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Topic: My husband...
TheBlackJesus's photo
Thu 07/24/08 02:00 AM
For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. -- Ephesians 5:31

Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. -- Matthew 19:6

Belushi's photo
Thu 07/24/08 02:47 AM

For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. -- Ephesians 5:31

Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. -- Matthew 19:6

What has this to do with the debate?

no photo
Thu 07/24/08 05:05 AM

I know what a restraining order is. I know why someone would get one. What does the restraining order stand for in this analogy?

the restraining order is the analogy for the "Free Will" not to be harassed or tortured by Jane's husband simply because the other women choose not to submit to him

Awesome, thanks for explaining. But the analogy is faulty. Free will gives one the ability to choose what one believes, it does not make your beliefs real. So if you use your free will to worship Ba'al, that doesn't exempt you from your sins. It doesn't wash away your sins. It doesn't prevent the true God from judging you.

again "Spidercmb" you are confused by your own analogy ..Jane's Husband thinking he was God or Ba'al or Yahweh or whatever God would not pay any attention to the "Free Will" restraining order .. Jane's Husband believed that he was above the law and that the restraining order did not apply to him and that he could stalk and harass and torture the other women as he see fit ..to Jane's husband the other women opinions or wants or needs do not matter

For those who were following, I challenged your incorrect description of hell and it's purpose.

Jane's Husband (God) felt that he was above the restraining order(other's free will)and since the other women (non-believers) dare to defy him had his son (jesus) and his son friends (angels) to kidnap all the other women and delivered them to a farm (hell) located in the desert and occupied by those (satan and his legion) that Jane's Husband banished (the war in Heaven) from his cult(Heaven) ...at this place those banished few constantly torture these women in horrible ways ...this is the analogy for hell on earth ...

no photo
Thu 07/24/08 06:12 AM

I know what a restraining order is. I know why someone would get one. What does the restraining order stand for in this analogy?

the restraining order is the analogy for the "Free Will" not to be harassed or tortured by Jane's husband simply because the other women choose not to submit to him

Awesome, thanks for explaining. But the analogy is faulty. Free will gives one the ability to choose what one believes, it does not make your beliefs real. So if you use your free will to worship Ba'al, that doesn't exempt you from your sins. It doesn't wash away your sins. It doesn't prevent the true God from judging you.

again "Spidercmb" you are confused by your own analogy ..Jane's Husband thinking he was God or Ba'al or Yahweh or whatever God would not pay any attention to the "Free Will" restraining order .. Jane's Husband believed that he was above the law and that the restraining order did not apply to him and that he could stalk and harass and torture the other women as he see fit ..to Jane's husband the other women opinions or wants or needs do not matter

For those who were following, I challenged your incorrect description of hell and it's purpose.

Jane's Husband (God) felt that he was above the restraining order(other's free will)and since the other women (non-believers) dare to defy him had his son (jesus) and his son friends (angels) to kidnap all the other women and delivered them to a farm (hell) located in the desert and occupied by those (satan and his legion) that Jane's Husband banished (the war in Heaven) from his cult(Heaven) ...at this place those banished few constantly torture these women in horrible ways ...this is the analogy for hell on earth ...


Jane's Husband thinking he was God or Ba'al or Yahweh or whatever God would not pay any attention

NO!!! NO!!! NO!!! FOCUS MAN. In the analogy, Jane's husband IS A GOD. You are obviously implying that Jane's Husband is the God of Abraham. He gives you a choice to be SAVED or NOT, that's it. If you decide you don't want anything to do with God, then he grants your wish and you spend eternity outside of his presence. Are you being intentionally obtuse? I think so. I think you are just trying to be annoying. It's boring man. You are boring. I'm tired of talking to you.

Do you really think that Free Will means that God can't judge you? Seriously? That's really dumb. If you broke into a store and the cops showed up to arrest you, would they leave you alone if you said "I don't believe in you"?

I'm kicking the dust off my feet, I have nothing else to talk to you about. But remember this: If I'm right, I reached out to you. I was nice and answered your questions and how did you respond? By being rude, obtuse and generally obnoxious.

no photo
Thu 07/24/08 07:47 AM

NO!!! NO!!! NO!!! FOCUS MAN. In the analogy, Jane's husband IS A GOD. You are obviously implying that Jane's Husband is the God of Abraham.

in the analogy Jane only believe that her husband is God because you left out of your analogy the fact that Jane her friends or anyone else never seen her husband and that Jane only read about her husband in a book ..also you left out that Jane claimed to everyone that she never had sex but did give birth to a son named Jeraboa who travels around to different places making reference in parables that he is the son of the guy in the book she never seen

He gives you a choice to be SAVED or NOT, that's it.

Jane also said that her husband will give you a choice to submit to him or be tortured ..have you notice that Jane is making all the threats and not her unseen husband

If you decide you don't want anything to do with God, then he grants your wish and you spend eternity outside of his presence.

sorry "Spidercmb" but you have once again drifted off your own analogy ..Jane's husband never said anything...remember it's Jane that's doing all the talking from what she read in the book not from what her husband actually said because she never met or seen her husband

Are you being intentionally obtuse? I think so. I think you are just trying to be annoying. It's boring man. You are boring. I'm tired of talking to you.

how rude ...I wonder how many times Jesus said that to someone

Do you really think that Free Will means that God can't judge you? Seriously? That's really dumb. If you broke into a store and the cops showed up to arrest you, would they leave you alone if you said "I don't believe in you"?

once again "Spidercmb" you are going off the topic of your own analogy ....this is about Jane's Husband not about Cops ..try to stay on topic please

I'm kicking the dust off my feet, I have nothing else to talk to you about. But remember this: If I'm right, I reached out to you. I was nice and answered your questions and how did you respond? By being rude, obtuse and generally obnoxious.

wow 'Spidercmb" are you sure that you are not Jane's Husband aka God...because you are acting like it .... are you calling me names because you believe in doing so will manipulate the moderators into deleting this section because you now realize how faulty the analogy is ....

