive persons ... yet ONE GOD. There is only ONE GOD. Father , Jesus the Son, Holy Spirit ... the trinity....3 in one.... yet all three are ONE GOD. ONE GOD. ![]() ![]() ps......the article mentions catholicism as a false religion. I diasagree....cause many catholics have also accepted Jesus as Lord. In fact, there was a charismatic move in the catholic churches while I lived in new york, where many catholics became on fire for the Lord. This move also took place in other catholic churches in other areas also. This was the first trickle of the mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Much More is to come. The Holy Spirit will fall on every denomination...while denominational walls will come tumbling down. This move of the Holy Spirit is happening in all denominations already. But there are still many people in every denomination, who are just religious,and have never accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour. For those who have not yet accepted Jesus.... Today is the day of Salvation. ![]() I Love You All. So Does God ![]() ![]() ![]() |
This clarifies about catholics also being christian . ![]() |
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Thu 07/24/08 04:32 PM
Although the articles I posted earlier in ths thread spoke correctly on salvation ,and as christianity not being meant to be turned into a religion; I was very saddened to later read, that the author of these 2 websites spoke against certain denominations ( with some doctrinal differences) as being a cult.
I do not agree with this in the least...simply because all denominations believe and follow the same core belief of what christinaity is all about ...and that is, they all recognize Jesus as Lord and Saviour , and as the only way to Salvation...and that is what makes them all christians(despite the fact that they may have some doctrinal differences otherwise). But just because different denominations have some doctrinal differenes , does not make them a cult. ![]() I was just so very saddened to read this. ![]() The truth is , when christians from all denominations get to heaven, they will find all those doctrinal differences didn't matter anyway......what matters is that all denominations believe on Jesus as Lord ,and the only way to Salvation. The article especially gave some incorrect info on catholism. I called the catholic church, and some of the stuff posted here against catholicism is just simply not true at all. ![]() I know a lot of dear christians who love the Lord with all their heart, and they are catholics. My sincere apologies , if parts of the earlier posted websites offended anyone. ![]() I feel as christians, we are not supposed to go around judging other denominations,or other beliefs anyway.... but are to just continue lifting up Jesus..and God will do the rest. It is not out place to judge. Only God's place. Be Blessed Now. Love and Blessings to All..... ![]() |
Be blessed from head to toe Morningsong and may you thrive to see purity of heart and happiness!
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God Bless You Smiless , for Always Bringing a Kind Word and Good Cheer.
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If you had one solid chance to write of utter most importance in every single newspaper and magazine including internet the world had and it would go each to the front page for 3 days, what would you write concerning the topic (religion) that you think would be of dramatic importance to change the views of people for the better of the people? Now really put some thought into this and take the situation seriously as if you actually are given the power to do this in reality! thanks ![]() Sick of Religion? Good. So is God. Ready For Jesus Now? ![]() That would make a great advertisement Morningsong. You should go into the billboard business. LOL ![]() ![]() JB |
Edited by
Thu 07/24/08 05:15 PM
| designer christianity mentioned here, Abra....just Christianity...period.
The Christianity that God always meant Christianity to be ..about RELATIONSHIP and never RELIGION atall. The Christianity based on the Word of God(the Bible)......all pointing toward Jesus. It was all about Jesus.....all along. God the Father and Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit ....3 dstinctive persons ... yet ONE GOD. There is only ONE GOD. Father , Jesus the Son, Holy Spirit ... the trinity....3 in one.... yet all three are ONE GOD. ONE GOD.heart Morningsong, Then tear down all the churches and just get out in the street and be Jesus freaks if you want to deny "religion." Or just live by what he taught and stop preaching it if you want to deny or put and end to religion. Just have your relationship with Jesus and stop preaching, because when you start preaching and building churches and collecting money from your members and becoming incorporated then you are a legal "religion." Just live your truth and stop trying to convince others to believe as you do if you want to deny or put an end to "religion." Peace and love! ![]() |
I wouldn't. What I would have to say would only harden thier hearts more. almost no one wants to really believe.
If you had one solid chance to write of utter most importance in every single newspaper and magazine including internet the world had and it would go each to the front page for 3 days, what would you write concerning the topic (religion) that you think would be of dramatic importance to change the views of people for the better of the people? Now really put some thought into this and take the situation seriously as if you actually are given the power to do this in reality! thanks ![]() Sick of Religion? Good. So is God. Ready For Jesus Now? ![]() Allways ready for god... Ready for Jesus???? Please... No MAN stands between me and the great IAM. |
religion be viewing all words thru either fear or love, which make for loving some, and hating others, so give up religion, and HEAR ALL, and allow the conscious mind satan and subconscious mind god to finally work together, and let the two trees, of the knowledge of good and evil, and of life, be as one, understanding all things good and bad, and never again fear oneself bad, or anyone else, and never doubt oneself, or anyone else, and SEE all things, and open the portal of your being, that can accomplish any feat, and allow imagination to come forth, and be created, and have everlasting peace......peace
If you had one solid chance to write of utter most importance in every single newspaper and magazine including internet the world had and it would go each to the front page for 3 days, what would you write concerning the topic (religion) that you think would be of dramatic importance to change the views of people for the better of the people? Now really put some thought into this and take the situation seriously as if you actually are given the power to do this in reality! thanks ![]() I would use a picture of me and the quote "I AM" with all that free advertisment all around the world everyone would know me and it would make me a God it would also show how mass media can be use to promote religion and make Gods and make them acceptable ...The Flying Spaghetti Monster being a God is an example of that even have it's own Wikipedia page |
Wanted: Messed up people to apply to serve a mess-iah.
