Topic: State of the Economy | |
in my own personal view, the one way to save our government. is to bar all lobbyist from Washington.
![]() Again I ask, what specific platform is Obama running on that will cure our slow economy? Bueller..Bueller..Beuller? Obama is planning on giving us all alot of money, I just wonder where he plans on getting it all. Maybe he owns a field of pots of gold or has a money tree. He is the golden child after all. Actually, he just plans on tax tax taxing the same people that hire you and I for jobs. New government programs, increased spending, new social programs, giving money back to the people, eliminating taxes for a few, increasing global aid with the Global Povery Act. That is sure a big spender there. Glad we don't have an overspending issue in government already. Yeah I wonder why we are in the deficit that we are in since all Bush has done is spend governtment funds on defense...................isnt it easy to talk and talk but when it comes down to actually doing I think that we all have to work collectively...........meaning this America the land where people have a say in the matter of the government and with that said why dont you do more than talk about what Obama is going to do and be a proactive participant in trying to voice the voices of the unheard and disenfranchised..............its cool that we are debating but this only can go so far it nitpicking instead of giving solutions to what needs to be done.................what do you think Sen.Obama and Mc Cain should do to move America seem intelligent why dont you give us your plans instead of just complaining................. Remove all government subsidies first of all. Institute a Fair Tax, where everyone pays the same percent in taxes. A truly fair system. Truly cut pork spending in Washington. Something that ALL politicians have been invovled in, including Obama. Eliminate no-bid contracts. The food service for Congress is always in debt because most Congressmen never pay bills. Bring in a private company to supply food and make those poor Congressmen on the hill pay for their meals. Remove restrictions on drilling and exploration for all sources of energy, coal, oil, natural gas. This will create massive amounts of job opportunities, lowering unemployment. And, of course build new refineries. Build new nuclear facilities. Give corporate/big business tax incentives if they invest heavily in alternative fuels. And, give general tax incentives as well for research and developments of products that will have a huge impact on large amounts of the US population, such as new plastics, new drugs, and stuff of that sort. Eliminate a minimum wage. With it increased now if forces small businesses to fire young workers, hire less, reward good employees less with wage increases, reduce benefits, and so forth. The market and employees will set a good market wage for job starters in lower fields of business. K im going to dissect this in little parts........... K on government subsidies what type do you mean..............some of these subsidies is to keep the economy ( when it was good) at equal standing............ Next fair tax so you want a tax for the rich and the poor to be the same regardless of the income level...............isnt that a little the rich once again stay rich and the middle class and lower class stay at their level......... K I totally agree with you on the pork spending and I think there should be a salary reduction on any politicians who are already at the millionaire status.............or no salary at all since its a civic duty On the fact of privatizing the food service i believe that wouldnt eliminate anything but it would actually make it worse..............too many private industries have exploited the government (case in point Halliburton).........not liking that idea K on the minimum wage theory that is textbook macroeconomics and it hasnt been working.........eliminating the minimum wage would only lead to more unemployment...........if you think that then my recommendation is to set minimum wage at a level of experience meaning there should a guide book that would advise a reasonable wage for each job criteria (in a general since) and it should fit with the economy in every 4 living conditions should rise so should the minimum wage criteria.................. Anyways im off to class so this was a fast little critique but I will give more feedback later............... Why should those with more have to pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes? How would the elimination of the minimum wage increase unemployment? Since Haliburton is profitable that makes them bad? The contracts that have been awarded to Haliburton have been contracts that no other contractor could undertake. That to me sounds like a pretty darned good business model. If they charge too much then it's only because their customer (your government) is willing to pay for it. Any subsidies that are designed to give those with less more is not fair. It creates class warfare. As Americans we ALL have the same opportunities. End of story. If you want it you can get it. There are many many success stories of those who started with nothing who now are wealthy to prove my point. I'm not in the "more" or "less" catagory but do not feel as if I need additional subsidies or incentives to