"Spidercmb's" reaction in name calling is a normal response when "enlightenment" occurs therefore I'm not offended and beside I am rude obtuse and obnoxious

no photo
Thu 07/24/08 07:58 AM

calling me names

I'm sorry, but rude, obtuse and obnoxious are accurate descriptions of your behavior. They are adjectives, a "name" is a noun or perhaps a pronoun. Since you continue to play fast and loose with the analogy and show no interest in having a discussion, I believe that those adjectives correctly describe your online persona. If the moderators consider those adjectives to have broken some rule, then they are absolutely capable of deleting my post and don't need to delete the whole thread. The thread was quite nice until you became involved.

no photo
Thu 07/24/08 08:55 AM

calling me names

I'm sorry, but rude, obtuse and obnoxious are accurate descriptions of your behavior.

geez 'Spidercmb" didn't I already admit that I'm rude obtuse and obnoxious ...

If the moderators consider those adjectives to have broken some rule, then they are absolutely capable of deleting my post and don't need to delete the whole thread.

I already told the moderators that I'm not offended by your statements because they are true ..also I'm not sure the moderators can be manipulated by you so easy...well atleast I hope not

The thread was quite nice until you became involved.

yes I agree with that wholeheartedly .. ok "Spidercmb" are you finish ranting and can we get back on topic and continue the discussion because I find that using your analogy does explain Christianity more clearer

davidben1's photo
Thu 07/24/08 09:18 AM
Edited by davidben1 on Thu 07/24/08 09:20 AM

but, if jane gets mad, and offended, and even accuse all others as ignorant, and then blind, and then jane even begins to feel that others that do not SEE are blinded, and even call all that do not believe unbelievers, and pray for the saving of others, and call all others as LOST, and then even proclaim when this does not work, that all others will surely perish in hell, for not seeing her truths.......

You aren't any better with analogy's than Funches.

You got the message, it rang with truth and yet you still seek to disprove it. That's what you need to worry about, instead of trying to find a way to twist the analogy into falsehood.

indeed? the words your story was falsehood were never spoken, as it was only said they were incomplete........

nor has anything you have ever written been declared to be a lie, rather ONLY HOW it is not ALL THE TRUTH.........

if what i speak be twisted, and is falsehood, then pronounce aloud that all the thoughts that have been declared and written here, be not in your heart...........

if you do this, and you deny your heart, you accurse yourself, and from this day forward all the judgement of others spoken from your lips, shall come in haste to visit you ten fold, and no love shall cross the threshold of your household, nor shall your heart find any peace or rest, and the misery of such shall bring your mind to delerium, and prostrate you will beg the truth of god for mercy, but no mercy will be granted, until each of the things pronounced here as untruth is confessed as truth, and uncreated, by the same lips that created them...........

if you believe you speak the WHOLE truth, and you have no doubt in your heart, and wish others to follow in believing to find the same peace, then speak now and show this true confidence in what you believe........

your response in denying these things written as true could save many from the doom and hell you profess for them, so indeed then your opportunity to show great love and sacrifice is come.........

your lack of response would show you have no true confidence within, and indeed are afraid, and only try to convince yourself to take away doubt, as indeed doubt you should have, as all written will indeed come to pass exactely as written.........

now you hold much power in your hands over spiritual life and death, as you so long to have for others, but indeed they are over your own.............

peace in the end

no photo
Thu 07/24/08 09:41 AM

I know you are asking me to do something, but I'm really not sure what it is. You have to understand that your writing style detracts from your ability to get a message across.

What I said is that you are twisting the analogy into falsehood, which is true. No analogy is perfect, that is a given. When you stretch the analogy and twist it into shapes that it can't assume, you break it. The analogy's purpose was to show how people can talk about their religion as the truth without offending others. Some people found value in the analogy. If you didn't, I'm sorry.

no photo
Thu 07/24/08 10:41 AM

No analogy is perfect, that is a given.

"Spidercmb" since nothing is perfect let's just say that your analogy was as accurate as what's in the bible..

davidben1's photo
Thu 07/24/08 10:53 AM

if words written were not understood, then how does one have enough confidence to call them falsehood.......

your profession of falsehood make your profession they be understood............

please, you need not declare anything more, as anything else only serve to increase your own troubles brought on by not hearing the logic of your own words........

all that is to be bring forth wisdom, for a greater purpose.........peace

no photo
Thu 07/24/08 11:12 AM

if words written were not understood, then how does one have enough confidence to call them falsehood.......

We are talking about two different posts. All of your posts are written in a weird version of English, which makes you sound like Yoda, but some are slightly more readable than others.

davidben1's photo
Thu 07/24/08 03:37 PM
Edited by davidben1 on Thu 07/24/08 03:42 PM

you know full well the consequence of all my words, and your response, and why you play as innocent, and even offer a sorry.........

this has been about you thus far spider, but this now is not about you or i, but rather about the truth, which you have forgotten has power if it be the the truth..........

if you profess to weild the sword of truth as you do, then make damn sure your sword has no doubt......

say in your heart another proceed to the firey pit, and there is where you go QUICKLY in these days.........plain english

this no one truly wants for another...........peace

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