For instructions and reasoning see below. All have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God. Rom 3:23 For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus, our Lord - Romans 6:21. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become the children of God, even to those who believe in His name - John 1:12. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. - Rev. 3:20. Application form: My decision to receive Christ as my Saviour: Confessing to God that I am a sinner and beleiving that the Lorg Jesus Christ died for my sins on the cross and was raised for my justification, I do now receive and confess Him as my personal Savior. Name:______________________ Date:______________________ Seeking a church: After making your decision to receive Christ, I encourage you to prayerfully seek a local church congregation or assembly that will assist you in growing as a new Christian by the clear teaching of the Bible. But grow in the grace and knowlege of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - II Peter 3:18. Assurance as a Believer That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved--Romans 10:9. Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life.--Jm 5:24 But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and that believing you may have life in his name. -- John 20:31. Why would I put such things on the front page of a newspaper? Well, it's news. It's the good news, of course. And, because I think that the word of the Lord is a very effective thing. As Isaiah 55:11 puts it, "So shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth, it shall not return to me void. It shall prosper in that for which I sent it and it shall accomplish what I please." The word of God is a powerful thing. It has saved people in prison, in hospitals, in college, and people who are about to commit suicide. The question is, will it save you? Will you let it? My prayer is that you will and that you will tell others about this wonderous good news. Please feel free to run this on the front page of your paper or wherever at any time. GTS OK |
if any say "look, here is truth", then perceive your own doubt when it speaks, for the truth of the universe is not out there, but rather in the heart, that looks thru self honesty......
did the believers not think there was a NEED for others that did not believe, to practice and learn not to condem, lol....
what happens when the believers see that the "wicked" or unbelievers only DOUBT themselves and their imaginations because of what the believers say and preach, and that they, are as already perfected, the law having already been lived thru and believed in lives past, and are sent now as angels, as all humans be angels disguised in human flesh, to perfect the believers, lol.......... indeed, when the beleivers see they were the ones that prayed for their lord god to come to avenge their enemies, and that they have many, even as many that say they don't believe, and that all they have believed, as the mouth show by profession what is written on the heart, they have not kept for their own hearts, and even insist ones that are NOT purposed to believe should, and even wish they should be abolished to hells fires, the story of ninevah be recreated as once told, and the weight of the only sin, to believe, not do, and then NOT confess, bring them to the earth, and weeping as the "books of life" of EACH mind be opened is heard, in streets and yards and town and cities, and the HEART of EACH, see itself, without FEAR, and ALL confess readily they have failed, and judgement is recieved and even wished for, and those that believed SEE they did not even believe the very simplest of words, having purposed in their hearts they would be heros for god, but even as peter wished to be a hero, and truly believed as he was inpsired to, failed miserably, as PURPOSED, so shall all that say they believe see they are, and KNOW god is fair, and just, just as spoken, and believers and professors see their failure to the greatest degree, and know the TRUE LOVE, and ALL names OF ALL BELIEVERS that cannot exist EXCEPT they be in the book of life, shall be moved into the "lambs book of life", and the loving lambs created by the book of life and lambs book of life being joined, the two tress of the garden now as one, and the knowledge of the lamb that swore none would be lost, and that he was not willing ANY should persih when all was fulfiiied, come forth, and all know that words from infintie truth ans wisdom as god never pass away, and each word create what it has spoken, and indeed, all shall gather as one, the unbelievers and believers, now as one, and gather in silence, in PEACE, on knee, in the yards and streets, in all the lands and countries, ALL KNOWING WHO THEY ARE, and from WHERE THEY CAME, and to WHERE THEY GO, and stand with NO FEAR as the comet screaches to earth, ALL knowing sudden impact is emminnint, and when the attempts to overt having been completed, now EACH having faith in god, which is knowing WITHOUT ANY DOUBT, that no human could have ever achieved, ALL STAND READY, without FEAR, and as the world was first created just as scientist said, by an impact of two, so shall again an impact of two come to pass, to create a new earth and new cycle of time of learning, and ALL are disperced to each their own place, of new learning and happiness, having all wisdom to be TAUGHT new things, and living as kings, and lords each one, having queens for all, with lands with cattle on a thousand hills, and princes as each has wished, giving perfected birth without fear and pain, to perfected creations, and ALL LOVE and WISDOM as gods resides, and the learning of gods each has inherited, to prepare each for their own world, and own shall it be. any perception of wicked or evil deeds done by any human be because one that does not believe, has been told he should, and any that do believe, do not do as they say, as purposed, and to not confess, until SEEING