better my situation. If I want more money it's as simple as putting in the sweat needed to earn more. How about term limits for house and senate! That'll cut pork barrel spending. By the way one more thing you look like you are almost of the age to collect social security which is a govt welfare structure for sure.............I and a lot of other people my age will never probably have it when its our turn and you my dear will under the fact that as you become older you will need more help should we say screw you and all the old people since really we all come from the same footing...........we all have equal opportunity...........oh and by the way if you did go to higher education (since I dont know you) did you attend Yale, Havard, Princeton, Stanford, Columbia, Duke, or Berkeley.............any of those?................Heres is a known fact since we all come from equal footing.............Stanford was built by a this hillbilly family that had a son who wanted to go to Harvard or one of the Ivy League schools..........well at that time you pretty much had to have money and not just any money as we say old money.............well the family went to the one of the Ivy leagues schools and they were snubbed and they were told that they didnt come from old money............anyways they didnt know that the hillbilly family were actually millionaires and so the family said what the hell we are going to build Stanford we have a couple of million bucks so that our son and others can go to a university that gives people the opportunity for an education instead of who and what you came from.......................ah yeah we all have equal footing ........ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Again I ask, what specific platform is Obama running on that will cure our slow economy? Bueller..Bueller..Beuller? Obama is planning on giving us all alot of money, I just wonder where he plans on getting it all. Maybe he owns a field of pots of gold or has a money tree. He is the golden child after all. Actually, he just plans on tax tax taxing the same people that hire you and I for jobs. New government programs, increased spending, new social programs, giving money back to the people, eliminating taxes for a few, increasing global aid with the Global Povery Act. That is sure a big spender there. Glad we don't have an overspending issue in government already. Yeah I wonder why we are in the deficit that we are in since all Bush has done is spend governtment funds on defense...................isnt it easy to talk and talk but when it comes down to actually doing I think that we all have to work collectively...........meaning this America the land where people have a say in the matter of the government and with that said why dont you do more than talk about what Obama is going to do and be a proactive participant in trying to voice the voices of the unheard and disenfranchised..............its cool that we are debating but this only can go so far it nitpicking instead of giving solutions to what needs to be done.................what do you think Sen.Obama and Mc Cain should do to move America seem intelligent why dont you give us your plans instead of just complaining................. Remove all government subsidies first of all. Institute a Fair Tax, where everyone pays the same percent in taxes. A truly fair system. Truly cut pork spending in Washington. Something that ALL politicians have been invovled in, including Obama. Eliminate no-bid contracts. The food service for Congress is always in debt because most Congressmen never pay bills. Bring in a private company to supply food and make those poor Congressmen on the hill pay for their meals. Remove restrictions on drilling and exploration for all sources of energy, coal, oil, natural gas. This will create massive amounts of job opportunities, lowering unemployment. And, of course build new refineries. Build new nuclear facilities. Give corporate/big business tax incentives if they invest heavily in alternative fuels. And, give general tax incentives as well for research and developments of products that will have a huge impact on large amounts of the US population, such as new plastics, new drugs, and stuff of that sort. Eliminate a minimum wage. With it increased now if forces small businesses to fire young workers, hire less, reward good employees less with wage increases, reduce benefits, and so forth. The market and employees will set a good market wage for job starters in lower fields of business. All I saw was spend spend spend, everything listed costs to do. Please. Neocon and republican spew all that crap about the social programs and such but I think Bush topped the biggest bill ever by any president to this country. Get over it already. The republican/neocons jig is up. We know about ya'll now and it ain't a pretty picture. |
