Topic: Memories
Kevology's photo
Thu 03/08/07 09:49 PM
Do you have any particular memories you are fond of from your

no photo
Thu 03/08/07 09:56 PM
My friends, my dogs, climbing the (seemingly) huge tree in my
grandmother's back yard...lots of good memories....

FlyersSteph1212's photo
Thu 03/08/07 10:05 PM
no bills...i miss not having to pay bills

Marie55's photo
Thu 03/08/07 10:07 PM
Spending time at Grandpa's house. We used to watch American Bandstand
together. He would let me have the run of the house and never got mad
at me.

Redykeulous's photo
Thu 03/08/07 10:09 PM
Only fence in the neighborhood stood on the corner. On the way home
from school one day we notices someone had drawn in white chalk all over
it. I was in 5th grade, my two friends were in 6th. I showed discust
that anyone in OUR neighborhood would do that, in fact I pointed out
that F U C @ was not even a word. My friends laughed and proclaimed
it was. We argued all the way home. So I did as they suggested, I
walked in the kitchen where my mom was doing dishes and asked if FUC@
was a word. Without missing a swipe of the rag, she said, I've never
heard it before, look it up in the dictionary. Of course it was the
60's, no such word existed in Webster's.

It would be 2 more years before I was actually embarresed. But never
brought it up to my mom - would you?

wanttachat's photo
Thu 03/08/07 10:15 PM
memories light the corners of my mind,
misty water color memories,
like the way we were

not having a care in the world
having food made by mom, not having a job, party all the time, all the
house work seemed to magically get donebigsmile

gina22's photo
Thu 03/08/07 10:39 PM
i miss old american shows that were all translated in hungarain like get
smart all in the family