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Topic: my big ouch story
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Fri 03/09/07 04:48 PM
When i was 8 yrs old me and my brother was playing he had a metal coat
hanger in is hand and somehow it got caught in my eye not just my eye
but where the tears fall!

Duchess_Athena's photo
Fri 03/09/07 04:48 PM
uhmm well i think everything has been covered lol

no photo
Fri 03/09/07 04:51 PM
onalark---we were halfway buzzin when that happened but i was alert and
it was late for me to get some grip---

no photo
Fri 03/09/07 04:52 PM
When i was 8 yrs old me and my brother were playing and he had a metal
coat hanger, some how it got in my eye not just my eye but where my
tears fall ouch!

veronica25's photo
Fri 03/09/07 04:52 PM
ow stammy,....big ow

no photo
Fri 03/09/07 04:53 PM

veronica25's photo
Fri 03/09/07 04:56 PM
must wear bubblewrap from now on........the newest fashion

MikeMontana's photo
Fri 03/09/07 08:21 PM
When I was 17, my two best friends and I were talking about this girl.
Dave, the driver was sorta seeing her. Danny, the other passenger was in
the same classes as this girl. Me, I was good friends with her.

So we were teasing Dave about her - the usual "we know something you
dont know... she said something" and so he figured it was a good time to
tease back. So he starts swerving the car to bounce us around. Wouldnt
you know it, on that warm May day, it actually had snowed, and the road
was wet. The car slid sideways and got wrapped around a telephone pole.
I got the worst of it - broken ankle, broken chest bone and probably
some other "ouches".

You'd think that was the worst of it? I eventually married that girl.
Then got divorced. Ah, the irony of life's little "ouches"

don2610's photo
Fri 03/09/07 08:28 PM
I was about 12 years old and playing baseball. I was pitching and took a
line drive to the stomach, OOOOOO
HHHHHH it took all the
air out of me. I laid there trying
to move and breath at the same time. Then it almost happened in high
school but a few inches lower,Lucky for me I was a better ballplayer the
and was able to catch the ball or my voice would be higher.

no photo
Fri 03/09/07 08:34 PM
I gave birth to 2 kids both weighing over 10 lbs and

Kevology's photo
Fri 03/09/07 08:40 PM
Besides being cheated on...I too, did the pole between the legs. Broke
my wrist during a basketball game. Had my jaw dislocated when my
'friend' swung his heavy backpack full of books at my face(that one
really hurt). Tore the cartilage in my chest from a backwards high jump
in Jr. High. I also smashed my face during a car accident back in high
Nowadays, I have glass bones and paper skin. laugh laugh

txazdesertgirl's photo
Fri 03/09/07 08:41 PM
My ouchies...I skied into a tree, I knocked myself out loading cookies
into the back of my suburban and tripped on the rug and hit my head on
the tailgate, I had twins - natural - 22 minutes apart, I just broke up
with my guy of 4 years who was verbally abusive, lots of ouchies
there!!! Now putting a band aid on my owwies.

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Sat 03/10/07 12:47 PM
here is one worth reading to the end! The winter of my 9th year brought
a larger amount of snow than usual. There was about 4 feet of snow
everywhere and the banks were real high. I was standing on the garage
roof with my younger brother and talking about being able to fly. I
decided that the snow was deep enough to dive into off the roof, so I
did, (my neck hurts to this day) There I was with my feet dangling in
the air, I was too deep to bend over, and everytime I tried to push
myself out I went no where because I couldnt quite reach the ground. The
snow fell into my jacket and I started to freeze immediately . As I
started to suffocate my brother jumped off the roof and pulled me out.
It took him along time to get off that roof because he was laughing so

williambishop's photo
Sat 03/10/07 06:18 PM
i was walkin home from a friends and was jumped by 6 guys and they
dropped me in a ditch in kalamazoo i lived up in benzie county "near
traverse" then before they left shot me in the arm i was knocked out so
they thought i was dead i had to walk from kalamazoo to canton MI
avoiding cops cause i had a warrant for my arrest! ouch that good

ScottyBravo's photo
Sat 03/10/07 06:21 PM
I could fill this forum with ouch stories, but my main one is falling
off of two roofs in my career

redmange420's photo
Sat 03/10/07 06:54 PM
When I was 13, I got drunk, stole a gun, then later shot myself in the
ankle while holdin it flat in my hand while sittin in a recliner. Talk
about instant karma.

grumble grumble grumble grumble

Good life lesson learned early though.

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Sat 03/10/07 08:26 PM

no photo
Sat 03/10/07 08:33 PM
when i had kidney stones when i was younger now that hurts and plus the
doctors and nurses told me it hurts like for as in a female having a

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