Topic: Jesse Jackson wants to nueter Obama | |
I absolutely loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This goes on all the time, but somehow Rev. Jessee, Rev. Al seem to get away with it. Rev. Al, of course, tried to cover up for Jessee baby, but it was sooooooooooooooooooooooooo hilarious!!!! Just shows obama 'ain't all that.' sorry, found it funny to hear MsLindy come out with a line like that, "ain't all that" but in reality the comment only stands to show that people talk crap when they believe they are not being heard. nothing else First, glad someone got a chuckle. Second,???????????????????????? Oh, well.................... Lindyy it was a nice chuckle thanks I was referring to the following (people talking smack): "The Rev. Jesse Jackson apologized Wednesday for saying Barack Obama is “talking down to black people” during what Jackson thought was a private conversation with a FOX News reporter Sunday. Jackson was speaking at the time about Obama’s speeches in black churches and his support for faith-based charities. Jackson added to the reporter, “I want to cut his nuts off.” Yes, I know, but for some reason Rev. Jessee seemed to think he could not be heard, did you not notice he was whispering? He had a mike on and he admitted it was a 'hot' mike, meaning it was on. I think Jessee is a bit perturbed because now obama is picking up on Pres. Bush's support of 'faith based' programs. Still think the whole incident is hysterical. Lindyy |
Rev. Al and Rev. Jackson know they'll be marginalized once Obama is President and they're not crazy about losing their perceived power.
obama,,,,,,,,past drug user,,,,,,,,likes to go down on men,,, Mirror, read obama's book. Oh, I wonder if Winx thinks obama is still addicted. He does admit to doing drugs and drinking when he was young. The ONLY good thing I can say about obama is that he did admit to these things in his youth (perhaps adult life too?)and I say what happened when you were a kid growing up should be left in the past. Everyone has done things that 'society' does not approve of. Lindyy Mirror, you sure switch moods quickly. Hmmmmm Anyway, are there any kindhearted souls in here who will help me find my silver spoon? I seem to have lost it. Mirror, you stole it! Lindyy |
obama,,,,,,,,past drug user,,,,,,,,likes to go down on men,,, Yikes! Have you been reading the Enquirer? |
obama=orio cookie [/ quote]dude you really need to get a life.F off That's just wrong on two counts. One for Obama and one for Mirror. We don't talk to people like that on here. Btw, it is spelled Oreo. |
obama=orio cookie [/ quote]dude you really need to get a life.F off That's just wrong on two counts. One for Obama and one for Mirror. We don't talk to people like that on here. Btw, it is spelled Oreo. Its also a racist statement! |
Ok everyone,
I want you to read this..... With the election coming up, Obama will be in the mainstream media... Now, it is fine to discuss this mans attributes, accomplishments or shortcomings. We certainly do not wish to quell any discussion of that nature. What i'm eluding to, is the introduction of racism. We simply cannot have racism on the boards in any form. I'm locking this thread now. Please keep the racism off the boards people. Thank you, Mark |