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Topic: 26 Day Countdown (Peccy & Angel)
lilangel2's photo
Tue 08/12/08 10:40 AM
JUst a few hours!!!!:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

missy51970's photo
Tue 08/12/08 10:40 AM

JusWannaSayHi's photo
Tue 08/12/08 10:40 AM

lilangel2's photo
Tue 08/12/08 10:40 AM
YIPPPPPPPPPPE!!!!!!! Thanks guys bigsmile :banana: bigsmile :banana: bigsmile :banana: bigsmile :banana:

JusWannaSayHi's photo
Tue 08/12/08 10:40 AM
Edited by JusWannaSayHi on Tue 08/12/08 10:41 AM

auburngirl's photo
Tue 08/12/08 10:41 AM
And there it ROLLS!!!!

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl tongue2

JusWannaSayHi's photo
Tue 08/12/08 10:41 AM

YIPPPPPPPPPPE!!!!!!! Thanks guys bigsmile :banana: bigsmile :banana: bigsmile :banana: bigsmile :banana:

that'll be 20.00


auburngirl's photo
Tue 08/12/08 10:41 AM

YIPPPPPPPPPPE!!!!!!! Thanks guys bigsmile :banana: bigsmile :banana: bigsmile :banana: bigsmile :banana:

that'll be 20.00


laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

lilangel2's photo
Tue 08/12/08 10:43 AM

YIPPPPPPPPPPE!!!!!!! Thanks guys bigsmile :banana: bigsmile :banana: bigsmile :banana: bigsmile :banana:

that'll be 20.00


HA! ok I'll email it to ya!:wink:

no photo
Tue 08/12/08 10:46 AM

no photo
Tue 08/12/08 10:56 AM
Edited by shutterbug on Tue 08/12/08 10:58 AM

JUst a few hours!!!!:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

How exciting!!! I'm remembering the first time I laid eyes on Tony at the airport...

I looked like this ---------> bigsmile for 5 days and DAMN did my cheeks hurt! :laughing: winking

I still look like that, but the cheeks have adapted! bigsmile :heart: glasses

Peccy's photo
Tue 08/12/08 01:23 PM
Wrapping up some loose ends here, going to but another carry on bag grab some snacks, pack, and hide some stuff take out the garbage and numerous other little odds an ends then pack and I'm ready to rock.

bad_girl's photo
Tue 08/12/08 02:42 PM
:heart: :heart: :heart: Congrats to you guys and it will be marvelous, just as it was for Tom and I:heart: :heart: :heart:

no photo
Tue 08/12/08 03:19 PM

Wrapping up some loose ends here, going to but another carry on bag grab some snacks, pack, and hide some stuff take out the garbage and numerous other little odds an ends then pack and I'm ready to rock.

Empty the coffee filter. You never know what cultures will grow and die off in 2 weeks. May your visit be every bit as special as ours has been. Wait, that might kill you. :angel: :angel: :angel:

adirtygirl's photo
Tue 08/12/08 03:41 PM
Good luck you guys... Hope love & happiness find you both...And Angel did you remember the batteries.... Or was it Peccy that is to have themlaugh laugh laugh flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

JeffRob3000's photo
Tue 08/12/08 05:44 PM
best of luck!smile2

auburngirl's photo
Tue 08/12/08 05:46 PM
Tomorrow night at this time...they will be seeing each other for the FIRST time! flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers

lilangel2's photo
Tue 08/12/08 07:52 PM
OOOOOOOOOOH MY!!! It's really about to happen!!!smitten smitten flowers flowers drool drool :banana: :banana: :banana: :heart: :heart: love love Tomorrow night!!!love

LightVoice's photo
Tue 08/12/08 07:55 PM
:banana: flowers Oh Angel.. how are you able to stand the anticipation??? I'm practically jumping outta MY skin for you! LOL :laughing:

lilangel2's photo
Tue 08/12/08 08:05 PM

:banana: flowers Oh Angel.. how are you able to stand the anticipation??? I'm practically jumping outta MY skin for you! LOL :laughing:

Peccy and I are both extremly excited! We are on the phone talking about it LOL...Anyway he will leave out in the morning...I will see him about 9 tomorrow night my time.smitten smitten smitten And I can't wait to see his smiling face! love

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