Again I ask, what specific platform is Obama running on that will cure our slow economy? Bueller..Bueller..Beuller? Obama is planning on giving us all alot of money, I just wonder where he plans on getting it all. Maybe he owns a field of pots of gold or has a money tree. He is the golden child after all. Actually, he just plans on tax tax taxing the same people that hire you and I for jobs. New government programs, increased spending, new social programs, giving money back to the people, eliminating taxes for a few, increasing global aid with the Global Povery Act. That is sure a big spender there. Glad we don't have an overspending issue in government already. How did George Bush Jr. get all the money to fund the war in Iraq? He didn't have the money so he raised the debt of this country billions and billions of dollars, debt borrowed from China. Who is going to eventually pay for that? Answer: People's children and grandchildren. And he lowered taxes on the wealthy as he was doing it, so no one who was wealthy who didn't have a son or daughter serving in Iraq or Afghanistan had to pay any costs for the war whatsoever. How fair is it to those generations to pay for a war that they did not begin or didn't have a say in? |
Again I ask, what specific platform is Obama running on that will cure our slow economy? Bueller..Bueller..Beuller? Obama is planning on giving us all alot of money, I just wonder where he plans on getting it all. Maybe he owns a field of pots of gold or has a money tree. He is the golden child after all. Actually, he just plans on tax tax taxing the same people that hire you and I for jobs. New government programs, increased spending, new social programs, giving money back to the people, eliminating taxes for a few, increasing global aid with the Global Povery Act. That is sure a big spender there. Glad we don't have an overspending issue in government already. How did George Bush Jr. get all the money to fund the war in Iraq? He didn't have the money so he raised the debt of this country billions and billions of dollars, debt borrowed from China. Who is going to eventually pay for that? Answer: People's children and grandchildren. And he lowered taxes on the wealthy as he was doing it, so no one who was wealthy who didn't have a son or daughter serving in Iraq or Afghanistan had to pay any costs for the war whatsoever. How fair is it to those generations to pay for a war that they did not begin or didn't have a say in? What a bunch of BS. Even if the wealthy had tax cuts they still pay more in taxes then us. They still have a higher percentage even after the tax cuts. OMG people look at a freaking tax bracket. Thats why I wish there was a single percentage that everyone paid, so that when the rich people gt a tax cut and still pay about 10% of their income more people won't complain about it. |
Let me state a bit more since most wont read a bracket. To make the highest bracket you have to make a little less than 360k. While thats good money its not that rare if you have a 2 income home and are both professionals. Dr.s Dentists and lawyers could also pull this in solo depending on region and experience.
In 92 the upper tax bracket was 31%, then in 93 it shot up to 39.6% over an 8% increase. After Bushes tax cuts they are still paying 35%, 4% higher than in 92. The average american income is around 45k which puts them in the 25% bracket, so after the tax cuts the "wealthy" still pay 10% more on their income. |
Yes chazter but those who earn more must be punished for being successful. I mean who is going to pay for all the free stuff the government wants to give to those who don't want to get off of their asses and work?
i believe i have a great job. but unlike must republicans. i never forgot where i came from. sometimes in life. people need help. you no like your parties buddy's at hulburton. or tax breaks for oil companies. you have not forgot that i hope. let don't forget the six years republican ran congress. i wonder how many blank checks they gave bush, to start his bull**** wars,
i believe i have a great job. but unlike must republicans. i never forgot where i came from. sometimes in life. people need help. you no like your parties buddy's at hulburton. or tax breaks for oil companies. you have not forgot that i hope. let don't forget the six years republican ran congress. i wonder how many blank checks they gave bush, to start his bull**** wars, His wars cost lives and money.......huh...!. |
Let me state a bit more since most wont read a bracket. To make the highest bracket you have to make a little less than 360k. While thats good money its not that rare if you have a 2 income home and are both professionals. Dr.s Dentists and lawyers could also pull this in solo depending on region and experience. In 92 the upper tax bracket was 31%, then in 93 it shot up to 39.6% over an 8% increase. After Bushes tax cuts they are still paying 35%, 4% higher than in 92. The average american income is around 45k which puts them in the 25% bracket, so after the tax cuts the "wealthy" still pay 10% more on their income. In 2006, the median annual household income was $48,201.00 according to the Census Bureau.[3] The median income per household member (including all working and non-working members above the age of 14) was $26,036 in 2006.[4] In 2006, there were approximately 116,011,000 households in the United States. 19.26% of all households had annual incomes exceeding $100,000,[5] 12.3% fell below the federal poverty threshold[6] and the bottom 20% earned less than $19,178.[7] The aggregate income distribution is highly concentrated towards the top, with the top 6.37% earning roughly one third of all income, and those with upper-middle incomes control a large, though declining, share of the total earned income.[ |
