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Topic: The School System
BillRoot's photo
Wed 03/07/07 06:28 PM
whisper I am a electrician,I use all of it in formulas to figure power

no photo
Wed 03/07/07 07:33 PM
you all seem very articulate and express yourselves very well. You
learned that somewhere and some of it had to be in school. I agree that
the education system is failing....but a large part of the failure is
the government shoving their standards down a schools throat. Every
teacher knows that a snapshot of a student will not tell you what that
student knows. They ARE now pushing just the basics...no more art, pe,
music...we are trying to make one size fit all...a failure of the very
fiber of our democracy. And you all CAN make a difference, vote if you
are able.

jeanc200358's photo
Wed 03/07/07 08:15 PM
"Agree with you Jeanc.Thats my biggest down fall too.Hate English with a
serious Passion.So I do the best I can.Atleast ppl understand me.Think
ppl rag on others here about it to much.Wont change how good they are at
it but dose a fine job of being rude and causing trouble.This sight is
for dating and entertainment.Having proper grammar not as important."

In an informal setting such as this one the occasional typo or
misspelled word isn't such an issue but you can bet having proper
grammar and, in general, good spelling skills is VERY important...for
me, anyway. And I suppose part of that is because I'm an editor and it's
just in my blood but it's also because I think that, barring some
learning disability, people should be willing to make an effort to
present themselves as someone who has a modicum of intelligence. And
spelling words incorrectly, just because this is "only a dating site,"
is not a good excuse, IMO.

Now, even I'll make the occassional typo or grammatical mistake, both
here and in my professional life, but I can't see how someone
could/would make a concerted effort to do things "right" in a more
formal setting (e.g., a job application), then let that ability just
fall by the wayside here, just because it's "informal."

If anything, I would think that here, of all places, is where one would
WANT to present themselves in the best possible light; I know *I*
certainly don't want anyone thinking I'm too stupid to even put a
sentence together correctly. I'm interested in attracting men who have a
reasonably high level of intelligence and, to me, if he won't even
attempt to spell correctly or use correct punctuation, says to me he
doesn't really care how people perceive him. That's just how I feel
about it because it IS important to me.

You or someone else may or may not agree, however, which is certainly
your prerogative.


BillRoot's photo
Thu 03/08/07 05:17 AM
Wasn't saying disreguard.They,we get more practice here.A mistake here
and there isn't a problem to me.When its a wreck every time different
story.Still not my,our place to bag at them.Will not fix there
problem.Over critical,not a good thing.If its too bad to handle I just
don't get involved with them,easy as that.

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