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Topic: Man! some women, i tell ya...
TheShadow's photo
Tue 07/22/08 12:48 PM
Just thought id put up a new threadslaphead rofl rofl rofl

chevylover1965's photo
Tue 07/22/08 12:48 PM
laugh drinker smokin

Jill298's photo
Tue 07/22/08 12:48 PM
frustrated frustrated frustrated damn men

Etrain's photo
Tue 07/22/08 12:49 PM
drinker drinker I'll drink to that too!!!drinker drinker

Beachfarmer's photo
Tue 07/22/08 12:49 PM
Be VERY afraid of the "fart women"!noway

TheShadow's photo
Tue 07/22/08 12:50 PM
Yep! can't live with us and can't live with out us. so you have to sufferlaugh laugh

TheShadow's photo
Tue 07/22/08 12:50 PM

Be VERY afraid of the "fart women"!noway

I say, payback is a.....pitchfork

Riding_Dubz's photo
Tue 07/22/08 12:51 PM
You can't live with us, but you can't live without us,

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Redsoxfan1's photo
Tue 07/22/08 12:51 PM
frustrated frustrated frustrated Gee, Shadow, we aren't all badrofl rofl

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 07/22/08 12:53 PM
Humm you must be bored lmao :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: or either just looking to see if you can stir up trouble lol:laughing: :laughing:

RKISIT's photo
Tue 07/22/08 12:54 PM
love i just want a woman where we can fart happily ever afterlaugh drinker smokin

Jill298's photo
Tue 07/22/08 12:54 PM

Yep! can't live with us and can't live with out us. so you have to sufferlaugh laugh
ooooh I can't live with out um lol If I wanted this much drama, I would have dated a chiclaugh

Tanzkity's photo
Tue 07/22/08 12:55 PM

Yep! can't live with us and can't live with out us. so you have to sufferlaugh laugh

Oh yeah we can they have toys for that......................laugh laugh laugh :wink:

Etrain's photo
Tue 07/22/08 12:55 PM

Humm you must be bored lmao :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: or either just looking to see if you can stir up trouble lol:laughing: :laughing:

Swadows bored....I'm the problem-trouble child heredrinker drinker drinker

bluesunflower's photo
Tue 07/22/08 12:57 PM

Yep! can't live with us and can't live with out us. so you have to sufferlaugh laugh

Oh yeah we can they have toys for that......................laugh laugh laugh :wink:

amen laugh laugh laugh

TheShadow's photo
Tue 07/22/08 12:59 PM

Humm you must be bored lmao :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: or either just looking to see if you can stir up trouble lol:laughing: :laughing:

The fun y thing is, anything that has to do with women and you put something like Man like i did. Look at how many of them might of lookedrofl rofl rofl rofl

lifestooshort6's photo
Tue 07/22/08 01:00 PM
Shadow's a big softie and you all know itflowerforyou

just trying to yank your chainlaugh laugh laugh

RKISIT's photo
Tue 07/22/08 01:00 PM

Yep! can't live with us and can't live with out us. so you have to sufferlaugh laugh

Oh yeah we can they have toys for that......................laugh laugh laugh :wink:

amen laugh laugh laugh
wow kinkyflowerforyou

TheShadow's photo
Tue 07/22/08 01:01 PM

Yep! can't live with us and can't live with out us. so you have to sufferlaugh laugh

Oh yeah we can they have toys for that......................laugh laugh laugh :wink:

Yeah, but bateries do dielaugh laugh laugh

RKISIT's photo
Tue 07/22/08 01:02 PM

Yep! can't live with us and can't live with out us. so you have to sufferlaugh laugh

Oh yeah we can they have toys for that......................laugh laugh laugh :wink:
oh so your saying you dont like to cuddle or do you cuddle with your toy,now thats an interesting thread.

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