i believe i have a great job. but unlike must republicans. i never forgot where i came from. sometimes in life. people need help. you no like your parties buddy's at hulburton. or tax breaks for oil companies. you have not forgot that i hope. let don't forget the six years republican ran congress. i wonder how many blank checks they gave bush, to start his bull**** wars, His wars cost lives and money.......huh...!. The war also saves lives, but lets just ignore that. The death rate in iraq for soldiers is less than 4%. All soldiers I have talked to do not regret being there. They feel like they are truly helping the people. I don't forget where I came from and I don't forget that I worked for what I got. I constantly work to try to better myself and fix the wrongs in my life. If you need help once in a while thats fine, but thats different than living off the government. It would be more advantages for the government to pay people for just a couple years to get a degree or learn a trade than for most of their lives on welfare. |
i believe i have a great job. but unlike must republicans. i never forgot where i came from. sometimes in life. people need help. you no like your parties buddy's at hulburton. or tax breaks for oil companies. you have not forgot that i hope. let don't forget the six years republican ran congress. i wonder how many blank checks they gave bush, to start his bull**** wars, His wars cost lives and money.......huh...!. The war also saves lives, but lets just ignore that. The death rate in iraq for soldiers is less than 4%. All soldiers I have talked to do not regret being there. They feel like they are truly helping the people. I don't forget where I came from and I don't forget that I worked for what I got. I constantly work to try to better myself and fix the wrongs in my life. If you need help once in a while thats fine, but thats different than living off the government. It would be more advantages for the government to pay people for just a couple years to get a degree or learn a trade than for most of their lives on welfare. Here is some #'s for you....this war will cost over 10 trillion dollars. More important is the value of human life lost Since you may not be interested in the link, I will tell you the # of Iraqi deaths due to U.S. invasion, 1,236,604 Wounded Americans, estimated, 23,000-100,000 This war was not worth the cost of human life or the damage to America. No matter what you gained from Bush's failed policies....most American's are suffering the consequences. |
Tax Tax Tax. What economic solutions is Obama running on? Does he have an actual plan? Tax Tax Tax. If your idea of an improvement of the economy is the socialization of health care, the penalization of free enterprise and the taxation of the middle class into oblivion while the expansion of social services and entitlements increases at an alarming rate then Obama is your man. Government intrusion into the business world is NOT the answer and history will show you that it almost always has a negative and lasting effect. That tax stuff is the same ole crap no matter who sits the democratic seat and it gets old. Bush has run this country into the ground economically. Of course none of his ilk are feeling it but the rest of us are and will for many generations to come for what he has done to this country. Mickey mouse could run this country better than Bush or McCain for that matter so Obama is just as good as anyone else would be. He cannot do anymore damage than Bush or McCain did and will do. |
Again I ask, what specific platform is Obama running on that will cure our slow economy? Bueller..Bueller..Beuller? That's an awful lot to post in one thread. Would you agree that a weak dollar is what affects the economy more than anything? Would you agree that a severely unbalaced trade defecit is what weakens the dollar? Would you agree that out sourceing Manufacturing jobs is what drives the unbalanced trade defecit? Would you agree that reinstituting fair trade tariffs would affect both the outsourcing of jobs and allow American business to compete with the cheap labor of China, keeping American jobs in America? Do you agree that keeping those jobs in America, good paying jobs. would help the common American and thus the economy? It would be much easier for you to visit, and read his plan than for anyone on here try to convince you though! |
Edited by
Thu 07/17/08 12:45 PM
Double Post
Yes chazter but those who earn more must be punished for being successful. I mean who is going to pay for all the free stuff the government wants to give to those who don't want to get off of their asses and work? More right wing garbage, poor people are that way because they want to be. It will all be good until one of those right wingers has a national disaster and has to ask for help then what, the right winger "deserved" the national disaster because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time so he can't get the help? Please, it gets so old. |