is time, and a holy spirit of fear has caused all, and purposed all that has ever been done, and when the wisdom that is had from ALL DEEDS and ALL HISTORY is seen, by each "books of life" the mind opened, and each tree of life, the heart, joined without any FEAR, none shall not even say thank you, as these words cannot be uttered when bliss is had........ the bliss of no fear and no lack of understanding NONE could have known EXCEPT FOR ALL THAT HAS HAPPENED, and the good that come is SO BEYOND HUMAN COMPREHENSION, that each would be the FIRST TO BEG to relive 10 lives of total misery and torment to have............ it was the only way to bring any being thru many lives and many layers to understanding of what can never be told, until enough experience has created enough points of reference to be explained, for none can see YET that the knowledge of all past lives is NOT past away, but indeed hidden within the books of the life the minds of all when they are opened.......... |
did the believers not think there was a NEED for others that did not believe, to practice and learn not to condem, lol.... what happens when the believers see that the "wicked" or unbelievers only DOUBT themselves and their imaginations because of what the believers say and preach, and that they, are as already perfected, the law having already been lived thru and believed in lives past, and are sent now as angels, as all humans be angels disguised in human flesh, to perfect the believers, lol.......... indeed, when the beleivers see they were the ones that prayed for their lord god to come to avenge their enemies, and that they have many, even as many that say they don't believe, and that all they have believed, as the mouth show by profession what is written on the heart, they have not kept for their own hearts, and even insist ones that are NOT purposed to believe should, and even wish they should be abolished to hells fires, the story of ninevah be recreated as once told, and the weight of the only sin, to believe, not do, and then NOT confess, bring them to the earth, and weeping as the "books of life" of EACH mind be opened is heard, in streets and yards and town and cities, and the HEART of EACH, see itself, without FEAR, and ALL confess readily they have failed, and judgement is recieved and even wished for, and those that believed SEE they did not even believe the very simplest of words, having purposed in their hearts they would be heros for god, but even as peter wished to be a hero, and truly believed as he was inpsired to, failed miserably, as PURPOSED, so shall all that say they believe see they are, and KNOW god is fair, and just, just as spoken, and believers and professors see their failure to the greatest degree, and know the TRUE LOVE, and ALL names OF ALL BELIEVERS that cannot exist EXCEPT they be in the book of life, shall be moved into the "lambs book of life", and the loving lambs created by the book of life and lambs book of life being joined, the two tress of the garden now as one, and the knowledge of the lamb that swore none would be lost, and that he was not willing ANY should persih when all was fulfiiied, come forth, and all know that words from infintie truth ans wisdom as god never pass away, and each word create what it has spoken, and indeed, all shall gather as one, the unbelievers and believers, now as one, and gather in silence, in PEACE, on knee, in the yards and streets, in all the lands and countries, ALL KNOWING WHO THEY ARE, and from WHERE THEY CAME, and to WHERE THEY GO, and stand with NO FEAR as the comet screaches to earth, ALL knowing sudden impact is emminnint, and when the attempts to overt having been completed, now EACH having faith in god, which is knowing WITHOUT ANY DOUBT, that no human could have ever achieved, ALL STAND READY, without FEAR, and as the world was first created just as scientist said, by an impact of two, so shall again an impact of two come to pass, to create a new earth and new cycle of time of learning, and ALL are disperced to each their own place, of new learning and happiness, having all wisdom to be TAUGHT new things, and living as kings, and lords each one, having queens for all, with lands with cattle on a thousand hills, and princes as each has wished, giving perfected birth without fear and pain, to perfected creations, and ALL LOVE and WISDOM as gods resides, and the learning of gods each has inherited, to prepare each for their own world, and own shall it be. any perception of wicked or evil deeds done by any human be because one that does not believe, has been told he should, and any that do believe, do not do as they say, as purposed, and to not confess, until SEEING is time, and a holy spirit of fear has caused all, and purposed all that has ever been done, and when the wisdom that is had from ALL DEEDS and ALL HISTORY is seen, by each "books of life" the mind opened, and each tree of life, the heart, joined without any FEAR, none shall not even say thank you, as these words cannot be uttered when bliss is had........ the bliss of no fear and no lack of understanding NONE could have known EXCEPT FOR ALL THAT HAS HAPPENED, and the good that come is SO BEYOND HUMAN COMPREHENSION, that each would be the FIRST TO BEG to relive 10 lives of total misery and torment to have............ it was the only way to bring any being thru many lives and many layers to understanding of what can never be told, until enough experience has created enough points of reference to be explained, for none can see YET that the knowledge of all past lives is NOT past away, but indeed hidden within the books of the life the minds of all when they are opened.......... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Tue 07/29/08 12:48 PM
mirrror precious friend........
the honest heart confessing all things is blessed and shown ALL THINGS.........what do you do here but the same? infinite understanding and wisdom await the honest heart that see itself........ |