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Topic: Losing interest
alicat4213's photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:11 PM
you both have broken my heart... but youre both so irresistible!! I cant stay away lol

Goofball73's photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:17 PM

you both have broken my heart... but youre both so irresistible!! I cant stay away lol

Wuv me!:wink: laugh laugh laugh

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:19 PM

For the guys.. what causes you to lose interest in the one you supposedly love?? It seems like every man that has supposedly LOVED me leaves me for reasons unknown to me because I honestly haven't changed... I just need input. Thanks

I'm not entirely sure that love actually exists anymore, or if it ever really did. Perhaps you tell them everything too soon, leaves nothing to be learned later on in a relationship.

puckthefackers's photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:21 PM

For the guys.. what causes you to lose interest in the one you supposedly love?? It seems like every man that has supposedly LOVED me leaves me for reasons unknown to me because I honestly haven't changed... I just need input. Thanks

There is a lot that can make you lose interest. My number one reason is feeling like things are going too fast or someone who is clingy.

no photo
Wed 07/23/08 05:35 AM

For the guys.. what causes you to lose interest in the one you supposedly love?? It seems like every man that has supposedly LOVED me leaves me for reasons unknown to me because I honestly haven't changed... I just need input. Thanks

Your profile doesn't suggest a serious relationship, anywhere, except where you claim to have had one. Maybe our definitions of a serious relationship are different. Rather than answer your question, I'd rather hear more about what you think a serious relationship is. What your side is; what his side should be. Don't take this wrong, I'm just leaving you with questions to inspire thought, since the guys who left you didn't exactly say much, or they did and you didn't get it.

alicat4213's photo
Wed 07/23/08 05:38 AM

For the guys.. what causes you to lose interest in the one you supposedly love?? It seems like every man that has supposedly LOVED me leaves me for reasons unknown to me because I honestly haven't changed... I just need input. Thanks

Your profile doesn't suggest a serious relationship, anywhere, except where you claim to have had one. Maybe our definitions of a serious relationship are different. Rather than answer your question, I'd rather hear more about what you think a serious relationship is. What your side is; what his side should be. Don't take this wrong, I'm just leaving you with questions to inspire thought, since the guys who left you didn't exactly say much, or they did and you didn't get it.

Oh it was serious we were engaged and going to move in together.

alicat4213's photo
Wed 07/23/08 05:39 AM

you both have broken my heart... but youre both so irresistible!! I cant stay away lol

Wuv me!:wink: laugh laugh laugh

I do I do lollaugh love smooched laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 07/23/08 05:42 AM

For the guys.. what causes you to lose interest in the one you supposedly love?? It seems like every man that has supposedly LOVED me leaves me for reasons unknown to me because I honestly haven't changed... I just need input. Thanks

Your profile doesn't suggest a serious relationship, anywhere, except where you claim to have had one. Maybe our definitions of a serious relationship are different. Rather than answer your question, I'd rather hear more about what you think a serious relationship is. What your side is; what his side should be. Don't take this wrong, I'm just leaving you with questions to inspire thought, since the guys who left you didn't exactly say much, or they did and you didn't get it.

Oh it was serious we were engaged and going to move in together.

What did he want to change?

alicat4213's photo
Wed 07/23/08 05:44 AM
Me to have no friends... The fact that I have this whole respect your elders thing and wont yell at my parents about something I disagree about... Those 2 things... THey're pretty dumb

Goofball73's photo
Wed 07/23/08 06:16 AM

Me to have no friends... The fact that I have this whole respect your elders thing and wont yell at my parents about something I disagree about... Those 2 things... THey're pretty dumb

Soooo....that's what happened huh?

alicat4213's photo
Wed 07/23/08 06:36 AM

Me to have no friends... The fact that I have this whole respect your elders thing and wont yell at my parents about something I disagree about... Those 2 things... THey're pretty dumb

Soooo....that's what happened huh?

not completely but thats what kinda made me broke in the end I couldnt handle that....

no photo
Wed 07/23/08 02:30 PM

Me to have no friends... The fact that I have this whole respect your elders thing and wont yell at my parents about something I disagree about... Those 2 things... THey're pretty dumb

Oh, he wanted a hostage, not a wife. Smart woman. You would have felt like you had a prison number if you'd have married that. frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated

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