i believe i have a great job. but unlike must republicans. i never forgot where i came from. sometimes in life. people need help. you no like your parties buddy's at hulburton. or tax breaks for oil companies. you have not forgot that i hope. let don't forget the six years republican ran congress. i wonder how many blank checks they gave bush, to start his bull**** wars, His wars cost lives and money.......huh...!. The war also saves lives, but lets just ignore that. The death rate in iraq for soldiers is less than 4%. All soldiers I have talked to do not regret being there. They feel like they are truly helping the people. I don't forget where I came from and I don't forget that I worked for what I got. I constantly work to try to better myself and fix the wrongs in my life. If you need help once in a while thats fine, but thats different than living off the government. It would be more advantages for the government to pay people for just a couple years to get a degree or learn a trade than for most of their lives on welfare. The war saved no lives, it cost us lives and Iraq lives and neither is better off because of it. |
i believe i have a great job. but unlike must republicans. i never forgot where i came from. sometimes in life. people need help. you no like your parties buddy's at hulburton. or tax breaks for oil companies. you have not forgot that i hope. let don't forget the six years republican ran congress. i wonder how many blank checks they gave bush, to start his bull**** wars, His wars cost lives and money.......huh...!. The war also saves lives, but lets just ignore that. The death rate in iraq for soldiers is less than 4%. All soldiers I have talked to do not regret being there. They feel like they are truly helping the people. I don't forget where I came from and I don't forget that I worked for what I got. I constantly work to try to better myself and fix the wrongs in my life. If you need help once in a while thats fine, but thats different than living off the government. It would be more advantages for the government to pay people for just a couple years to get a degree or learn a trade than for most of their lives on welfare. NOONE can sit on welfare all their lives anymore, Clinton instituted welfare reform in the 90s and if you are not doing something you cannot get welfare anymore so even that garbage doesn't work anymore. |
i believe i have a great job. but unlike must republicans. i never forgot where i came from. sometimes in life. people need help. you no like your parties buddy's at hulburton. or tax breaks for oil companies. you have not forgot that i hope. let don't forget the six years republican ran congress. i wonder how many blank checks they gave bush, to start his bull**** wars, His wars cost lives and money.......huh...!. The war also saves lives, but lets just ignore that. The death rate in iraq for soldiers is less than 4%. All soldiers I have talked to do not regret being there. They feel like they are truly helping the people. I don't forget where I came from and I don't forget that I worked for what I got. I constantly work to try to better myself and fix the wrongs in my life. If you need help once in a while thats fine, but thats different than living off the government. It would be more advantages for the government to pay people for just a couple years to get a degree or learn a trade than for most of their lives on welfare. Here is some #'s for you....this war will cost over 10 trillion dollars. More important is the value of human life lost Since you may not be interested in the link, I will tell you the # of Iraqi deaths due to U.S. invasion, 1,236,604 Wounded Americans, estimated, 23,000-100,000 This war was not worth the cost of human life or the damage to America. No matter what you gained from Bush's failed policies....most American's are suffering the consequences. That is obviously a biased site and how do they determine the deaths are due to the invasion? From what I understand, most iraq deaths are do to other iraqs. |
i believe i have a great job. but unlike must republicans. i never forgot where i came from. sometimes in life. people need help. you no like your parties buddy's at hulburton. or tax breaks for oil companies. you have not forgot that i hope. let don't forget the six years republican ran congress. i wonder how many blank checks they gave bush, to start his bull**** wars, His wars cost lives and money.......huh...!. The war also saves lives, but lets just ignore that. The death rate in iraq for soldiers is less than 4%. All soldiers I have talked to do not regret being there. They feel like they are truly helping the people. I don't forget where I came from and I don't forget that I worked for what I got. I constantly work to try to better myself and fix the wrongs in my life. If you need help once in a while thats fine, but thats different than living off the government. It would be more advantages for the government to pay people for just a couple years to get a degree or learn a trade than for most of their lives on welfare. Here is some #'s for you....this war will cost over 10 trillion dollars. More important is the value of human life lost Since you may not be interested in the link, I will tell you the # of Iraqi deaths due to U.S. invasion, 1,236,604 Wounded Americans, estimated, 23,000-100,000 This war was not worth the cost of human life or the damage to America. No matter what you gained from Bush's failed policies....most American's are suffering the consequences. That is obviously a biased site and how do they determine the deaths are due to the invasion? From what I understand, most iraq deaths are do to other iraqs. Of course you would think that. ![]() ![]() |